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Erin Faulkner April 17, 2023 at 8:05pm
I want to thank the winter leagues for donating $100 to start our ace pot off!!!
Jeff Miller March 14, 2023 at 12:47am
Will this be a point’s based league. Meaning you have to play all 10 weeks? Will there be payouts every week? Or at end of 10 weeks? Or is it strictly birth payouts? Sorry for all the questions lol just curious I’m right down the road and the Monday night deal interest me. Regardless I’d love to check y’all out sometime. Thanks in advance ????
Hello. This is a points based league for the berths. So if you do play all 10 weeks you have better odds at winning the berth for your division. Yes there will be cash payouts every week and there will be MVP disc ctps for everyone to win.