Eastside ACE RUN League

April - October 2014 • St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Mixed league

Ace pool

as of November 1
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 28, 2014 · Top scores
Brys Park
Regular tees, 24 holes
-19 53
Rich Bidinger$27.50
-19 53
Tim Doherty$27.50
-18 54
Tyler Alfano$20
-18 54
Logan Young$10
-18 54
Trevor Alfano$10
-16 56
Jay Binienda
-16 56
Jay Moyer
-15 57
Kevin Frad
-15 57
Justin Callert
-14 58
Ed Carpus
Overall standings
1Rich Bidinger185
2Jay Binienda168
3Jay Moyer131
4Jake Schneider126
5Joe Wallo120
6Ed Carpus118
6Justin Dean118
8Dave Bourgeois114
9Nick Cooke103
10Kevin Frad95
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 11/1/14

About this League

Mixed league - 90 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
$5 Doubles $5 Ace pool $1 ctp Random dubs. $1 from each Ace Pool entry will go into the playoff pot at the end of the season. Top 8 players on the leaderboard at the end of the season will play off. Ace pool pays out 50%. Cali's will have the option to pay an additional $5 into the ACE POOL for their 2nd drive to be eligible to win the ace pool money, otherwise, only their 1st drive will count. Points: 15 pts...Ace 10 pts...Completing a round in 48 strokes or less (-24 or bett ...
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League News

Derek Stockford   November 2, 2014 at 2:17am

final week of the season!!

Congrats to Rich B and Tim Doherty on the win.Rich B won the cash ctp for $19. No Aces this week. Dave B. won the throwoff for 50% of the ace pool ($114). $114 carries over to the playoff round. Total playoff ace pool after the playoff players pay in will be $154.

$20 added to the playoff pot + an additional $9 from Binienda's "dot pot" for a grand total of $885!!!!.....after the playoff players pay into the ace pool there will be $154 in the ace pool.

Congrats to Rich Bidinger on being the 2014 EASTSIDE ACE RUN LEAGUE CHAMPION!!!!

show all 14 comments
Richard Bidinger   November 3, 2014 at 7:46pm

Derek, just wanted to say thank you for doing an awesome job running the league. I'm sure that everybody appreciates it as well. Also a big thank you to all my partners who helped get me to 1ST PLACE this year. Looking forward to playoffs and winning some money with my partner Jay

Ed Carpus   November 3, 2014 at 10:35pm

Hell yeah!

Jake Schneider   November 4, 2014 at 8:20am

I'd like to say the same thing, too, Derek, about running the league, as well as the peeps who covered for you. Same thing to the partners who helped me make the playoffs - lord knows they carried me a few nights, lol. Looking forward to a fun night with some good people!

Derek Stockford   October 28, 2014 at 2:27am

Playoff info

Thanks to everybody that came out this year. This tuesday (10/28) is the last regulation round of the year. The playoff round will take place tuesday november 4th at 6:30 pm. I would like to apologize to everyone for missing so many weeks this year. My work has me doing a lot of traveling. I would also like to thank everybody that has stepped in to help out during the weeks i have not been able to make it. I just got back from a long alabama trip and have to leave again this weekend to return th ... more


Derek Stockford   October 27, 2014 at 4:57am

-17 wins???

Congrats to Tom C/ Wallo on the win. Rich B won the cash ctp for $17. Tyler Alfano gets yet another ace on hole #16, and Steve Tyrone aced hole #6... taking home $74 each.

$17 added to the playoff pot ($856 total)...........$149 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   October 20, 2014 at 2:54am

Tie at -20

Congrats to Moyer/Garza, and Bidinger/Alfano on the win. Joe wallo won the cash ctp for $19. No aces this week.

$20 added to the playoff pot ($839 total)....... $229 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   October 8, 2014 at 6:09am

-22 wins

Congrats to Rich Bidinger and Justin Dean on the win. Tyler Alfano (2014 Brys ACE RACE 2nd place winner) put on a show tonight! He hit 2 aces during tonights round. Hole #12, and Hole #19 cashing $150. His ace on hole #12 was also the cash ctp hole for an additional $24...This kid is on FIRE!!!

$24 added to the playoff pot + an additional $9 from Binienda's "dot pot" ($819 total)......$150 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   October 1, 2014 at 5:51am

three way tie at -21

Congrats to Binienda/Wallo, Garza/Doherty, and Bourgeois/Stockford on the win. Jay Binienda won the cash ctp for $20. Nick Cooke won the merch ctp (Mini's donated by T.Doherty, and a $20 gift certificate from THE DISC GOLF STORE) no aces this week.

