Ace poolace pot #2
as of August 15This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 88 all-time players - 0 active players
$8.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
. this will be a two division league with one being low round and the other a handicap round. you may play in both divisions if you chose as the handicap will be adjusted from your round score if you came to enough leagues last year to have a current handicap. if no handicap one will be established after 3 league rounds. both divisions are optional you may play in one , the other or both. as always the acepot and ctp,s are optional also. this year the acepot, cash ctp and end of year club prize ...
continue reading ›. this will be a two division league with one being low round and the other a handicap round. you may play in both divisions if you chose as the handicap will be adjusted from your round score if you came to enough leagues last year to have a current handicap. if no handicap one will be established after 3 league rounds. both divisions are optional you may play in one , the other or both. as always the acepot and ctp,s are optional also. this year the acepot, cash ctp and end of year club prize can only be collected if you have purchased a club bag tag prior to the ace, cash ctp etc .
bag tag$8 low round $5 Handicap round$5 Acepot $2 Cash ctp$2
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