Night Moose Glow
Doubles league
Jan 2, 2014 · Top scoresMoose Meadows , 1 holes | |||
+72 72 | Jason Adamski |
Overall standings | ||
Player | Points | |
1 | John Hornyak | |
1 | Gabe Cadorin | |
1 | Jesse Whitlock | |
1 | Scott Martinelli | |
1 | Ben Calhoun | |
1 | Jason Adamski | |
1 | Marcos Aguilera | |
1 | Mark Manard | |
1 | Marty Peters | |
1 | Sheldon Bowen | |
1 | Dave Morton | |
1 | Timmy Redman |
Work schedule got changed so there will be no league again this week.
Too cold, no league tonight again. Hopefully leagues will start back up next week.
I still go when the girls cancel leagues. I usually go tovoenna on Saturdays if Dave cancels and play willow Sundays if night moose is canceled
Night Moose Glow league will resume this Thursday 1/16/2014 and continue through the end of the Winter Cooperative Points Series. Unfortunately I had a lot of stuff going on over the holidays and needed to focus on my family for awhile. We will be teeing of at 5:45-6 this week and will be playing 24 holes of glow golf. We will continue with the $5 entry fee and $5 ace pool that will pay out 50% if it is hit.
I hope to see everyone out this week at Moose Meadows for some much anticipated glow golf.
Come join us tonight at Moose Meadows for our first league round in the DGLA Winter Cooperative Points Series. Will be playing 24 holes with a modified layout.
Leagues are cancelled for this week and we will resume to normality on December 5th. This will be the first week of the DGLA Winter Cooperative Points Series for the league. Hope to see everyone out next week.
We will be headed to Willow this week for leagues. Ace pool is ripe for the pickin' and I expect a fair amount of players. We will be teeing off by 6pm so try to make it by 5:30. Look forward to seeing everyone out there, antlers up!!!
No league today due to inclement weather. See you all next week. Next week will be at Moose Meadows and then Willow the following week.
Our first league round will be held at Moose Meadows course this coming Thursday. Round starts at 6pm and will primarily be a glow league. Ace pool will carry over from previous Thursday Night Moose league. Come join us for this weeks glow round.
I think its about time someone stood up and take the league over for ya during the winter, someone that has time and will run it in the cold, wind, rain or snow
When the course is actually AT my house kind of hard to hand it over. Also, since the pads are natural they are non existent at the moment. We have been trying to get people together to play and nobody shows up.
Guys like Rich talk smack and play maybe two rounds all winter. When you know nothing about the league and what has been going on the last 3 months I suggest you mind your own business.
No one is interested in taking it over and changing the venue to a different course maybe? not talking smack either, i would have been out to play more than a couple times if there was more attendance to make it a league round with 3+
Only other option is Willow and playing glow there is difficult for hanging 24 lights and only a few people show up. The league will continue and my plans were to play this week but my job takes priority over leagues.
Will continue leagues next week I just need people to post they are coming out for sure.
i dont play it that often so im not familiar enough with willow to know the layout but can you put light on the first few baskets while warming up then place lights on the other baskets throughout the course as youre playing, just have the last card pick them up, thats what we do on fridays and what they do on weds at wcglow..just a suggestion if it does ever move to willow
Guys like rich played all winter last year.. Guys like rich had an injury this winter..guys like rich has been playing every weekend now but has a business and when it snows I'm working..guys like rich don't play glow because he don't like it..guys like rich talk smack because pussy c ... more
Guys like rich played all winter last year.. Guys like rich had an injury this winter..guys like rich has been playing every weekend now but has a business and when it snows I'm working..guys like rich don't play glow because he don't like it..guys like rich talk smack because pussy cancel leagues cause of rain or work..I don't see ypsi or 24 chains ever cancel they always have back up people to run it..look at fastback cancels 3 weeks in a row WHAT A FUCKING JOKE..
We had a Marty Peters day now a Richie Mac day its all about you pal
What lol
Simmer down hahahahhahahhaha
I'm calling in the JUICE Man to have a talk with you
We still love u Richie!!!
Fag lol love all you fun giving u guys a hard time
i agree that you should quit your job for glow in the dark disc golfing.
Damn...more lol Rich has only showed up to leagues a total of like 4 times!!! Second, we are not paid to run these leagues! However, I'm glad this is brought up so I can re-intoduce the 50/50 CTP to cover my gas, tue four bags of salt I dropped while clearing the pads the last t ... more
Damn...more lol Rich has only showed up to leagues a total of like 4 times!!! Second, we are not paid to run these leagues! However, I'm glad this is brought up so I can re-intoduce the 50/50 CTP to cover my gas, tue four bags of salt I dropped while clearing the pads the last two weeks, my time for babysitting a bunch of grown sissys who dont show up even when they vote on where to
i don't no what a intoduce is.
you have to keep track of that cause in the summer the 50/50 will be more then enough to cover your buy in. everyone that comes out has to pay for gas.