$20 added to the playoff pot + an additional $11 from Binienda's "dot pot" ($786 total)......$203 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   September 30, 2014 at 3:53am

-23 wins

Congrats to Rich B and Justin Dean on the win. Jay Garza won the cash ctp for $21. Nick Cooke won the merch ctp for a $20 gift certificate at THE DISC GOLF STORE. Justin Dean Aced hole #19 for $123.

$21 added to the playoff pot + an additional $10 from Biniendas "dot pot" ($755 total)......$123 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   September 17, 2014 at 5:37pm

Thank you to our merchandise sponsors!!

I would like to thank OXFORD BEVERAGE and THE DISC GOLF STORE for their contribution to our merchandise ctp's this year. Dont forget to stop in and say thank you to both!!


Derek Stockford   September 17, 2014 at 5:53am

Two perfect scores tonight!!

Congrats to Justin Dean and Jay Moyer, as well as Tim Doherty and Rich Bidinger on shooting a perfect round (-24)!!!!! Tyler Alfano won the cash ctp for $20. Jay Moyer won the Merch ctp for a $10 gift certificate to Dave B's store and a $20 gift certificate to THE DISC GOLF STORE. 3 ACES tonight. Rich Bidinger nailed his first throw of the round on hole #10, Jay Binienda hit hole #19, and Jake Schneider hit hole #9. All 3 players took home $54 each. I believe this is the highest amount of p ... more

Derek Stockford   September 17, 2014 at 12:26pm

"Dave B's store" is more commonly known as OXFORD BEVERAGE (lol). Dont forget to stop in and say thank you for the merchandise contributions to the league this year!

Derek Stockford   September 16, 2014 at 5:18am

-22 wins

Congrats to Joe Wallo and Daymon Pugh on the win. Rob Cook won the cash ctp for $30. I hit an ace on hole #19 for $247.

$30 added to the playoff pot + an additional $18 from Biniendas "dot pot" ($724 total)..........$247 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   September 9, 2014 at 5:03am

Tie at -22

Congrats to Wallo/Schneider, and Dave B./Maty on the win. Joe Wallo won the ctp throwoff since I forgot to put the flag out ($28). No aces this week. Thanks to Tim Doherty and THE DISC GOLF STORE for donating into the merch ctp.

$28 added to the playoff pot + an additional $12 from Biniendas "dot pot" ($676 total).....$374 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   September 2, 2014 at 5:42am

-22 wins

Congrats to Moyer and Anthony on the win. Jay Binienda won the cash ctp for $24. 1 ace this week unfortunately the person who hit the ace did not pay into the ace pool.

$24 added to the playoff pot + an additional $9 from Jays dot pot ($636 total)..........$263 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   August 20, 2014 at 6:38am

-21 wins the drivers challenge

Congrats to Christian Sersha and Kevin Fradeneck on the win. Rich Bidinger won the cash ctp for $18. Anthony Salamone won the longest putt for merchandise and a gift certificate donated by Dave B. No aces this week.

$18 added to the playoff pot, plus an additional $13 from biniendas "dot pot" ($603 total).....$167 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   August 20, 2014 at 12:07am

Possible delay

Due to approaching storms, leagues will still be scheduled for tonight, however if the storms have not yet passed over before teeoff leagues may be delayed a half hour or so until the weather has passed. Bring your glowies/leds just in case

Derek Stockford   August 19, 2014 at 5:56pm

Sign in will begin around 7:00 pm or as soon as the storms pass, and teeoff will be immediately after everybody that is in the parking lot ready to play, has signed in

Derek Stockford   August 19, 2014 at 3:43am

-22 wins putters only round

Congrats to Rich B. and BDub on the win. Joe wallo won the cash ctp ($21). Ryan Frad won the longest putt for 2 league points. Rich bidinger aced hole #6 for $95.

$22 added to the playoff pot ($559 total)......$95 in the ace pool for next week


NOTE: In years past the drivers only round meant putting with a driver....however, this year will be modified slightly. you must use a driver off the teepad, but may use a putter for your 2nd shot.

Derek Stockford   August 18, 2014 at 8:11pm

Jay binienda donated $13 from his "dot pot" bumping the playoff pot up to $572

Derek Stockford   August 12, 2014 at 4:20am

-23 wins

Congrats to Dave B and Tim Doherty on the win. Rich Bidinger won the cash ctp for $18, And Tim Doherty won the added longest putt for 2 league points. Steve Marshall aced hole #23 for $101.

$18 added to the playoff pot ($537 total)....$101 in the ace pool for next week.



Jay B   August 12, 2014 at 1:31am

2 league points for longest putt? is this goin to be added to the point format permanently the rest of the season?

