Finalized plans for Monday Night Singles end-of-year prizes last night at the BOD meeting. Open division will have a pair of skins competitions on November 1 -- one for the top four points finishers, ...
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Finalized plans for Monday Night Singles end-of-year prizes last night at the BOD meeting. Open division will have a pair of skins competitions on November 1 -- one for the top four points finishers, one for the the second four. Amounts for each hole will be based on the money remaining in the ace fund after the next-to-last week (plus buy-in for that night). Must show up (obviously) to participate, so if players in the top eight don't show, their spot will pass to the next highest points earner.
Rec division top points earner will get a portable basket, as previously announced. Second through fifth place will receive Disc Caddie vouchers for $35, $25, $15, and $10 respectively.