Saturday Summer League

April - October 2016 • Newbury, Ohio
Doubles league

Overall Leaderboard · Melissa Martin's stats

6 rounds recorded
$60 won
· Melissa Martin

Round history

+7 69
Punderson State Park
White Long Island, 18 holes
Partner John ?
- no cash4th place
+3 65
Punderson State Park
White Long Island, 18 holes
Partner Ryan Lynch
- no cash4th place
-1 61
Punderson State Park
white tees to long baskets, 18 holes
Partner Duane Koczan
$32 cash1st place
E 65
Punderson State Park
Tiger Long, 18 holes
Partner Andy Morrison
$22 cash1st place
-1 63
Punderson State Park
Great White Long, 18 holes
played Cali
$6 cash3rd place
+1 66
Punderson State Park
Tiger Long, 18 holes
Partner Tom English
- no cash10th place
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