Garfield Summer League
Singles league
Sep 3, 2022 · Top scoresGarfield Park Regular tees, 18 holes | |||
-8 47 | Jared Ypma | ||
-11 44 | Willie Prince | ||
-11 44 | Nate Labine |
Thanks to the 20 people who came out for our make up round at Garfield today. No aces so another $10 goes to the club championship ace pool. Scores have been recorded and hole winners are as follows. All prizes are $5 store credit to Great Lakes Disc unless otherwise noted. Thanks Shea.
1 Willie Prince wins a GLD Cryztal Scorch
2 Steven Truongb wins a club shirt
3 Reina McCarthy
4 Javier Sosa
5 missing
6 missing
7 Adam Howard
8 Nate Labine
9 Chris Melinn
10 Reina McCarthy
11 Jacob ...
Thanks to the 20 people who came out for our make up round at Garfield today. No aces so another $10 goes to the club championship ace pool. Scores have been recorded and hole winners are as follows. All prizes are $5 store credit to Great Lakes Disc unless otherwise noted. Thanks Shea.
1 Willie Prince wins a GLD Cryztal Scorch
2 Steven Truongb wins a club shirt
3 Reina McCarthy
4 Javier Sosa
5 missing
6 missing
7 Adam Howard
8 Nate Labine
9 Chris Melinn
10 Reina McCarthy
11 Jacob ...
Thank you to the 86 people came out for Garfield League. This week there was an ace hit by Javier Sosa on hole 11 for $165. Next weeks ace pool is $87. This week hot round winners are Scott Scholten & Shelby Stremus. This week handicap winners are Brad Patera & Danielle Smith. Here are the rest of this weeks winners:
Hole 1- Scott Spears
Hole 2- Matt Elgersma
Hole 3- Shelby Stremus
Hole 4- Brian Spears
Hole 5- Dustyn Monachini
Hole 6- Danielle Smith
Hole 7- Seth Rockey
Hole ...
Thanks to the 90 people that showed up for garfield league this week there were no aces hit so ace pool will be $165 this week. This weeks hot round winners are David ashley, Edwin Teeple and Claribel Martinez. Handicap Hotround winners are Dustyn Monachini and Elizabeth Nagley. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Larry Byrd
Hole-2 Peter Jones
Hole-3 Shelby Stremus
Hole-4 Tomas Pedreros
Hole-5 Spencer Gee
Hole-6 Claribel Martinez
Hole-7 Tomas Pedreros
Hole-8 Jack Lincoln
H ...
Thanks to the 74 people that came out to garfield league this week. We had one ace hit by Member Spencer Gee for $348 so next weeks ace pool will be $74. This weeks hot round winners are Ian Hamilton and Terri Holt, Handicap hotround winners are Will Oostdyk and Brittany Cross. Here are the rest of this weeks winnners.
Hole-1 Chris Heynig 50/50
Hole-2 Kyle Eno
Hole-3 Mayra Hernandez
Hole-4 David Laughter
Hole-5 Ian Hamilton
Hole-6 Vikki Shearer
Hole-7 Scott Scholten
Hole-8 Scott Scho ...
Thanksy to the 71 people that came out to league this week there were no aces hit so next weeks ace pool will be $348. This weeks hot round winners are Scott Scholten and Terri Holt. Handicap round winners are Jacob McCallum and Danielle Smith. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Hayden Miedema
Hole-2 Juan Lopez
Hole-3 Carie Rockey
Hole-4 Jake Szymanski
Hole-5 Evan McConnell
Hole-6 Danielle Smith
Hole-7 Alexander Jacobson
Hole-8 Kendall Wright
Hole-9 Jayden Roelofs
Hole-1 ...
Thanks to the 88 people that came to garfield league this week. we had no aces hit this week so next weeks ace pool will be $277. The hot round winners this week are Scott Scholten and Terry Holt. Handicap Winners are Steve Prindle and Carrie Rockey. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Dan Vantuinen 50/50
Hole-2 Jack Zimmmerman
Hole-3 Danielle Smith
Hole-4 Jason Gross
Hole-5 Trevor Balfour
Hole-6 Danielle Smith
Hole-7 Javier Sosa
Hole-8 Brandon Koehn
Hole-9 Jason Gross
Ho ...
Thanks to the 90 people that came out to Garfield league this week there were no aces hit this week so ace pool will be $189. This weeks hot round winners are Jeff Khuehle and Terry Holt, Handicap hotround winners are Javier Sosa and Vikki Shearer. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Vikki Shearer
Hole-2 David Ashley
Hole-3 Mitch Cross 50/50
Hole-4 Elizabeth Nagley
Hole-5 Jared Ypma
Hole-6 David Ashley
Hole-7 Jackson Sietsema
Hole-8 Tung Do
Hole-9 Steven Searle
Hole-10 Ph ...
