FFB Rando Club Dubz

May - July 2024 • Fayetteville, North Carolina
Doubles league

Ace poolClub Dubz Ace Pool

as of July 25
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jul 4, 2024 · Top scores
Arnette Park
B. Cordell Disc Golf Course
All Star Pin Positions (Hole 11 Tee-Hole 12 Basket), 18 holes
-10 48
Jonny Henderson
Paul Pylant
-7 51
Chris Jones
Ryan Dobbs
-2 56
Joe Henderson
Abe Barnwell
Overall standings
1Ike Monte56
2Bradley Kelso45
3Abe Barnwell42
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 7/26/24

About this League

Doubles league - 37 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Rando Club Dubz Series! $6 to Play $1 to Ace Pool $5 to Payout 5:45- 5:55 Check In Tee Time After Check In Complete 6-6:05 CALI RULES In the event of an odd number of players, one individual will play as "Cali". **This person gets ONE extra shot per hole **This person gets TWO extra shots on Par 4&5s PAYOUT Ace pool will be carried over to the next week if not hit. Cash Payout. SCHEDULE (Subject to Change) May 2- B Cordell DGC May 9- Glenville Pine ...
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