Frankenmuth Dubs (Chicken City Dubs)
Ace pool
as of October 1This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 104 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
Last call at 5:55. Tee off at 6pm
We are using Udisc live Scoring so be prepared to sign in on the Udisc APP. All Skill levels welcome!
$5 to get in for the round
$3 33/33/33 CTPs ( for example if 10 people buy in then there will be total $30 we will split is 3 ways, Making three stacks of $10 then there will be two ctps for $10 each and $10 going to the end of the year party fund)
$2 acepool
Points system is as follows:
1 point for showing up
1st - 5 points
2nd - 3 points
3rd ...
continue reading ›Last call at 5:55. Tee off at 6pm
We are using Udisc live Scoring so be prepared to sign in on the Udisc APP. All Skill levels welcome!
$5 to get in for the round
$3 33/33/33 CTPs ( for example if 10 people buy in then there will be total $30 we will split is 3 ways, Making three stacks of $10 then there will be two ctps for $10 each and $10 going to the end of the year party fund)
$2 acepool
Points system is as follows:
1 point for showing up
1st - 5 points
2nd - 3 points
3rd - 1 point
1 point for every stroke under par
5 points for an ACE
Also this League is Sponsored by Breaking Aces Disc golf
Check out to get some sweet gear! Use code 125081 for a 10% discount
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