No Bounds Fall 2018

September - November 2018 • Ypsilanti, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of November 11
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Nov 10, 2018 · Top scores
McLouth Park
Regular tees, 18 holes
-36 28
Ben Demory
Brian Gentz
-33 31
Joey Hansen
Randy Fortune
-31 33
Nate Esch
Ben Pierce
Overall standings
1Ben Demory34
2Ben Pierce27
3Brian Gentz24
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 11/11/18

About this League

Doubles league - 39 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
No Bounds Coed Doubles League Rules ***NOTE*** I do not bring the Ace pool money with me so if any Aces are hit, I will pay after the round or during the following week. Thanks! Weekly Cost: $5 Ace Pool: $2 CTP: $3 Where is my money going? Weekly $5 is split as follows: $1: League To pay for berths and other league related stuff $4: Weekly Payouts Payouts will be split evenly between partners What Time Do We Start: We'll meet at 1:30 and Throw at 2 pm. ACE POOL PAYOUTS: Pa ...
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League News

Benjamin Pierce   November 11, 2018 at 2:14am

Final Standings

1. Ben D - 54
2. Ben - 40
3. Brian - 37
4. Jack - 32
5. BJ - 19
5. Brian Goris - 19
7. Bryce - 17
8. Erica - 16
8. Joey - 16
10. Greg - 15
10. Nick - 15
12. Elijah - 14
12. Mike V - 14
12. Roy - 14
15. Casey - 13
15. James R - 13
15. Otis - 13
15. T Pills - 13
19. Kelly - 11
20. Bill K - 10
20. Mikal - 10
20. Randy - 10
23. Elijah - 8
23. Joe S - 8
25. Cam - 7
25. Hippy John - 7
25. Kerns - 7
25. Nate - 7
29. Ben C - 6
29. Chris - 6
31. Erin - 5
35. Nat ... more


Benjamin Pierce   November 11, 2018 at 2:13am

Final Standings

The final round of the year and the coldest day of the year brought out 7 people to play. We could have used a canoe to play McLouth today but only made it 10 holes. Ben Demory & Brian D. Gentz pulled out the win with a 28, splitting $28. Joey Hansen won the Merch CTP, Cassidy Mayne won the Cash CTP of $10.

The final tally makes Ben Demory the Fall League Champion! Congrats Ben!

We hope to see you on December 4th at the Corner Brewery for our Winter Marksman Putting League. Each Tuesda ... more


Benjamin Pierce   November 5, 2018 at 10:50pm

Week 8 McLouth

Let's try this again, we are heading out to Trenton to play McLouth for the first time. We will be one of the if not the first leagues to have a round there. We will be parking and meeting at the Kennedy Ice Arena at 3101 West Rd, Trenton, MI 48183. The course is across the street. Please park at the Ice Arena.

I'll be doing teams and stuff in the parking lot.

I have 4 hoodies left (2 blue, 1 red, 1 orange) all XL and if you want one for these cold months let me know. They' ... more


Benjamin Pierce   November 4, 2018 at 2:03am

Week 7 Recap & Standings

15 people came out to Rolling on this great day weather wise. Mike V & Nick took down the W with a score of 44. Ben D & Mikal came in 2nd with a score of 47. Ben P & Kerns took 3rd after a throw-off vs. Jack.

Jack took home the Merch CTP which was a US Amateur's Undertaker donated by Kerns. Randy took home $22 for cash CTP. Ben D had the longest putt. A lot of ace runs today with Nick hitting metal on hole 18 to end the round. One more week to try for that $646 pot.

Stan ... more

Benjamin Pierce   November 4, 2018 at 2:04am

Bonus Points Jack – 1 – CTP Ben D – 1 – Longest Putt Mike – 3 – Birdie Bonus Nick – 3 – Birdie Bonus Ben P – 1 – 3 Birds in a Row Ben C – 1 – 3 Birds in a Row Chris Kerns – 1 – 3 Birds in a Row Jack – 1 – ... more

Benjamin Pierce   November 2, 2018 at 4:09pm

Week 7 is now at Rolling Hills

McLouth is flooded so we're going to push off going there until next week and play Rolling Hills tomorrow instead. Same time meet at 1:30 and throw at 2.

Merch CTP will be hole 4, Cash CTP will be hole 13, and longest putt will be hole 10. Birdie Bonus holes will be 1, 6, 15, 18.

