This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.
About this League
Bag Tag league - 13 all-time players - 13 active players
$5.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
Rounds will play the Saw Mill -or- Grist Mill layouts.
We will start on December 2nd and play each Saturday until March 2nd. The cost to play is a one time $5 fee to buy your tag and then $5 each Saturday that you play. Cash only
Each card will be randomly selected from the players present for each round.
There will be a prize for the top players each week and an ace pot payout- Ace pot will roll over to the following week if no aces are made during that week.
If you have any additi ...
continue reading ›Rounds will play the Saw Mill -or- Grist Mill layouts.
We will start on December 2nd and play each Saturday until March 2nd. The cost to play is a one time $5 fee to buy your tag and then $5 each Saturday that you play. Cash only
Each card will be randomly selected from the players present for each round.
There will be a prize for the top players each week and an ace pot payout- Ace pot will roll over to the following week if no aces are made during that week.
If you have any additional questions regarding the league, please feel free to message us and we will be happy to answer any questions.
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