Derek Stockford   July 30, 2014 at 5:35am

-23 wins

Congrats to rich Bidinger and Brian Morba on the win. Joe Wallo won the cash ctp ($19). Rob Cook won the merch ctp for a voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. Ed Carpus aced hole #21 for $130.

$20 added to the playoff pot, plus an additional $25 from Binienda's "dot pot" ($519 total).....$130 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   July 29, 2014 at 5:14am

Three way tie at -22

Congrats to Binienda/Sweeney, Sersha/Bidinger, and Moyer/Schneider on tying for the win. Moyer won the cash ctp for $27. Two aces tonight. Moyer aced hole #13 and I aced hole #11.

$28 added to the playoff pot plus an additional $30 from biniendas "dot pot" ($474 total).............. $181 in the ace pool for next week ($5 added from remainder of first place payouts)


Derek Stockford   July 22, 2014 at 5:01am

-20 wins

Congrats to K. Frad and R. Frad on the win. Jay binienda won the cash ctp for $28. Brad B. won the merch ctp for a voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. Two aces tonight. BDub hit hole #18 and Dave B hit hole # 13...each cashing $120

$28 added to the playoff pot ($416 total).....$240 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   July 15, 2014 at 11:19pm


I need some help everybody... I left my mastercopy for scorecards at home so i couldnt make copies at work. If anybody has some it would really help out

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Derek Stockford   July 15, 2014 at 4:18pm

My printer is outta commision at the moment. Thats why i needed to bring my master copy to work to make copies.

Jay B   July 15, 2014 at 4:29pm

I will bring some that can be used

Foz Miller   July 16, 2014 at 11:43am

If it helps there are several MS Office Templates for score cards, reg sheets, payout tables etc. in the DGLA league Tool kit here. http://www.discgolfleagueassociation.org/Leagues/League_Tool_Kit/league_tool_kit.html if there are other formats or files that would be useful to other leagues let meknow and we will add them. peaceAll editable if desired.

Derek Stockford   July 15, 2014 at 5:17am

-21 wins

Congrats to Jay Moyer and Dave Bourgouis on the win. Joe Wallo won the cash ctp for $22. No aces again this week.

$22 added to the playoff pot ($388 total).....$369 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   July 2, 2014 at 5:48am

Tie at -20

Congrats to Moyer/Richardson and Bidinger/Stockford on the win. Dave B. won the cash ctp for $20. Jay Moyer won the merch ctp for a $20 voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. No aces again this week.

$20 added to the playoff pot ($366 total)......$281 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   July 1, 2014 at 6:26am

First perfect score of the season!

Congrats to Joe Wallo and Thor Bachelor on their score of 48! Both players rack up 16 points for the night. Dave B won the cash ctp ($16) and K. Frad won the merch ctp for a voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. No aces this week.

$16 added to the playoff pot ($346 total)......$201 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   June 24, 2014 at 4:59am

-21 wins

Congrats to Hurley and Wallo on the win. Tim Doherty won the cash ctp for $27, and he also won the merch ctp for a voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. 2 aces this week. Jay Moyer aced hole #7, and Jake Schneider aced hole #8. Both players won $68.

$28 added to the playoff pot ($330 total)....$137 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   June 17, 2014 at 6:26am

-20 wins

Congrats to Dave B and Steve Marshall on the win. Dave B also won the cash ctp for $26. Kevin Fradeneck aced hole #22 for $162.

$26 added to the playoff pot ($302 total)....$162 in the Ace Pool for next week


Derek Stockford   June 9, 2014 at 5:38am

Three way tie at -18

Congrats to B Dub/Joe B, Schneider/Gibson, and Mouton/Maty on tying for the win. Ed Carpus won the cash ctp ($28). Justin Dean Aced hole #7 for $224.

$28 added to the playoff pot ($276 total).....$224 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   June 3, 2014 at 6:54am

Three way tie at -22

Congrats to Dean/Mouton, Binienda/Schneider, and Bidinger/Wallo on taking home the cash. No Aces this week. I still owe a point to the person who won the cash ctp ($21).

$22 added to the playoff pot ($248 total)....$337 in the ACE POOL for next week

Jay B   June 3, 2014 at 7:40am

Mouton won the ctp, forgot to give ya the flag

Derek Stockford   May 27, 2014 at 3:06am

-23 wins

Congrats to Bidinger/Wallo on the win. Chuck thorpe won the cash ctp ($32) and Joe B won the merch ctp for a $20 voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. Chuck Thorpe aced hole #11 (ctp hole) and Phil Cackowski aced hole #7

$32 added to the playoff pot ($226 total)....$249 in the ACE POOL for next week

Nicholas Chmiel   May 27, 2014 at 1:21pm

Nice ace Chuck! Double payout!

