
Saturday Doubles Winter 2009/10

Mixed · Oct '09 - Mar '10 · Whitmore Lake, MI

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John-Adam Robson
178 DX Shark $3 Elite Avenger $5 175 Champ Groove (Ghost Stamp) $8 168 ESP Stratus (PDGA) $5 178 Star Coyote $12 175 Champ Monster $10 167 Champ Monarch $8 170 Crystal Aveng ... show more ›
Apr 3, 2010
Joe Arnet Allright folks... lets get talking about the format for saturday. I call monster side :P Mar 19, 2010
John Davis ¿Dónde está la fiesta este sábado? Mar 17, 2010
Ben Calhoun I thought you said Lakeshore again, even left the scorecards and league stuff at the shop. Mar 16, 2010
Joe Anttila
Y'all must be scared of my tenacious doubles play. Last week you move to a geographical location out of reach for my travel with out a vehicle relying on cold fusion or the help of a flux-capacitor. ... show more ›
Mar 16, 2010
Joe Arnet lol @ mike's comments - he's right though.
i vote for a return to tradition this coming sunday, yes.. wait for it...
you know you want to :)
Mar 16, 2010
Daemon Stahlin when is the last day of this winter league? Mar 15, 2010
Daemon Stahlin oh man. that sucks. Mar 15, 2010
Scott White OK. If a total score is added wrong then I can change that, but if a hole is marked wrong and not immediately caught (like within a few minutes of turning in the card with the groups concurrence) then it cannot be changed. Sorry. Mar 15, 2010
Daemon Stahlin terry had the card all round. we got 9 birds and 1 bogey. that is all. Mar 15, 2010
g lane good job adding, everyone Mar 15, 2010
Scott White you marked a hole wrong? a three that should have been a two? Mar 15, 2010
Daemon Stahlin i know. me too. the card was wrong. Mar 15, 2010
Scott White I'll have to look at the scorecards again tonight, but I'm pretty sure daemon/terry was a -7. I counted it a few times. Mar 15, 2010
Daemon Stahlin counting back, daemon/terry also shot 8.

birds on 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, W, X, Y
bogey on 9
Mar 15, 2010
Scott White
I don't know why there were so many scoring errors this week. I think we will have to start double counting scorecards now before payouts.. My card was wrong, we actually shot a -8 not a -7. KT ... show more ›
Mar 15, 2010
Scott White Good call Fortcho Mar 9, 2010
Joe Anttila Lakeshore on Sat?! Blah. I suggest Hudson Mills. Bring it back to it's roots for a weekend! Mar 9, 2010
g lane more like track marks from your hippie crack, bart Feb 27, 2010
Scott White I like to utilize free and clear tracks, the tracks of baby jesus tears when my cali partner destroys g lane. Feb 27, 2010
Mark Lawrence If they (the mills) only had the funds (pay to play) to have someone selling parking passes... At least they still have someone there issuing parking tickets! Grrrr! I guess clearing the pads for us is just a pipe dream. Maybe I'll take up running and utilize the free and cleared track. Bam! Feb 27, 2010
Brooke Plantz At least the Mills has tee pads! Feb 27, 2010
John Davis I vote for Hudson Mills. By the way, what ever happened to no skillz Millz? Feb 27, 2010
Mike Fortunato Sorry gents. The polls closed at 4:00. This was clearly stated in previous news post. Indy it is. Feb 27, 2010
John Davis I vote for Hudson Mills. By the way, what ever happened to no skillz Millz? Feb 27, 2010
Daemon Stahlin HM Feb 27, 2010
Scott White Nice Fortch :) Feb 27, 2010
Scott White hudson mills for the tie Feb 27, 2010
g lane i vote hudson mills for the variety of it all. there are already plans to play indy every day of every weekend every week until the end of points. Feb 27, 2010
Mike Fortunato Anyone else want to vote? Feb 27, 2010
g lane if by me you mean you, and by limo you mean japanese monster truck, and by lunch you mean cigarettes, then i think something can be arranged.

i will send you a picture of my house so that you can find it easily.
Feb 27, 2010
Ben Calhoun
Yeah, since I was going in reverse from a stop in the driveway overnight, while trying to turn sharply, over a 3 foot drift. I'd have got out driving through the yard, easy. The ice was the problem- m ... show more ›
Feb 27, 2010
mark ellis
g lane wrote:everyone please leave a detailed personal schedule so that all future events might be coordinated to inconvenience you as little as possible. if your schedule should change events will be ... show more ›
Feb 27, 2010
g lane yeah 1:30 will be fine. that will leave time for me to sleep in then take a big shit beforehand. Feb 27, 2010
Daemon Stahlin i will be busy yawning until 1 so i suggest pushing it back to 1:30. inconvenience many so that my whims may be fulfilled. Feb 27, 2010
Ben Calhoun Picnic.

The winds will nearly obliterate our prints, I've got 5+ foot high drifts over here, and got my Subaru stuck for the first time in 6 years.
Feb 27, 2010
Matt "The Spider" Swider I vote for Indy Feb 27, 2010
g lane everyone please leave a detailed personal schedule so that all future events might be coordinated to inconvenience you as little as possible. if your schedule should change events will be adjusted accordingly. see you at the mills. Feb 27, 2010
mark ellis
In my almost humble opinion, the cure for lost discs is not fresh snow, it is spotters. The group in front of you guarantees there will be footprints. More or fewer footprints isn't the issue since ... show more ›
Feb 27, 2010
Ben Calhoun I was already thinking that would be a good idea- but the time constraint by pushing it back 30 minutes and 10 minutes further from work, with a long, snowy round could be troublesome. Let's play 18 short tees if we do this. Feb 26, 2010
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