Putterdale Fall League

October - November 2023
PDGA Singles
Hosted by Newton County Disc Golf Club

Ace Pool


Updated November 11, 2023 at 6:33pm


About this league

The Putterdale Fall League will start on Sunday October 1st at 3:00pm and end on November 19th.

After the league is over your top 5 rounds will be used to determin your placement. Then the top 4 players from each division will play for skins through 18 holes. The money taken in for the payouts will be divided equally across the divisions. Non PDGA members without rating will be placed in the division they ended up in after the last league. New players with no ratings will be rated by PDGA after the first round.

Each round will be a mandatory entry fee of $5.00
$2.00 to PDGA and admin fees.
$3.00 to end of league payouts.
Each week there will be a bonus CTP where the prize will be a disc. This CTP you do not be in the optional side action to qualify for this prize.

Optional side action in each round will include the following:
$5 to division payouts after each round.
$5 to CTP and Ace pot 4 = $1 CTP holes and $1 to Ace pot.
$15 all in

Bonus prize includes each round you play your name goes into a drawing for the end of league giveaways.