Thanks to the 96 people that came out to garfield league this week. we had one ace hit by sam rodgers. hot round winners this week are seth rockey and elizabeth nagley, this weeks handicap hot round winners are scott stacey and carrie rockey. here are ther est of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 David Laughter
Hole-2 Paul Lamora
Hole-3 Elizabeth Nagley
Hole-4 Jon Tovar
Hole-5 David Ashley
Hole-6 Jon Tovar
Hole-7 Tung Do
Hole-8 Quentin Gerke
Hole-9 David Laughter
Hole-10 Justin Westhuis 50/ ...
Thank you to the 36 people that came out to Garfield League this week. We had one ace hit this week by non member Matt Block for $44.50. Next weeks ace pool will be $80.50. This weeks hot round winner is Scott Scholten. Handicap hot round goes to Rueben Brown. Here are the rest of this weeks winners...
Hole 1 50/50 - Camden Whitney
Hole 2 - Jason Green
Hole 3 - Scott Scholten
Hole 4 - Matt Elgersma
Hole 5 -
Hole 6 - Abby Smith
Hole 7 - Jake McKenzie
Hole 8 - Sam Pedler
Hole 9 - Jeff ...
Thank you to the 89 people that came out to Garfield League this week. We had one ace hit this week by member Seth Rockey for $84. Next week's ace pool will be $89 . This week hot round winners are Bill Gilbert and Terry Holt. Handicap hot rounds go to Josh Sund and Brittany Cross. Here are the rest of this week winners:
Hole 1- Jon Lorenz
Hole 2- Brandon Braisted
Hole 3- Susan Morris
Hole 4- Adam Umlor
Hole 5- Scott Stacey
Hole 6- Seth Rockey
Hole 7- Matt Elgersma
Hole 8- Jaso ...
Thanks to the 84 people that came out to garfield league this week we had one ace hit this week by member Seth Rockey for $91. next weeks ace pool will be $84. This weeks hot round winners are Ian Hamilton and Megan Dophal, Handicap hot rounds goto Clayton James and Carrie Rockey. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Adam Umlor
Hole-2 Trevor Hofman
Hole-3 Vikki Shearer
Hole-4 Spencer Gee
Hole-5 Jon Tovar
Hole-6 Bill Gilbert
Hole-7 Jacob McCallum
Hole-8 Quentin Gerke
Hole-9 ...
Thanks to the 54 people that came out to Garfield league this week. We had one ace hit by Non-Member Dan Van tuinen. Next weeks ace pool will be $91. This weeks hot round winners are Ian Hamilton (43) and Shelby Stremus (58), handicap hotround winner is John Guild. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Logan Jennings
Hole-2 Jason Green
Hole-3 Shelby Stremus
Hole-4 Dan Vantuinen ACE
Hole-5 Josh Sund
Hole-6 Abby Smith
Hole-7 Jared Peabody
Hole-8 Will Oostdyk
Hole-9 Brian Pro ...
Thank you to the 74 people that came out to Garfield league this week. We had one ace hit by member Scott Scholten. Next week's ace pool will be $74. This week's hot round winners are: Sam O'dell & Claribel Martinez. This week's handicap hot round winner is: Doug Vanoost. Here are the rest of this weeks winners:
Hole 1- Claribel Martinez
Hole 2- Eamon Kelly
Hole 3- Ian Hamilton 50/50
Hole 4- Ian Hamilton
Hole 5- Scott Scholten
Hole 6- Jory Koopman
Hole 7- Greg ...
Thanks to the 74 people that came out to garfield league this week we had 3 aces hit 1 by member mike anastor and two by non members Lamary hardges and matt jackson. next weeks ace pool will be $74. Hot round winners are Scott Scholten and Elizabeth Szubinski, Handicap round winners are Brendan Jennings and Danielle Smith. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Matt Jackson ACE&50/50
Hole-2 Vikki Shearer
Hole-3 Dylan Devriendt
Hole-4 Seth Rockey
Hole-5 Chance Weaver
Hole-6 C ...
Thanks to the 100 people that came out to garfield league this week. there were no aces hit so next weeks ace pool will be $204. This weeks hot round winners are Jeff Kuehle, Carl Bouman and Shelby Stremus. Handicap winners are Brendan Jennings and Carie Rockey. Here are the rest of this weeks winners. Holes 1,3,5,7,9, rewards will be donations from Bill Holton.
