GRDGU Summer Sanctioned League @ Brewer (Golds)
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 102 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
This league meets every Thursday. Tee offs will be available anytime between 3:30pm-6:00pm. This will be a singles league. After you have 3 rounds you will receive a handicap. Two hot rounds will be awarded each week. One for the actual hot round and one for the handicapped hot round. You are only eligible for one hot round each week. You must be a GRDGU club member to qualify for either hot round. Ace pool will be capped at $500. Non GRDGU members will only be eligible to win half of the curren ...
continue reading ›This league meets every Thursday. Tee offs will be available anytime between 3:30pm-6:00pm. This will be a singles league. After you have 3 rounds you will receive a handicap. Two hot rounds will be awarded each week. One for the actual hot round and one for the handicapped hot round. You are only eligible for one hot round each week. You must be a GRDGU club member to qualify for either hot round. Ace pool will be capped at $500. Non GRDGU members will only be eligible to win half of the current ace pool. GRDGU club membership fee will be $50. Club Membership package consist of a disc, shirt, hat and bag tag. Playing this league can qualify you for the GRDGU Club Championship at the end of the year. The GRDGU Club Championship will be a Random Draw Doubles held on Saturday, September 7th, location tbd . To qualify for the GRDGU Club Championship you must play at least 15 combined league rounds between Garfield Summer League, Johnson Park Summer League, Jaycee Summer League, GRDGU's Summer Sanctioned League @ Brewer and Old Farm Summer League. You must also be a GRDGU club member.
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Week 2
Week 2 – GRDGU Summer Sanctioned League @ Brewer
Thank you to the 39 people that showed up in the rain and wind to play week 2 of the GRDGU Summer Sanctioned League at Brewer Park. Below are this week’s hole winners which award those individuals with $5 credit at Great Lakes Disc.
Hole 1 Josh Sund 50/50
Hole 2 Robert Browne CTP
Hole 3 Sam Rodgers LP
Hole 4 Nate Todd LP
Hole 5 Merrisa Savoy Womens LP
Hole 6 Sam Rodgers LP
Hole 7 Derek Koetsier CTP
Hole 8 Tony Lawrenc ... more
Week 2 – GRDGU Summer Sanctioned League @ Brewer
Thank you to the 39 people that showed up in the rain and wind to play week 2 of the GRDGU Summer Sanctioned League at Brewer Park. Below are this week’s hole winners which award those individuals with $5 credit at Great Lakes Disc.
Hole 1 Josh Sund 50/50
Hole 2 Robert Browne CTP
Hole 3 Sam Rodgers LP
Hole 4 Nate Todd LP
Hole 5 Merrisa Savoy Womens LP
Hole 6 Sam Rodgers LP
Hole 7 Derek Koetsier CTP
Hole 8 Tony Lawrence CTP
Hole 9 Nick Gill CTP
Hole 10 Tony Lawrence LP
Hole 11 Gabe Hernandez CTP
Hole 12 Jessica Westman Womens LP
Hole 13 Tomislav Opacak CTP
Hole 14 Eric Klein CTP
Hole 15 Chris Abella CTP
Hole 16 Tomislav Opacak LP
Hole 17 Nick Gill Longest Drive (Golds)
Hole 18 Matt Lemaitre Golds 2nd shot CTP/ Reds CTP
Hot Round Winner for golds (members only)
1. Nick Gill
Hot round winners for reds (members only)
1. Hot round – Tomislav Opacak
2. Women Hot Round – Jessica Westman
There were no Aces tonight.
Thanks again to all that came out. See you next week!!!!