This is a random flip doubles league. It is $6 a week to play with an optional $1 ace pool. $5 out of the $6 is paid out at the end of the round to the winners of the day. How many are paid and how much is determined by how many people show up. The other $1 goes in a pot that will pay out the top 10 finishers at the end of the league. You do not have to be an active member of GRDGU to qualify for end of year prizes or full ace pool.
We play winter rules so there are no mandatories or OB. On the first Saturday of each month we will play from the short tee pads. Only day of the ace pool will be available on the days we play from the shorts.
Points are awarded as follows.
3 points just for showing up.
3 points for first place points.
2 points for second place scores.
1 point for third place scores.
Top 3 scores all get points event if there are 3 (44’s) all get 3 points. And 2 (45’s) both get 2 points. And 5 (46’s) all get 1 point.
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