PHDG League

May - October 2011 • Scarborough, Maine
Singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Sep 19, 2011 · Top scores
Pleasant Hill Disc Golf
Main course
Regular tees, 18 holes
-23 47
Brendan Johnson
-21 49
Zack Jellis$29
-21 49
Pat Roy
-20 50
Sean "Beefy" Stanton
-19 51
Jeff Kozaka
-19 51
William Schreiber
-18 52
Jim Tufts
-18 52
Jeff Conant
-17 53
Arcel Molina
-16 54
Jason Roberts$29
-15 55
Kory Roy
-15 55
Reid Emmerich
-14 56
Nate Tanguay
-13 57
Scott Poland
-12 58
Brion O'Donnell
-12 58
Dave Gipson
-12 58
Daryl Hopper
-11 59
Bryan Olsen
-11 59
Ben Wessel
-11 59
Pete Busque
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 9/20/11

About this League

Singles league - 92 all-time players - 0 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
Come join us every Monday - must make 11 of the 20 weeks

League News

Pleasant Hill League   September 24, 2011 at 5:10pm


26 players are signed up for the tourney one week from today. Please arrive at PH at 9a and make sure we know that you're there. As soon as the 1st round pairs are ready we will do a match-play shotgun start. There will be a max of 6 strokes given based off of your league average. Any questions, please email [email redacted]


Pleasant Hill League   September 17, 2011 at 6:18pm

Week 20

Last Monday of league, folks! If you're sitting at 10 weeks and want to join us on Oct. 1st - make sure to get your round in. Final CTPs of the season will be on 6 and 17. Thanks again for join us this summer - please make sure we have your correct email address on file and watch your inbox for league news in the spring...


Pleasant Hill League   September 13, 2011 at 3:35am


Another gorgeous night here at P-Hill! A BIG thanks to all 26 who played week 19. Some personal bests set tonight by Laura McKee, Dave Poulin and Josh Wahl. Congratulations to CTP winners Pat Roy & Josh Wahl, each earned $26. If you have not already confirmed your spot in the Championship round on Sat. Oct. 1st, please let us know you're plans! Thanks!


Pleasant Hill League   September 11, 2011 at 10:01pm


At this point, we are playing the 19th league round tomorrow. So far the following people have played in at least 11 league rounds and are invited to participate in the CHAMPIONSHIP on Saturday October 1st: ROB VICKERY, DEREK OSSWALD, BRYAN OLSEN, THUNDER GOODE, ALEXA STANFIELD, CHRIS OLSEN, NATE TANGUAY, BEN WESSEL, MATT LaBELLE, MIKE THERRIEN, KEVIN McGOVERN, MIKE VOISINE, LAURA McKEE, RYAN BROOKS, KORY ROY, JIM TUFTS, DAVID POULIN, MATT SKELTON, BRENDAN JOHNSON, JEFF KOZAKA, PAT ROY, DAVID ... more


Pleasant Hill League   September 11, 2011 at 6:05pm

Week 19

Two weeks left! CTP on hole 9 and closest second shot on hole 14. Please remember to RSVP if you're playing in the Oct. 1st tourney - Thanks!


Pleasant Hill League   September 4, 2011 at 6:17pm

Labor Day (Week 18)

Another Monday holiday means expanded league hours. The shop will be open from 9a-7:30p, so come shoot your round at anytime. Please remember that if you're going to play league, it should be your first round of the day at PH. CTPs will be on holes 4 and 5.

If you have recorded 11 weeks and are going to play in the tourney, please confirm on the list in the pro shop and/or email [email redacted]. This will help us avoid holes in the bracket! Thanks


Pleasant Hill League   August 30, 2011 at 3:53am

Week 17 Results

Thank you to the 31 of you who took advantage of the gorgeous weather. CTP on Hole 2 won by Scott Poland and CTP Hole 12 won by Jamie Corcoran, each winning $31! Congrats to Matt Skelton, David Poulin and Jim Tufts who played their 11th league rounds tonight and now qualify to participate in the Championship and also earned their season discount.


Pleasant Hill League   August 28, 2011 at 7:19pm

Week 17

Unless ol' Irene knocks out power in Scarborough and the pro shop is closed, league is still on. You can call PHDG at (207) 883-8387 tomorrow to check. We will also post an update here if there is one. CTPs this week will be on holes 2 and 12.


