DGLA: Oregon Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2015
16 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 12th 2015 - Saturday Aug 1st 2015
May 10th 2015 Saturday - DGLA Player level registration cutoff and deadline for adding new leagues to the Point series.
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is proud to bring you the Oregon Cooperative Point Series – Summer, (OrCPS-S) 2015 season.
The DGLA OrCPS brings leagues and players closer together for more fun, to help exchange ideas and grow the sport of Disc Golf. Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see what players are doing, what each league is up to and what is new at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to crown the Oregon State Disc Golf League Summer Champion.
Earn points for every round you play in any participating leagues throughout Oregon.
Leagues Coordinators, or players request a League be added to the OrCPS - Once your league is online send us the URL of your league on DiscGolfScene.com to join. Any Oregon league that has rounds played any time between Sunday April 6th 2015 - Saturday July 26th 2015 are eligible for the OrCPS-S 2015. The deadline to add new leagues is May 10th 2015.
** Leagues can always run outside the OrCPS dates but OrCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
Cost: There is no fee to be in the OrCPS-S 2015, you just play league rounds in participating leagues and your scores are automatically included. You must have a Disc Golf Scene profile which is also free.
The OrCPS is FREE but we ask that you show your support by also becoming a Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) Member - it's also FREE. Being a Free member does make a difference. When we look for sponsors it's our overall numbers that make a big difference. Let's show the world that this sport is growing, that people care about the sport, how it is played and that we need more courses and we need to take care of these courses.
Based on player's and league coordinator's ideas and comments and the continued devotion of the DGLA and DGS staff during countless disc golf rounds and hours at the our local brewery/// I mean, hours of board meetings - the rules for the DGLA Oregon Statewide Point Series are available here.
Points calculation:
The Point Series point calculation tries to encourage players to play often yet balance this against many who cannot play more than once or twice a week. We also try to encourage all league to participate by levelling the points accrual – League below 20 players get a boast, league greater than 60 point capped.
During a week (Sunday to Saturday) points are calculated for each participating league round you play. The highest TWO point total from a participating league are added into your total and the others are "dropped". Summer Aces are worth 25 points even if that league round is dropped. League round points are basically calculated by adding 2 points for participation and one point for every player you beat and if there is no tie for first place the winner gets 2 additional points for being the "Out Right Winner". Now that basic calculation are further adjusted to encourage small leagues and balance out larger leagues using three levels; 4-19 players, 20-59, and 60+ players. The points awarded are different for each group. The smaller league rounds will get a guaranteed max point total the same as 20 players, the middle size league round are calculated as described above and the larger league rounds have a cap with max points being set to 60 players.
Scores must be entered the same as leagues determine payouts; If Divisions are used for payouts than scores must be entered by division. If handicaps are used for payouts then the handicap adjusted scores must be entered.
Cali - If there is one Cali in a double league they are counted as two players but if there is more than one Cali than they are only counted as one when calculating point totals. This ensures leagues can have Cali rounds with multiple Cali teams, but the point totals are accurate based on the number of actual players that played the round.
As always leagues can use their own points system or no point when entering league rounds, as the OrCPS points are calculated independently, allowing league more flexibility to continue with their legacy systems or try new ones for their individual leagues.
OrCPS automatically keeps your best TWO rounds per week (Sunday - Saturday) when calculating your OrCPS total points. This is automatically recalculated whenever new scores are posted or scores are updated. Get out and play as much as you can to increase your skill and maximize your points but if you are limited to how often you can play your goal would be to try and get at least two rounds per week.
Summer Aces: Worth 25 points – League Admin – this is automatically calculated so if you want to use a different point system for your individual league Aces you can.
DGLA will also be awarding some MDGO, Discraft Oregon State Championships berths for the OrCPS-Summer season. More ways to secure your berth and compete in another great Oregon statewide disc golf event.
Disc Golf Scene has weekly & monthly awards based on OrCPS rounds. That’s more Disc Golf Scene Bling for your profile.
There are more leagues than ever so get out to some new courses or new leagues and see what is going on throughout the state. Don't overlook the smaller leagues - they tend to incorporate new ideas faster, have a really friendly group feel and you get introduce to the new courses with the locals who know them best. I also highly recommend making it out to one of the larger leagues as well to experience the energy of all those players coming together at one time, yet in a slightly more casual environment than a tournament. Bottom line, get out and play often!!!! & Enjoy.
As a player in the OrCPS-S you represent the core Oregon Disc Golf players and you can really help make this sport better. Help pass along the Disc Golf etiquette that makes rounds fun and fair for all. Encourage new players and pass along some tips to help others improve. Bring a friend out and expose them to leagues. If you pack it in, pack it out - or at least make sure it ends up in a trash can. Keeping the courses clean is critical to keeping our courses.
We have naturally beautiful courses let's help keep them that way.
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Foz Miller April 10, 2015 at 9:48pm
DGLA: ORCPS - Summer Season Starts This Sunday April 12th
Summer Season Starts Sunday!!!!!!
Yes the DGLA: Oregon Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2015
starts this Sunday.
16 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 12th 2015 - Saturday Aug 1st 2015
** Participating Leagues can always run outside the OrCPS dates but OrCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
*** No fee to play in this league ***
Cost: There is no fee to participate in the OrCPS-S 2015, you have to have a Disc Golf Scene pro ... more
Summer Season Starts Sunday!!!!!!
Yes the DGLA: Oregon Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2015
starts this Sunday.
16 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 12th 2015 - Saturday Aug 1st 2015
** Participating Leagues can always run outside the OrCPS dates but OrCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
*** No fee to play in this league ***
Cost: There is no fee to participate in the OrCPS-S 2015, you have to have a Disc Golf Scene profile and play league rounds in participating leagues and your scores are automatically included.
Currently we have 6 participating leagues
- D.O.R.C.s (Day Of Rest Crew)
- Dabney Singles
- Friday Night Singles at Dallas City Park
- M.V.D.S.A. Tuesday Handicap League
- Monday Night Handicap Singles
- Tuesday 2s
May 10th Saturday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
Earn points for every round you play in a participating leagues throughout Oregon.
If you don't see the league you play in send us the Link to the league About page on DGS. The deadline to add new leagues is May 10th 2015. Handicapped Leagues must post adjusted score that are used for payouts to be included.
Reminder - Best TWO (2) rounds by Points are counted during the week (Sunday - Saturday) the other rounds will show up as "DROPPED".
Those leagues choosing to have a Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) round will be given Double Points for that round. We will also try and highlight aspects of the league in advance to help promote and encourage players to travel to try new leagues and courses.
HLW will be in June and July.
The player with the most HLW rounds at the end of the season will get an extra DGLA Award.
Summer Aces: Worth 25 points
As a player in the OrCPS-S you represent the core Oregon Disc Golf players and you can really help make this sport better. Help pass along the Disc Golf etiquette that makes rounds fun and fair for all. Encourage new players and pass along some tips to help others improve. Bring a friend out and expose them to leagues. If you pack it in, pack it out - or at least make sure it ends up in a trash can. Keeping the courses clean is critical to keeping our courses.
We have naturally beautiful courses let's help keep them that way.
There are more leagues than ever so get out to some new courses or new leagues and see what is going on throughout the state. Don't overlook the smaller leagues - they tend to incorporate new ideas faster, have a really friendly group feel and you get introduce to the new courses with the locals who know them best. I also highly recommend making it out to one of the larger leagues as well to experience the energy of all those players coming together at one time, yet in a slightly more casual environment than a tournament. Bottom line, get out and play often!!!! & Enjoy.
Enjoy the Rounds!