Spread the word and see you tomorrow. We should be able to play McLouth next week.


Benjamin Pierce   October 29, 2018 at 3:16pm

Week 7 McLouth

We are heading out to Trenton to play McLouth for the first time. We will be one of the if not the first leagues to have a round there. We will be parking and meeting at the Kennedy Ice Arena at 3101 West Rd, Trenton, MI 48183. The course is across the street. Please park at the Ice Arena.

CTP for Merch (& Bonus point) will be hole 5. CTP for cash will be hole 10. Longest Putt for bonus point will be hole 7. Birdie Bonus holes will be 1, 3, 9, & 11.

We will play all Mandos and all OB. OBs include any roads, and the creek. Remember we meet at 1:30 and throw at 2.

Mikal Morris   October 29, 2018 at 7:08pm

Looking forward to playing this new course. It will be my 50th course played!

Benjamin Pierce   October 29, 2018 at 7:15pm

We're neck and neck on courses played. It will be my 51st or 52nd.

Mikal Morris   October 30, 2018 at 12:46pm


Benjamin Pierce   October 28, 2018 at 3:50pm

Week 6 Recap & Standings

We had 7 people come out to play at the beautiful Firefighters and we were able to get our round in before the rain hit. There were quite a few ace runs but not close enough giving you two more chances this year to hit. Brian & Jack won the day with a new record of 45, splitting $30, and everyone else stayed at Par or under.

Many Long Putts today with BJ taking home longest putt on 11. Ben D took home the Merch CTP on hole 2 and Ben P took home the Cash CTP of $10 on hole 8.

We' ... more


Benjamin Pierce   October 22, 2018 at 12:58pm

Week 6 Firefighters

We are heading to one of my favorite courses this week, Firefighters in Troy. We’re going to play 1-18. CTP for Merch will be hole 2. CTP for cash will be hole 8. Longest putt will be hole 11. Birdie Bonus holes will be 5, 7, 13, & 15. The course record is 49 set by Bill playing Cali, so if it’s broken by the winners they’ll get the bonus points. The water is OB everywhere. The volleyball court on 18 is OB as well. The ace pool is now at $602 with only three weeks left this year to hit it. Remember meet at 1:30 and throw at 2. See you Saturday!


Benjamin Pierce   October 21, 2018 at 3:47am

Week 6 Recap & Standings

We had 5 people brave the weather on this cold, wet, windy day and we had a great time. Ben & Brian took home 1st with a 53. Mikal hit the lone CTP on hole 6.

1. Ben D - 32
2. Brian - 28
3. Ben - 24
4. Bryce - 17
5. Greg - 15
6. BJ - 14
6. Elijah - 14
6. Erica - 14
6. Roy - 14
10. Casey - 13
10. Jack - 13
10. James R - 13
10. Otis - 13
10. T Pills - 13
15. Joey - 12
16. Bill K - 10
17. Elijah - 8
18. Cam - 7
18. Hippy John - 7
18. Nate - 7
21. Brian X - 6
... more

Benjamin Pierce   October 22, 2018 at 12:57pm

This was Week 5.

Benjamin Pierce   October 15, 2018 at 12:24pm

Week 5 GLOW at Northridge

We are going to Northridge for our annual Glow round. We'll meet at 6 and throw at 6:30. I'm hoping that we can have each card play hole 5 with some daylight left to make that hole a bit easier if anyone goes in the rough.

The new layout starts at old hole 11. Old hole 1 & 18 are gone, New holes #4, 16, & 17 are in the woods. Based on the old layout this is the new layout: 11, 12, 13, New Hole 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, New Hole 16, New Hole 17, 10.

Map ... more

Mikal Morris   October 15, 2018 at 12:35pm

I believe there is a mando on hole #18 as well, are we playing that one too? You have to stay left of the first tree.

Benjamin Pierce   October 15, 2018 at 12:57pm

If it's marked then we will. It can get dark out there and be difficult to see any mandos.

Benjamin Pierce   October 8, 2018 at 12:33pm

Week 5 River Bends

We are heading out to River Bends for Week 5. We'll meet in the parking lot close to hole 10 and we'll play 10-27 for 18 holes. This week I'm giving out 2 Halloween discs for CTPs. Hole 13 will be the CTP for the Axiom Tenacity featuring the Halloween stamp from the Infinite VIP club (only 250 made). Hole 25 will be the CTP for the Discraft 2018 Halloween Full Foil Buzzz. You can view both of these on our Facebook page.

