Keokuk Handicapped League

May - September 2010 • Keokuk, Iowa
Singles league

Ace pool

as of September 14
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Sep 8, 2010 · Top scores
Rand Park
Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 50
Pat V$22
-6 50
Aaron St. Clair$10
-4 52
Kevin "Clyde" Beach$6
-3 53
Kevin "Bogeyman" Royer$4
-1 55
Eddie "Eagle" Kruze$3
+4 60
T.J Zick
E 56
Chris Flores
+2 58
Brett Mackie
+2 58
Richard Sheets
+7 63
Lance Mortimer
-1 55
John "Rasta" Shaw
+6 62
Camero Floyd$88
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 9/14/10

About this League

Singles league - 40 all-time players - 0 active players
$3.00 one-time player fee for this league
$1.00 ace pool entry
This league is designed to be competitive to all players from beginners to pros.

$3 per week to play
Optional $1 Ace Fund
Optional $1 CTP fund.

League News

David Shelton   December 25, 2010 at 10:11pm

New League Scheduled

The league for this year has been set up. It is at
Any more news will be post there.


David Shelton   December 25, 2010 at 9:43pm

Rule Changes in the PDGA

There are a few rule changes this year in the PDGA that will be applied during tournaments and leagues. Among them is the fact that wedgies no longer count if they enter the basket below the top of the basket. Also they've taken out the unplayable lie rule and replaced it with an optional rethrow. For more of the rule changes and how to apply them go to


David Shelton   December 25, 2010 at 9:42pm

Tee pads at Rand

I've just cleared the tee pads for holes 1-11 and 16-18. They've taken out the holes for 12, 13, and 15 and I didn't think anyone would want to play 14 all by itself. If someone does, let me know and I'll clear it as well.


David Shelton   September 15, 2010 at 2:45am


After a while of computing and checking and double checking, I now have this year's rank of winners. Here they are (only those eligible to win the End of Year are listed):

1 Kevin "Clyde" Beach 47.57
2 John "Rasta" Shaw 48.71
3 Aaron St. Clair 49
4 Kevin "Bogeyman" Royer 49.14
5 Lance Mortimer 49.86
6 Brett Mackie 50.14
7 T.J. Zick 50.29
7 Travi ... more


David Shelton   August 27, 2010 at 3:42am

Ace Fund

After a vote on Wednesday, it was decided that on 8 September, after the last round of the year, we will throw off for half of the ace fund. You must have paid into the ace fund at least once AND played for 2 rounds to throw off for the half. The other half will roll over to next year, to seed the pot for everyone.


David Shelton   August 12, 2010 at 8:53pm

Rules and you

With 4 weeks to go, it's time to start thinking of any changes to the way the league runs next year.

I'm thinking of dropping the "par" number to 40 and eliminating the 80% from the handicaps.
This will make the formula (your score - 40) = handicap. Also I'd like to use the best 9 adjusted scores for the End of Year Winner.

Also maybe start raising money to help maintain the course. Any ideas?

Since this is everyone's league, if anyone else has any ideas or thoughts, let me know and I'll take them under advisement.


David Shelton   August 12, 2010 at 7:56pm


There was a mistake in the scoring for 7/28. The scores had been adjusted and payouts have been adjusted also.


David Shelton   August 11, 2010 at 12:07am

Play tomorrow 8/11

Just wanted to remind everyone that we WILL be playing tomorrow. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, it's going to be a scorcher.


David Shelton   July 29, 2010 at 6:09am


I want to wish our Moomey a very happy birthday. Here's to many, many more.


David Shelton   July 28, 2010 at 1:19am


Just to remind everyone, we will not have league next week, August 4, but we will resume on August 11. This break has already but figured into the schedule, so we won't be missing any days.


David Shelton   May 16, 2010 at 6:51am

Starting Wednesday

I can't wait. We are starting on Wednesday and I'm excited. Hope to see a lot of people there.

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