There is 100% transparency with Sunday Night Moose! Always has been. I dont see Ypsi Dubs, Cass, Kensington or alot of other leagues holding year end tournaments! There are some leagues that do. There will be a log book and the $ will go into a fund for such activities. Cancelling leagues is based o ... more
There is 100% transparency with Sunday Night Moose! Always has been. I dont see Ypsi Dubs, Cass, Kensington or alot of other leagues holding year end tournaments! There are some leagues that do. There will be a log book and the $ will go into a fund for such activities. Cancelling leagues is based on the decision of the person running that league! You can bet your ass I'm not driving in 8" of snow and risking my vehicle, my safety, or the safety of others to run a league! Easy to bitch and complain when its not your stress or responsibility!!! Playing in the rain, yeah thats your own fault. I play to enjoy myself, not force it on others by bitching and moaning...
50/50 is a great idea as I said to cover expenses to grow the league and maintain courses when parks do not.
thanks jay for having a course and letting me/us play it when you can. cant wait till i can get out there again.
And the gas statement was meant at my driving out there just to clean pads during the week and spread salt so players dont have to risk injury on ice covered pads! Gas $ comes out of my pocket, my time is worth $ also... We could always get 3 quotes from snow removal contractors and pay them but instead I, other league members, and casual players do it for free and out of the safety for others!
I've only showed up to leagues 4 times you better check your records...ain't nobody crying just giving jay you know his league a hard stfu and drive your 4x4 in the snow Sunday and run leagues like a good I said I had an injury and could not play much at the end of year and believe me killed me not to play...
50/50 to the tournament not nobody's gas or time to shovel..
i am the snow removal compony ive shoveled every big snow if you shoveled it's been when the pads have had all the big snow removed. thanks looks like i play for free
I've been there last two days going back tomorrow so what ever snow falls after i leave tomorrow had better be gone when i show up sunday. 4 bags of salt what were they 2 pound bags I've done willow twice rolling 3 times and the gultch and still have salt.
Free 4 Sam lol
also wore out a new shovel this year just on pads.
Jesse's been there a few times with me he is about the only other person to help. everyone wants clean pads to play on. most people just ask if the pads are done. instead they should pull out there inverted nutsac and let there balls hang out and shovel
I seen Jesse Gabe n wade..and I seen some lazy fucks that don't help
It takes a 20lb bag of salt to hit all 24 short pads at Willow, in the last 3 weeks I've put 4 bags out there personally. At $3.99 a bag, you do the math. 2nd, Sam when you run Ypsi Dubs you told me yourself the league pays you in! 3rd, just because I drive a 4x4 doesnt make it safe to drive in ... more
It takes a 20lb bag of salt to hit all 24 short pads at Willow, in the last 3 weeks I've put 4 bags out there personally. At $3.99 a bag, you do the math. 2nd, Sam when you run Ypsi Dubs you told me yourself the league pays you in! 3rd, just because I drive a 4x4 doesnt make it safe to drive in a winter storm. Exactly why only 5-6 people show up weekly and Rich is not one of them. Accodring to Richs stats he has attended Winter Night Moose 4 times. Bring your ass out Sunday and we can gladly debate any other things you want to nit pick about but until you run a league on a weekly basis, you really dont have room to talk!!!
Moote has a bunch of free salt. Hit him up, and he'll hook you up.
it takes 1 xl Tim hortans cup per tee pad of salt you don't need 3/4 of a pound of salt on a pad. you do deserve to get your buy in for running it. going out there today I'll put what salt i have left out there
iin not going to rolling sunday ill be out at willow for a early round before league ill shovel you bring the salt
Jesse I'm not debating shit with you cause you ain't nobody..lmao your not even on as an league staff you can't even post scores clown...anyways I'm done on here
bull shit you'll be back they always comeback
No way
Lol I'm done fucking with everyone I just wanna play
wow I didn't know that I was missing oprah!
jesse said he's done dealing with all you pricks. he's given the league to swider now it will be held at freedom park in canton. lol
Rich... I'm curious about your injury! Was it a sphincter tear or did you slip posting selfies on Facebook of you and your gay buddies working out lmao
STFU Sheldon
F u Sammy go back to church monkey
told you... you would be back
So I won't need to shovel Sunday cause Sam will already be there... Sounds good. And it only took me 1 & 1/2 25 lb salt bags to clear the pads at willow. I'll be out tomorrow around 10 if it snows tonight to clear the pads for tomorrow's league
STFU c wadeeeeeeeeee
I will be at willow today for league and i will clear whatever snow there is to clear,,,,,,,
your wasting salt using that much.17 bucks 50 pounds of good salt homedepot rock salt sucks you use more and it does less. i still have salt I've done willow 2 1/2 times rolling three times and the gultch. tell me again how much salt you wasted.
rrock salt only works at hire temps and if it getting traffic on it stop wasting salt and money.
higher temps. safe t salt works -25
there's a salt shortage now see what you did.
I use the safe t salt except at Kroger I bought 100 lbs of salt for $16