Longest Putt for bonus point will be Hole 10. Birdie Bonus holes will be 15, 17, 21, 23.

See you Saturday!


Benjamin Pierce   October 7, 2018 at 1:25am

Standings after Week 4

1. Ben D - 32
2. Brian - 22
3. Ben - 18
4. Bryce - 17
5. Greg - 15
6. Elijah - 14
6. Erica - 14
8. Roy - 14
9. Casey - 13
9. Jack - 13
9. James R - 13
9. Otis - 13
9. T Pills - 13
14. BJ - 12
15. Joey - 11
16. Bill K - 10
17. Elijah - 8
18. Cam - 7
18. Hippy John - 7
18. Nate - 7
21. Brian X - 6
21. Chris - 6
21. Joe S - 6
21. Kelly - 6
25. Brad - 4
25. Jake P - 4
27. Ben Smith - 2
27. Nate E - 2
27. Randy - 2
30. Bo - 1
30. Erin - 1
30. Schooley - 1

Bonus Points
Joey – 1 – CTP
Brian – 2 – Putts


Benjamin Pierce   October 7, 2018 at 1:22am

Week 4 Recap

We had 5 players show up and had the course to ourselves and the rain stayed away all round. Played 24 holes from the longs and had a great time. Ben took first and won $15 and Brian took home $5. Joey took home both CTPs and there was no Longest Putt today.

Next week we'll be at River Bends. See you then!


Benjamin Pierce   October 1, 2018 at 4:11pm

Week 4 Addison Oaks

We are taking our furthest drive and heading out to Addison Oaks. I've heard great things about this course and I'm looking forward to finally playing it. It looks like there's a cost to get into the park so look into car pooling.

We're going to play all 24 holes. OB will be the water or on/over any roads. CTP for Merch will be hole 7. Cash CTP will be hole 13. Longest Putt will be hole 4. Birdie Bonus holes will be 5, 10, 15, & 20.

Ace pool was hit last week but it's still sitting at $582. We'll meet at 1:30 at the Parking lot, pick teams around 1:55, and throw at 2. See you Saturday!

Brett Piziali   October 2, 2018 at 10:49am

heads up- holes 1& 2 will be closed on Oct.6 from 11-3:30pm. so you might have to play those holes last. It was just posted in the course comments.

Benjamin Pierce   October 2, 2018 at 12:06pm

Thanks for the heads up. We'll play them last and hope they'll be done.

Benjamin Pierce   September 30, 2018 at 3:05am

Standings after Week 3

1. Ben D - 32
2. Bryce - 17
3. Brian - 16
4. Greg - 15
5. Elijah - 14
5. Erica - 14
5. Roy - 14
8. Ben - 13
8. Casey - 13
8. Jack - 13
8. James R - 13
8. Otis - 13
8. T Pills - 13
14. Bill K - 10
15. BJ - 9
15. Joey - 9
17. Elijah - 8
18. Cam - 7
18. Hippy John - 7
18. Nate - 7
21. Brian X - 6
21. Chris - 6
21. Joe S - 6
21. Kelly - 6
25. Brad - 4
25. Jake P - 4
27. Ben Smith - 2
27. Randy - 2
29. Bo - 1
29. Erin - 1
29. Schooley - 1

Bonus Points
Ben – 1 & ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 30, 2018 at 3:02am

Week 3 Recap

We had great weather for a beautiful round at Vienna with 13 disc golfers. Elijah B, a 15 year old, came out and hit a sweet Ace on hole 13 to take home $146. Congrats Elijah!

Brian and Greg took home the win with a 48. We had a three way tie for second and so they threw off from Hole 1 Tee pad, OVER the pavilion, to the Practice Basket, Erica and BJ had the CTP and took home 2nd place. Not only did Elijah hit an ace but he also had a 90 foot putt as well. Ben D took home the Cash CTP of $19, ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 25, 2018 at 4:12pm

Week 3 Vienna

We are heading to Vienna Park this weekend. We'll be playing from the shorts. I've never played here and am looking forward to it. CTP for merch will be hole 3. CTP for cash will be hole 10. Longest Putt will be hole 1. Birdie Bonus holes will be 4, 7, 17, 18.

