San Juan Basin Disc Golf Club Membership Drive

March - May 2021 • Farmington, New Mexico
PDGA-sanctioned singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
PDGA results March 21 - May 9


May 9, 2021 · Top scores
Aztec DGC
SJBDGC Membership Drive Layout 2021, 18 holes
-2 52
Junior Jaquez
-1 53
Roman McCabe
+4 58
Brandon Arviso
+4 58
Devin Stalcup
Amateur Master 40+
+3 57
Tommy Anderson
+26 80
Stephen Whitmark
+4 58
Zakk Brown
+8 62
Dave Kadyk
+9 63
Evan Bradshaw
+8 62
Kyle Kriekchaus
+38 92
Richard Austin
Intermediate Women
+19 73
Loraine Bahena
Pro Masters 60+
+10 64
Tom Bussard
+12 66
Craig Lozier
Amateur Master 50+
+11 65
Eric Krieckhaus
+22 76
Leo Samora
Amateur Master 60+
+14 68
Randall Pace
+16 70
Paul Otero
+24 78
Rod Pace
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 5/10/21

About this League

Singles league - 28 all-time players - 0 active players
$40.00 one-time player fee for this league
$2.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
Entry fee includes membership to SJBDGC and will include a swag pack! Membership will be in effect until the following membership drive (Spring 2022). Ace pot will be a rolling pot, $5 each session. Course layouts will be put out before play starts! If you would like an idea for the total cost for membership, all rounds, ace pot for each round it would be: $40 (membership) + $2 x 8 (round cost) + $5x 8 (ace pot) + $5 x 2 (green fees) = $106 You can pay in advanced (preferable) via PayP ...
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League News

Jay Maas   April 12, 2021 at 6:48pm


Our league play will move to 9 am on Sundays. The majority of the group can make it at this time.
There will of course still be the option to flex start. Same as before, 3 min per group if anyone wants to play the ace pool. Must be the same course, same layout. Solo play available if needed, but no option for ace pool. In order to flex you must make arrangements with me and pay your fees before hand!
Thank you for everyone being honest and expressing their views. I am very excited moving forw ... more


Jay Maas   February 14, 2021 at 11:23pm

League Info Update! 2/14

Jay Maas, League Administrator here...

The schedule is being set for this sanctioned PDGA league. There will be divisions for all skill levels am/pro.

To be upfront, there will be NO payouts from this league. This is serving as a fundraising event for SJBDGC, and we will use the funding raised to be able to construct the future and continuous leagues with prizes etc. as well as continue course maintenance/construction and various overhead costs associated with the nonprofit.

... more

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