SRDGC 2022 Putting League

January - March 2022 • Saint Joseph, Michigan
Putting league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.

About this League

Putting league - 0 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
FOR 3/8/22 LEAGUE (THE LAST NIGHT OF LEAGUE) PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM BEFORE NOON ON 3/8/22: Format will be singles putting league: Play goes to 11 points each round. Players are paired up and alternate throws of two throws each. Make both throws earns 3 points. Miss one of the two throws earns one point. No round ends in a tie. Play continues until the tie is broken ...
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League News

Dave Brunsting   January 26, 2022 at 1:52am


So for 2/1/22 due to the rather HUGE turnout tonight we are going to change the format to accommodate more players:

- Everyone needs to bring 5 discs
- Scores will be individual rather than paired up with someone
- One round will consist of throwing at 3 baskets of 5 discs each. Each basket will be at a different distance. The first will be "short" and each made putt will be one point. The second basket will be "medium" distance and each putt made will be 2 points. ... more

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