There is no course record to break. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on CTP holes if they won't work.

See you Saturday!


Benjamin Pierce   September 23, 2018 at 1:25am

Standings after Week 2

1. Ben D - 25
2. Bryce - 17
3. Casey - 13
3. James R - 13
3. Otis - 13
3. T Pills - 13
7. Roy - 11
8. Bill K - 10
9. Ben - 9
9. Joey - 9
11. Elijah - 8
11. Jack - 8
13. Hippy John - 7
13. Nate - 7
15. Brian X - 6
15. Erica - 6
15. Joe S - 6
15. Kelly - 6
19. Brian - 5
20. Brad - 4
20. Cam - 4
20. Greg - 4
20. Jake P - 4
24. BJ - 3
25. Randy - 2
26. Ben Smith - 1
26. Bo - 1
26. Erin - 1

Bonus Points
Jack – 1 – CTP
Roy – 1 – Longest Putt
Ben ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 23, 2018 at 1:23am

Week 2 Recap

Ella Sharp saw 11 new players show up today to play this excellent course. The course was great and I think everyone enjoyed it, this is on definitely on the list to come back to.

Casey & Otis took the win and split $44 with a hot round of 45. Ben D & Bryce took 2nd with a score of 46 and split $22. T Pills won a throw off between Bill K & Roy securing him and his teammate James R with 3rd & splitting $14. Elijah took home the Cash CTP of $27. Jack took home the Merch CTP of ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 17, 2018 at 2:49am

Week 2 Ella Park

We are heading out to a new course that has just opened, Ella Park in Jackson. We'll meet in the dirt parking lot off of West Hickory Ave next to the Pavilion. Then we can start our rounds at Holes 16, 18, 3, 5, 8, or 13.

Since most of us are coming from 94W, I've been told that with construction it's best to skip Exit 142 and take Exit 136 instead. A little longer but no construction.

OBs will be in effect and include over and on all walking paths. There is a mando on hol ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 11, 2018 at 10:08pm

Ace Pot

Our ace pot is huge as most of you have noticed. If it’s not hit before the end of the season then we will look into a few options such as using a portion of it to throwing a party, having a mini ace race for regulars, having an A & B pot going forward, CTPs, or something else. We won’t use all of it and a nice chunk of it will be used to start next seasons pot. Thanks!


Benjamin Pierce   September 11, 2018 at 12:05pm

Off this week

Just a reminder that we are off this weekend. Gyropalooza is happening as well as work days in Trenton to get the McLouth course put in.

See you next week!


Benjamin Pierce   September 9, 2018 at 3:26am

STandings after Week 1

1. Ben D - 7
2. Brian Goris - 6
2. Joe S - 6
2. Kelly - 6
5. Brian - 5
5. Jack - 5
7. Greg - 4
7. Jake P - 4
9. BJ - 3
9. Joey - 3
11. Ben - 2
12. Erin - 1

Bonus Points
Brian X – 1 – CTP
Jack – 1 – Longest Putt
Ben D – 1 – Putt
Ben P – 1 – Putt
BJ – 1 – Putt
Brian – 1 – Putt
Joey – 1 – Putt
Kelly – 1 – Putt


Benjamin Pierce   September 9, 2018 at 3:25am

Week 1 Recap

Spindler was something, every pavilion was full with parties, causing us to wait for paths to clear, plus the wind was in full effect. Ben Demory & Joseph Stierman took home the win and split $34 shooting Par. Coming in 2nd were Kelly Goris and Brian with a score of 73 after Kelly hit the basket on the Throw Off for 2nd splitting $14.

Jake took home the cash CTP of $18. Brian took home the Merch CTP and choose the MVP Trace. Jack took home the bonus point for longest putt. Only 6 long put ... more


Benjamin Pierce   September 3, 2018 at 4:34pm

Week 1 Spindler Park

We are back in action this week. Meeting at 1:30 and playing at 2. Spindler Park is at: 19400 Stephens, Eastpointe 48021. We're going to play 1-24. The course is at a park and a number of holes go over walking paths, just a reminder to please don't throw if people on the path, wait or ask them to move. We are playing all OBs, including all roads, paths, parking lots, other sport courses, playground, and church property.

This season for Merch CTP I'm going to bring a box of dis ... more

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