Pleasant Hill League   August 23, 2011 at 5:12am

Week 16 results

Well it was a gorgeous evening, thank goodness. Thanks to each of the 29 players who participated in our 16th week. CTP Hole 7 won by Reid Emmerich and Hole 16 won by Alex Pozzy, each earned $29. Sweet shooting by Jeff Kozaka...just 45 shots to finish his round! Congratulations to all of you and thanks again for playing here at P-Hill!


Pleasant Hill League   August 21, 2011 at 11:54pm

Sweet 16

CTPs this week will be on 7 and 16... enjoy


Pleasant Hill League   August 20, 2011 at 7:12pm

Week 15 Results

We know it was a soggy miserable evening to play, and we appreciate all of you who did come Monday Night. There were 15 of you and CTP on hole 3 was won by Jim Tufts and CSSTP on Hole 15 won by William Schreiber. Congratulations and Thanks again for choosing to play here at P-Hill! This week also marked the 11th rounds for both Laura McKee and Matt LaBelle!


Pleasant Hill League   August 14, 2011 at 6:22pm

Week 15

Six weeks of the season left... CTP this week on Hole 3 and CSSTP on Hole 15. A little rain isn't going to stop you from playing, right?


Pleasant Hill League   August 11, 2011 at 2:35am

PHDG Perks...

Congratulations and thanks to the following players who have participated in at least 11 league rounds: Rob Vickery, Derek Osswald, Bryan Olsen, Chris Olsen, Thunder Goode, Alexa Stanfield, Nate Tanguay, Matt LaBelle, Ben Wessel, Mike Therrien, Kevin McGovern and Mike Voisine. All have earned their seasonal discount and pay just $4 any time they play here at Pleasant Hill Disc Golf. THANK YOU!!!


Pleasant Hill League   August 9, 2011 at 4:35am

Week 14 Results

35 players participated tonight with a handful of newcomers. CSSTP (Closest Second Shot To Pin) on Hole 8 was won by Reid Emmerich and CTP on Hole 11 won by PHDG's very own employee, Pat Roy! Each won $35. THANK YOU for choosing to play here at PHDG. See you all next week.


Pleasant Hill League   August 8, 2011 at 3:32am

Week 14

Closest 2nd Shot on 8 and CTP on 11. See you out there...


Pleasant Hill League   July 31, 2011 at 4:34pm

Week 13

Lucky week 13! CTPs will be on holes 9 and 18


Pleasant Hill League   July 25, 2011 at 12:02am

Week 12

CTPs this week on hole 4 and hole 6


Pleasant Hill League   July 19, 2011 at 4:20am

Week 11 Results

Thank you to the 31 players who participated in week 11! CTP on Hole 5 won by Rob Vickery & CSSTP on Hole 14 won by Brendan Johnson.


Pleasant Hill League   July 18, 2011 at 12:08am

Week 11

Ten weeks down, ten to go... CTP on hole 5 and CSSTP on hole 14. Don't forget to keep 10/1/11 open for the tournament


Pleasant Hill League   July 12, 2011 at 4:02am

Week 10 Results

42 Players tonight, thank you! CTPs were holes 2 & 3 were won by Thunder Goode & Zack Jellis! Congrats to Laura McKee for achieving her best round ever here at PHDG!


Pleasant Hill League   July 11, 2011 at 2:54am

Week 10

We're back to the regular start time of 3p and CTPs will be on holes 2 and 3 this week. It's gonna be a HOT one...


Pleasant Hill League   July 5, 2011 at 3:57am

Happy 4th of July, Week 9 Results

Thanks to those who came out to play their league round with us today. Kevin McGovern took the CTP for Hole 7 and Chris Olsen won CTP on Hole 17. Each won $18.


Pleasant Hill League   July 1, 2011 at 3:19am

Week 9 (July 4th) and mid-season reminders

Since the PHDG shop will be open early on the 4th, league rounds will be available anytime after 10a. CTPs this week will be on holes 7 and 17. U! S! A!

As we near the midpoint of the season, here's a few reminders for us all:

1) You must play your league round on a league scorecard at the same time as AND with at least one other player also recording their league round. Please do not put the person working in the clubhouse in an awkward position by turning in a card with just you ... more


Pleasant Hill League   July 1, 2011 at 3:12am

Week 8 Results, Save the date!

