Devens Sunday Dubz 2016

April - October 2016
Handicap Mixed
Hosted by Massachusetts Association for the Advancement of Disc Golf (MAADG)


About this league

Devens Sunday Dubz is an 8 month long, (Apr-Nov), random doubles points league. We meet at the Hawk's Nest disc golf shop in Ayer, Ma.

Tee off is 9:30 am SHARP... and the shop is usually open by 8 am if you want to show up early.

We play every Sunday rain, shine or snow and everyone is welcomed to come play.

Fee to play the round is 5 dollars. $1 goes to league fund and the rest is paid out weekly to winners. Twenty participants and under we pay out the top spots. Over 20 show up and we pay 2 spots...60/40.

There is a $1 optional Ace Pot which carries forward. If there is money in the pot at the end of the season it will be added to the party fund.

All ties which affect the cash payout only... will be decided by a sudden death play-off starting on Hole 11 of The Hill. If ALL parties agree the tie may be decided by a difficult CTP shot at Hole 13's basket.

Partners are randomly decided by flipping discs. Which course is played is also decided by a flip.

All PDGA rules and guidelines are observed and in effect for this league.