East Roswell Random Draw Doubles
Ace pool
as of June 21This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 67 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This is a random draw doubles league that occurs every Monday during daylight savings. Everyone is welcome and if you’re a newer player, this is a great way to meet experienced players and learn new skills. Start time and layout are determined by daylight and weather; i'll try and post layout and start time on here and the Atlanta Disc Golf Facebook page every Monday. Minimum buy-in is $6 ($1 course fund, $5 to payout) with optional side action of $1 ace, 8 all or nothing ...
continue reading ›This is a random draw doubles league that occurs every Monday during daylight savings. Everyone is welcome and if you’re a newer player, this is a great way to meet experienced players and learn new skills. Start time and layout are determined by daylight and weather; i'll try and post layout and start time on here and the Atlanta Disc Golf Facebook page every Monday. Minimum buy-in is $6 ($1 course fund, $5 to payout) with optional side action of $1 ace, 8 all or nothing $1 CTPs, $5 top score bounty ($20 All-in, but will be subject to change after we try this new format out). I can't wait to see YOU out there!
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Zak Kemmer March 9, 2016 at 6:25pm
$1 Course Fund Update
I'd like to inform you that the ERP board of directors has indicated interest in the installation of a second set of tee-pads which will be a combination of the best layout between current red and blue tees. Your $1 course fund will contribute towards this cause.