Mason Dixon Winter Tags

December '23 - March '24 • Greencastle, Pennsylvania
Bag Tag league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.

About this League

Bag Tag league - 13 all-time players - 13 active players
$5.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
Rounds will play the Saw Mill -or- Grist Mill layouts. We will start on December 2nd and play each Saturday until March 2nd. The cost to play is a one time $5 fee to buy your tag and then $5 each Saturday that you play. Cash only Each card will be randomly selected from the players present for each round. There will be a prize for the top players each week and an ace pot payout- Ace pot will roll over to the following week if no aces are made during that week. If you have any additi ...
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