Sand Ridge 2019 Traveling Fall League
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.
About this League
Singles league - 0 all-time players - 0 active players
$3.00 player fee each session
This is a PDGA sanctioned traveling league. No cash payouts but its only $3/round and the $1 ace pool entry is included. League rounds will be at 9:30am each Sunday or 2:00 pm. The final round will (hopefully) be a glow round at Flaherty Park. Please check Sand Ridge out on Facebook for the latest updates.
You may play in either the morning round or the afternoon rounds or both. However, only one round can be recorded with the PDGA and you must tell league staff which round that will be ...
continue reading ›This is a PDGA sanctioned traveling league. No cash payouts but its only $3/round and the $1 ace pool entry is included. League rounds will be at 9:30am each Sunday or 2:00 pm. The final round will (hopefully) be a glow round at Flaherty Park. Please check Sand Ridge out on Facebook for the latest updates.
You may play in either the morning round or the afternoon rounds or both. However, only one round can be recorded with the PDGA and you must tell league staff which round that will be prior to the morning round which is going to count and the same applies to the ace pool. You are only eligible to win the ace pot for the round you declare as the one that counts.
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