Indoor Disc Golf Ace Race - 3 Soccer Field Leagues
This league is not active.The schedule may not be accurate.
Leaderboards are not available.
About this League
Singles league - 0 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
Weekly leagues with a flex check in from 10:30am to 12pm
11PM start every Thursday.
11am - 2:30pm
At the end of leagues we set up a ace challenge from the time of the balcony with multiple baskets for prizes.
Two round of at least 10 holes set up each week. We take your best score from the two rounds. Layout changes weekly. Gain points for payout of prizes.
two 6 week sessions.
First session Every Thursday
Dec. 5th through January 10th
Second Session
January 17th through Feb 20th
Last week for prizes and random Doubles Feb 27th
second session