Ace pool
as of June 28This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 120 all-time players - 0 active players
$25.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$3.00 ace pool entry
We will be alternating between Smash park in Belding and Tower park in Greenville. First round being played at Smash Park. There also will be no league on mother's day May 9th and fathers day June 20th. Last round will be June 27th.
League party TBD.
League party will be July 18th at Black Falcon Disc Golf Course!
We have changed the date to accommodate River City Open players!
Flex start from 9am-11am
$25 for the membership
$5 per round
$3 ...
continue reading ›We will be alternating between Smash park in Belding and Tower park in Greenville. First round being played at Smash Park. There also will be no league on mother's day May 9th and fathers day June 20th. Last round will be June 27th.
League party TBD.
League party will be July 18th at Black Falcon Disc Golf Course!
We have changed the date to accommodate River City Open players!
Flex start from 9am-11am
$25 for the membership
$5 per round
$3 Ace pool
$2 50/50
*Any non members will be eligible for HALF the available ace pot.
Player packs will be TBD depending on custom stamps ordering availability
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Gate will be open at 8 am of you would like to show up early!