Players Choice

April - October 2018 • East Liverpool, Ohio
Singles league

Ace pool #2Ace Pot Reserve

as of October 23

Ace pool

as of October 23
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 18, 2018 · Top scores
Tomlinson Run State Park
Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 58
Jason Stoner$8
-2 55
Sir Boston$5
+3 60
Josh Fender$3
+16 73
Josh Wear
Overall standings
1Josh Fender139
2Jason Stoner123
3Josh Wear106
4Chad Cain89
5James Alba86
6Sir Boston74
7Mark Cherry55
8Shawn Babella37
9Jim Bridges35
10Billy Collins17
10CJ Collins17
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/23/18

About this League

Singles league - 15 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
Players Choice is all about the players, before each round all players decide the format for the evening! ~ This is a handicap league to make for fun fair play for all skill & experience levels! The handicap is always calculated using the 5 most recent rounds. ~ $4 Pays out to the top 50% of the field each session $1 from each entry goes to the players party on Saturday October 27th ~ Points are awarded in the following fashion each session with Handicap assessed: 1st - 10 points ...
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League News

josh fender   May 7, 2018 at 5:58pm

League Night April 26th @ Beattie Park

I have posted our most previous league night scores. I have also applied the new handicap system to those scores. Looking at the difference in actual & handicap scores it is easy to see the improvement the new system makes. Sorry for the delay on the update!

Can we get some bag tag # updates please everyone?


josh fender   April 27, 2018 at 1:53pm

Handicap calculating & tags

We have changed the way handicaps are being figred out, its a slightly more complex equation, but refines the system & makes it more accurate. Just making things more fair & fun for everyone!
Tags that are in play on league nights are re-distributed to the players based on their actual score, not thier handicapped score.

Thats all folks, keep 'em flyin'!!


josh fender   April 23, 2018 at 11:55pm

Tag Holders & Standings

1. Mark Cherry
2. Sir Boston
3. Jim Bridges
4. Eric Eric David Jageman
5. Vinnie Maiorana
6. Regis Stump
7. CJ Collins
8. Randall Stover
9. Josh Fender
10. Jason Stoner
11. Ray Fisher
12. Billy Collins
13. Paul Ashmore
14. Jimmy Danzig Williams II
15. Chad Cain


josh fender   April 20, 2018 at 12:53pm

Tag Holders & Standings

1. Paul Ashmore
2. Sir Boston
3. Jim Bridges
4. Eric Eric David Jageman
5. Vinnie Maiorana
6. Regis Stump
7. CJ Collins
8. Randall Stover
9. Josh Fender
10. Jason Stoner
11. Ray Fisher
12. Billy Collins
13. Mark Cherry
14. Jimmy Danzig Williams II
15. Chad Cain


josh fender   April 19, 2018 at 5:44pm

Tag Holders & Standings

1. Paul Ashmore
2. Sir Boston
3. Jim Bridges
4. Eric Eric David Jageman
5. Vinnie Maiorana
6. Regis Stump
7. CJ Collins
8. Mark Cherry
9. Chad Cain
10. Jason Stoner
11. Ray Fisher
12. Billy Collins
13. Josh Fender
14. Jimmy Danzig Williams II


josh fender   April 13, 2018 at 2:34pm

Tag Holders & Standings

1. Paul Ashmore
2. Sir Boston
3. Jim Bridges
4. Eric Eric David Jageman
5. Vinnie Maiorana
6. Regis Stump
7. CJ Collins
8. Jason Stoner
9. Chad Cain
10. Mark Cherry
11. Ray Fisher
12. Billy Collins
13. Myself
14. Jimmy Danzig Williams II

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