DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2014

April - July 2014 • Parma, Ohio
Point Series

All Leaderboards · Ian Kuehn's stats

8 rounds recorded
127 total points (52nd overall)
· Ian Kuehn

Round history

-27 81
THursday Big Money League
Lakeview Church
tournament layout short and long tees, 36 holes
15 points7th place
+3 60
2014 Roscoe Ewing Scrambles
Roscoe Ewing Park
Long tees, 18 holes
Partner Matt Smith
12 points dropped4th place
-8 49
Hudson Springs DGC Tues Night Scrambles
Hudson Springs Park
Regular tees, 19 holes
Partner Noah G
26 points1st place
-2 52
THursday Big Money League
Lakeview Church
Longs and Shorts, 18 holes
16 points5th place
-5 52
2014 Roscoe Ewing Scrambles
Roscoe Ewing Park
Long tees, 18 holes
played Cali
22 points1st place
-2 62
Saturday Scrambles
Punderson State Park
Great White Long, 18 holes
Partner Tim K.
14 points7th place
-8 49
2014 Roscoe Ewing Scrambles
Roscoe Ewing Park
Long tees, 18 holes
Partner Jordan Verbiak
22 points1st place
+2 59
2014 Roscoe Ewing Scrambles
Roscoe Ewing Park
Long tees, 18 holes
Partner Sharon Jenkins
12 points5th place
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