Hole-1 Zach Nyp
Hole-2 Matt Witham
Hole-3 Luke VanHammen
Hole-4 Trevor Hofman
Hole-5 Eamon Kelly
Hole-6 Zach Reza
Hole-7 Kaa ...
Thanks to everyone that came out to garfield league this week. We had a memeber: Justin Bird ACE hole-10 for $79, new ace pool is $104. Hot round winners this week are Kyle Eno and Shelby Stremus. Handicap Hotround winners are Clayton James and Vikki Shearer. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 David Laughter
Hole-2 Danny Garza
Hole-3 Shelby Stremus
Hole-4 Kyle Fisher
Hole-5 Phil VanStrien
Hole-6 Nathan Hegerty-Moore 50/50
Hole-7 Elizabeth Szubinski
Hole-8 Tone Powell
Hole ...
Thank you to the 79 people that came out to garfield league. We had one ace hit by member Carter Whitney on the 50/50 hole as well. next weeks ace pool will be $79. This weeks hot round winners are David Ashley and Vikki Shearer, Handicap hotround winner is Carter Whitney. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Zach Straayer
Hole-2 Ryan Young
Hole-3 Carter Whitney ACE 50/50
Hole-4 Brian Spears
Hole-5 Jake Frye
Hole-6 Jared Ypma
Hole-7 Camden Whitney
Hole-8 Nicole Bertapelle
H ...
Thanks to the 84 people for coming out to garfield league this week we had two aces hit this week Hole-4 Brandon Koehn and Hole-14 Sam O'dell which was also 50/50. This weeks hotround winners are Scott Scholten and Claribel Martinez. Handicap hot round winner is Matt Witham. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Riley Hough
Hole-2 Cory Whitten
Hole-3 Elizabeth Szubinski
Hole-4 Brandon Koehn ACE
Hole-5 Zach Reza
Hole-6 Glenn Monroe
Hole-7 EZ Garza
Hole-8 Elizabeth Szubins ...
Thanks to the 81 people that came out to garfiled league this week we had two aces hit one by Zack Gnass and Gavin Vandergraaf. Next weeks ace pool will be $81. This weeks hot round winners are Sam Vandergraaf and Carrie Rockey, Handicap hot round winner is Matt Witham. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Carrie Rockey
Hole-2 Carter Whitney
Hole-3 Tj Thome
Hole-4 Sam Rodgers
Hole-5 Mitch Cross
Hole-6 Jon Tovar
Hole-7 Seth Rockey
Hole-8 Tung Do
Hole-9 Caiden Brewster
Hole- ...
Thanks to the 36 people for coming out to garfield league this week. Justin westhuis aced hole 11 so new ace pool will be $36. This weeks hot round winners are Ryan Bowling (46), Carie Rockey (74). Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 Carie Rockey
Hole-2 Peter Montalvo
Hole-3 Jason Storm 50/50
Hole-4 Josh Sund
Hole-5 David Creswell
Hole-6 David Creswell
Hole-7 Dustyn Monachini
Hole-8 Ryan Bowling
Hole-9 Ron Dugdale
Hole-10 Ron Dugdale
Hole-11 Justin Westhuis
Hole-12 Alex ...
Thanks to the 98 people that came out to league this week we did have a ace hit by Jason Gross for $60 so next weeks ace pool will be $98. This weeks hot round winners are David Ashley (44) and Megan Dophal (54). Here are the rest of this weeks winners.
Hole-1 David Ashley 50/50
Hole-2 Matt Jackson
Hole-3 Kim Chadwick
Hole-4 Steve Prindle
Hole-5 Kaila Vazquez
Hole-6 Scott Scholten
Hole-7 Justin Westhuis
Hole-8 Ben Hovinga
Hole-9 Ben Hovnga
Hole-10 Scott Scholten
Hole-11 Tanner Powe ...
Thanks you to the 60 people that came out to the first garfield league this year we had no aces hit. Next weeks ace pool will be $60. This weeks hot round winners are Spencer Gee (43), Anna Van Strien (55). Here are the rest of this weeks winner.
Hole-1 Phil Vanstrien
Hole-2 Mike Suttles
Hole-3 Jake Frye 50/50
Hole-4 Phil Vanstrien
Hole-5 Sam Rodgers
Hole-6 Dan Treece
Hole-7 Brad Glaspie
Hole-8 Freddy Topppel
Hole-9 Dan Treece
Hole-10 Jake Frye
Hole-11 Anna Vanstrien
Hole-12 Jason ...
Hey I picked up flag 5 after the final card round. It was a long putt and Jake Mckenzie got it. Donno if you need me to bring it by the store or another league?