
NEO East Side Virtual Disc Golf League

Singles · May - May 2020 · Euclid, OH

NEO East Side Virtual Disc Golf League

May - May 2020
Hosted by EUCLID DGC


NEO East Side Virtual Disc Golf League
Week 4 Begins Today!!
League rounds for our final week at the beautiful yet challenging Punderson Disc Golf begin today!!! Don't forget to follow the usual protocol by paying before you play your round, scheduling your rou ... show more ›
May 29, 2020 by Larry Bright Jr.

About this league

NEO East Side Virtual Disc Golf League Rules

1. This league will be a Singles league, with A, B, and C Pools. Pool clarifications are posted at the bottom of this sheet. All 4 of the main east side courses will be used (Sims, Osborne, Painesville, and Punderson) with 1 round played at each course during the league. The league schedule will also be at the bottom of this sheet. League results will be tracked on discgolfscene.com and have a league page of the same name. Updates will be posted both on the Facebook page and the dgs.com page. This league is open to any players who are interested.

2. Weekly entry will be $6 per week, with 100% of entries going to payouts. You do not have to play each week. Entry fees will only be accepted through Paypal, and weekly payouts will also be managed the same. In the instance that somebody doesn't have PayPal, they will need to have somebody cover their entry and/or receive their payouts. No cash will be accepted. This will be done to avoid any exchange of cash to individuals and make managing payouts much easier with it being a "virtual" league.

3. Rounds will be played in a 4 day window, with league running Friday through Monday each week to allow flexibility with everyone's schedules and personal lives. Only one round's score will be accepted. Rounds will have to be played with at least one other person and no more than 4 total players. Payment will have to be sent BEFORE YOU WILL PLAY YOUR ROUND, with also a posting of the scheduled round (including individuals playing and the pools they are playing) on the Facebook or dgs.com page. This will avoid people playing multiple rounds over multiple days and posting their "best" score. I suggest paying and posting your scheduled round right before you head to the course or at the course before you start your round. Scores will have to be submitted with a LEGIBLE photo of the scorecard that will need to be sent to me via text or by message on Facebook. This will need to be done within 4 hours of the scheduled round. These steps need to be in place to keep things fair for all. Posts can be made on the league pages to help find people who can play together if needed. This is one reason the league window is 4 days. This will help give people a good chance to participate each week.

4. Scores and League results will be tracked on discgolfscene.com. All scores will not be posted until after all league rounds are completed. This means it will be on Tuesdays. Posting scores may deter some people from playing. We don't want people to go in knowing the "hot" round scores. Scores will be posted on Tuesday evenings, and payouts will follow once scores are posted. Payouts will go to the top 1/3 of each division, and a standard payout scale will be posted to keep it consistent week to week.

5. In case of ties, tiebreakers will be in place and are listed below:
1. most aces during round
2. most birdies during round
3. least double or triple (or higher) bogeys during round
4. least bogeys during round
5. if the above tiebreakers aren't sufficient, it will be determined a tie and payout would be split

6. There will be no Ace Fund or Daily Cash CTPs. There is no way to manage this using this format.

The League schedule is as follows:
Week 1 (May 8th -- May 11th) -- Sims Park (20 hole layout)
Week 2 (May 15th -- May 18th) -- Osborne Park (9 holes twice through)
Week 3 (May 22nd -- May 25th) -- Painesville Recreation Park (18 holes standard layout)
Week 4 (May 29th -- June 1st) -- Punderson (Reds to Shorts layout)

Weekly OBs will be posted for each week, but it is the same OBs that are generally in play each course during league rounds.

Pool Clarifications:
A Pool -- Averages an under par round at each course. Using PDGA standards, this should be any player who plays Advanced or Open and some Intermediate players (920 + rated).
B Pool -- Averages par to 8 over during a round at each course. Using PDGA standards, this should be any player who plays Intermediate and some higher Recreational rated players (890+).
C Pool -- Averages 9+ over during a round at each course. This should generally be new and lower level players

Paypal address for weekly entry: [email redacted] (USE FRIENDS AND FAMILY ONLY TO AVOID FEES!!!!!)

Be sure to follow all the league rules for weekly entry, scheduling of rounds, and scorecard submission, otherwise your round will be excluded. All of these things are in place to keep it fair for all individuals.
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