This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.
About this League
Bag Tag league - 118 all-time players - 118 active players
$5.00 one-time player fee for this league
Monthly organized challenge alternating Sat and Sun each month with unscheduled challenges between scheduled monthly rounds between players all year. Initial buy in:
Bronze $15 Includes bag tag and membership to LVDGC
Silver $30 Includes bag tag, membership to LVDGC and hot stamped disc w/club logo(while supplies last)
Gold $60 Includes bag tag, membership to LVDGC, hot stamped disc w/club logo(while supplies last) and Inncolor disc w/club logo(while supplies last)
See for more information
SuperTour de Vegas
Thinking about putting together a super tour one weekend soon before it gets too hot, start at Freedom perhaps and work our way around the beltway (Freedom, Sunset, Red Ridge, Peccole, Mt Crest). Anyone interested talk to Scott Merritt or myself and lets make it happen!!