Ethereal Disc League Winter Series

November '20 - January '21 • Escondido, California
Singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jan 3, 2021 · Top scores
Kit Carson Park
EDL Winter Series Longs Par 58, 1 holes
-6 52
Aidan Bound
-5 53
Jimmy Bell
-3 55
Noah Shepardson-Brewster
-3 55
Daunty Trager
-3 55
Matthew DeWitt
-6 52
Joshua Creedon
-3 55
Jose Bautista
-3 55
Junior Neri
-11 47
Drew Sodergren
-11 47
Drake Avila
-7 51
Aaron Van Matre
E 58
Matthew Strom
E 58
Taz Thomas
+2 60
Josh Thomas
+2 60
Marshall Voit
Women's Advanced
+4 62
Rachel Trager
Women's Intermediate
+5 63
Danielle Bell
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 1/4/21

About this League

Singles league - 56 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
Ethereal Discs is running another PDGA sanctioned league, this time it's 6 weeks long so that players get their updated ratings more quickly. Join Ethereal Disc League and be part of a fun, competitive, and growing disc golf community that shares your same love of playing the game and the camaraderie amongst fellow disc golfers. Since this is a PDGA sanctioned league, you’ll receive points and ratings for each of your league rounds. Aspiring PDGA members can take advantage of a $5 d ...
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League News

Kyle Blanchard   January 5, 2021 at 5:58pm

League Ending Payouts Calculated

Pros are awarded cash, Ams are awarded vouchers to the Kit Carson SDSF Pro Shop, but are not yet ready to be picked up. Some people still haven't claimed their awards from last league, so if they are in the payout again this league, they'll have another voucher to claim soon. Placements for each division are as follows:
MPO: Drew S.-$40 Willie G.-$25 Drake A.-$15 Aaron VM.-$15 Alex G.-$10
FPO: Charlotte T.-$5
MA1: Jimmy B.-$65 Charles G.-$35 Aidan B.-$25 Mike B.-$15 Daunty T.-$10 ... more


Kyle Blanchard   January 1, 2021 at 5:45pm

1/3/2021 is the last week of this league!

This Sunday is the last day of the 6 week winter series, be sure to come out to try and shoot your best in hopes of improving your average rating! I'll be submitting the league report in the following days after the 3rd so that on January 12th the PDGA ratings update will take all the league rounds into effect.


Kyle Blanchard   November 28, 2020 at 12:29am

Hope to see plenty of new and familiar faces Sunday!

You now should be able to sign in to the league using with the code EDL1234. Come Sunday we’ll group up into separate cards for those that don’t already have their group of at least 3. If you have any pictures from the last league feel free to post them here or on the club’s page on Facebook.
Let me know if you have any questions!

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