Hudson Glow League
Mixed · Oct '24 - Feb '25 · Ferguson, MO
Ace Pool
Updated November 8 at 12:10pm
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About this league
Fee per round $6
Random Draw Doubles with Singles being played the last Thursday of each month.
$6 per player–VENMO or PAYPAL ONLY–NO CASH.
Doubles–$4 payout, $1 ace pool. $1 50/50 CTP. Includes additional CTP give away.
Singles–$5 payout, $1 ace pool. No CTP’s.
5:30 -Sharp cards will be sent out for doubles. Singles rounds starting after 5 in groups of 3 or more . Contact Ashley if you’re running late. 314 482 4094.
We are dedicated to growing the disc golf community and welcome players of all skill levels.
Pay in/Payouts via Venmo or PayPal. (whichever you used to pay with)
Venmo- Pickett25
PayPal- stltravelingleague
$6 per player–VENMO or PAYPAL ONLY–NO CASH.
Doubles–$4 payout, $1 ace pool. $1 50/50 CTP. Includes additional CTP give away.
Singles–$5 payout, $1 ace pool. No CTP’s.
5:30 -Sharp cards will be sent out for doubles. Singles rounds starting after 5 in groups of 3 or more . Contact Ashley if you’re running late. 314 482 4094.
We are dedicated to growing the disc golf community and welcome players of all skill levels.
Pay in/Payouts via Venmo or PayPal. (whichever you used to pay with)
Venmo- Pickett25
PayPal- stltravelingleague