Derek Stockford   May 20, 2014 at 3:45am

-20 wins

Congrats to Binienda/Garza and Moyer (Cali) on the win. Jay Garza also won the cash ctp ($19). No aces yet again this week

$20 added to the playoff pot ($194 total)....$370 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   May 14, 2014 at 12:59am

Leagues will continue as scheduled

Looks like the strongest of the storms will be out of the area by 6:30... We will be having leagues tonight!!!


Derek Stockford   May 13, 2014 at 8:15pm

Possible cancellation

Due to the possibility of strong storms this evening, leagues MIGHT be cancelled for tonight. I will continue to watch the radar throughout the day and post the final decision around 5:00 pm.

Jay B   May 13, 2014 at 12:19pm

If you know of anyone who might not see the message here on the scene before 630 try to keep in touch with them and let them know

Nicholas Cooke   May 13, 2014 at 4:50pm

We should play!

Jason Riberas   May 13, 2014 at 4:57pm

I agree with Cooke. If it's not raining that bad we should still try.

Derek Stockford   May 12, 2014 at 6:01am

-21 wins

Congrats to Dulix/Moyer and Binienda/Sersha on the win. Jake Schneider won the cash ctp for $32. B Dub won the merch ctp for a $20 voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. No aces this week.

$32 added to the playoff pot ($174 total).....$290 in the ace pool for next week


Derek Stockford   April 30, 2014 at 5:59am

-21 wins

Congrats to Jay Garza and Steve Sevonty on the win!! Mike Wood won the cash ctp for $33, Jason Riberas won the merch ctp for a voucher at THE DISC GOLF STORE. Two aces tonight! Jay Binienda aced hole #22 and Ryan Frad aced hole #14

$34 added to the playoff pot ($142 total).......$172 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   April 23, 2014 at 5:40am

-14 wins

Congrats to Justin Dean and Rob Cook on the win. Kevin Fradeneck won the cash ctp for $25. No aces this week.

$26 added to the playoff pot ($108 total)....$208 in the ACE POOL for next week

Ken Mango   April 23, 2014 at 6:32am

There's some pretty weak scores winning lately! What's going on here?

Ed Carpus   April 23, 2014 at 7:54am

How quickly we forget. The spring rounds always look like this because we're playing in 30 mph winds.

Douglas "Fresh" Watson   April 23, 2014 at 5:06pm

They added ~150 feet to about 14 of the holes Mango.

Derek Stockford   April 16, 2014 at 5:28am

-16 wins

Congrats to Binienda/Cooke on the win. Binienda won the merch ctp for a Prodigy M4. Justin Dean won the cash ctp for $21. Ed Carpus hit another ACE (back to back weeks) on hole #21 for $104!!

$22 added to the playoff pot ($82 total).....$104 in the ACE POOL for next week


Derek Stockford   April 9, 2014 at 5:58am

-20 wins

Congrats to Binienda and Cooke on the win!! Mike Wood won the cash ctp for $30. Justin Dean won the merch ctp for a voucher at the DISC GOLF STORE. Ed Carpus Aced hole #15 for $120!!!

$30 added to the playoff pot ($60 total)... $120 in the ACE POOL for next week.

PLEASE try to bring $5's and singles to pay...way too many people are paying with a $20 bill and making payouts at the end of the night a little tough.


Derek Stockford   April 2, 2014 at 6:40am

-18 wins

It was April Fools Day but the wind out there was no joke. Congrats to Jay Binienda and Allen Flemming on the win. Tim Doherty won the cash ctp for $29. Christian Sersha won the merch ctp for a voucher at the DISC GOLF STORE. No aces this week

$30 added to the playoff pot...$120 in the ACE POOL for next week

REMINDER- Jay Binienda will have a ctp for a STATE BERTH next week. the cost will be either $1 or $2 per attempt (price still to be determined)


Derek Stockford   March 9, 2014 at 12:17am

April Fools on opening day!!

It's that time of year everybody! Hope to see everyone back this year. We had a great time last year, and hope to have as much fun this year as we did last year. Tuesday nights, sign - in starts at 6:00 PM and tee-off at 6:30

show all 6 comments
Ed Carpus   March 20, 2014 at 4:05pm

Glad to hear you'll be around for a bit! I've been shaking with Tuesday night withdrawals for the last two months or so.

tony "bonz" slaven   March 23, 2014 at 7:00pm

y can't it be april 1st yet so ready lol

Thor Batchelor   April 1, 2014 at 2:45pm

is this a joke or is this really starting today...

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