Week 8: 39 players total - CTPs were won by Thunder Goode and Chris Olsen. League tournament will be on Saturday, October 1st. Plan on an early start, details to follow...


Pleasant Hill League   June 26, 2011 at 8:27pm

Week 8

We'll play two in a row this week - CTP 12 and CSSTP on 13. Looks like the sun will be joining us as well...


Pleasant Hill League   June 21, 2011 at 7:43pm

Week 7 RESULTS!!!

What a great night we had! Thanks to the 48 players who came out and enjoyed the beautiful evening at PHDG. Congrats to Zack Jellis for taking the CSSTP on hole 8 and Rob Vickery for CTP on Hole 18. Each won $48! Nice shooting. See you all again soon.


Pleasant Hill League   June 19, 2011 at 9:01pm

Week 7

Here we go... CSSTP on hole 8 this week and CTP on hole 18. "Sunday, Father's Day and Monday both look to be great days with nice sunshine and comfortable conditions." -WGME


Pleasant Hill League   June 14, 2011 at 5:05am


31 players out this evening, THANK YOU! Lowest score put up by Jeremy Butler with just 46 throws! CTP Hole 4 ($31) won by Shane Vitalius and CTP Hole 16 ($31) won by Jeremy Butler.


Pleasant Hill League   June 12, 2011 at 8:12pm

Week 6

CTPs will be played on holes 4 and 16. If you know anyone who is thinking about joining us, make sure they are aware that there are still 15 weeks left... plenty of time to fit in at least 11.


Pleasant Hill League   June 7, 2011 at 4:06am

Week 5 RESULTS!!!

Our largest turnout of league players so far this season: 46! THANK YOU! CTP Hole 6 won by Jeff Conant and CTP Hole 12 taken by Pat Roy each winning $46! Congrats! Zack Zellis posted the lowest score with a cool 48! Thanks again for playing at PHDG!
Please remember to sign in on the League clipboard!


Pleasant Hill League   June 6, 2011 at 2:48am

Week 5

CTPs this week on holes 6 and 12. See you out there...!


Pleasant Hill League   June 2, 2011 at 8:16pm

Week 4 Results

Memorial Day was wonderful here at PHDG and we appreciate all 28 players who came out for the league. Best league score to date was posted by Gippy with just 49! CTP on Hole 5 won by Gippy ($28) and CSSTP won by Jeff Conant ($28). Feedback for the Closest Second Shot To Pin welcome! THANKS!


Pleasant Hill League   May 30, 2011 at 6:05am

Week 4

Since the pro shop will be open earlier tomorrow, league rounds are available any time after noon. (This week only) The first CTP will be on hole 5 and we're going to mix it up a little bit with a CSSTP (second shot) on hole 14. We'll see how it works - might be able to apply it to some of the other long holes on the course in the future...


Pleasant Hill League   May 24, 2011 at 4:02am

Week 3 Results

A BIG thanks to the 35 players who came out tonight! Lots of new faces and several we are getting to know. Leaderboard is up! Highlights: Brendan Johnson & Pat Roy posted 50. CTP Hole 7: Pete Busque and CTP Hole 18: Stanley Stigleman. Thunder ACED hole 4 and Jeff Kozaka ACED hole 9! Congrats to all of you!


Pleasant Hill League   May 22, 2011 at 3:31pm

Week 3

CTPs will be on 7 and 18. Monday: A few passing morning showers then mainly cloudy. Some sun late in the day. Highs 58 to 63 (WGME)


Pleasant Hill League   May 17, 2011 at 4:25am

Week 2 Results

Lowest score put up by PHDG's very own employee, Dave "Gippy" Gipson! CTPs were won by Zack Jellis and Jeff Kozaka! Congratulations! Thanks to all 28 of you who braved the weather and played tonight.


Pleasant Hill League   May 14, 2011 at 9:55pm

Week 2

CTPs this week on holes 3 and 9. Don't let the forecast keep you away!


Pleasant Hill League   May 8, 2011 at 8:39pm

Week 1

33 players participated, Jeff Kazaka won CTP's on both holes 2 & 11, not to mention posting the lowest score!

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