DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2012
Points · Apr - Jul 2012 · Ypsilanti, MI
A few asked about the DGLA Titan Pro Basket Raffle, as I posted we were trying to determine a large Disc Golf event to hold this raffle at or to do it at States. The list of ticket holders was also po ...
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Aug 13, 2012
I wanted to go ahead and send a shot out to: Foz, Scott, Pete, and anyone else with hands on development of the DGLA. Thanks for the time put in, and creating a united Community of people who all sh ...
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Aug 11, 2012
We aim to please. Hakuna matata. Aug 10, 2012
Have faith in Father Foz and the rest of innner cirle! He is a busy man....I am sure when he gets a chance he will post the basket raffle winner. Has the most integrity of any discer I know....P ...
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Aug 11, 2012
I expect more leaderboards will be added in the future so there's a title that everyone can compete for. Aug 9, 2012
The point series doesn't need to affect the individual leagues' experiences.
We don't mandate they use any kind of point, percentage, or handicap system-- just that they post their raw scores.
As ...
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Aug 9, 2012
Another problem with points per players beat is that it discourages the really new players or friends, wives, girlfriends from coming along to a league. I've seen it in small leagues even where thes ...
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Aug 9, 2012
Understood. However we're Missing the point of the greater goal. There may always be shady players, leagues, etc but we can't let that be a reason to not improve the system and do something that would ...
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Aug 9, 2012
I wasn't saying every league with 10 players is a bunch of bums. That is taking it out of context. I'm just saying if it were set up like u wish, then there would be leagues like that. And ken climo a ...
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Aug 9, 2012
If anyone has the information about the Basket Raffle I would appreciate the response to the question I have been searching for some time now. Aug 11, 2012
DGcoursereview.com also has a database of scores we could tap into potentially in effort to build out database of player scores for good handicapping. I personally have over 223 rounds loaded into the ...
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Aug 8, 2012
Thanks for the feedback Tim. I'll get in touch with you regarding the handicap system that Pete, Foz and I are working on. If anyone else is interested please send me a message.
I agree with ...
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Aug 8, 2012
I disagree that beating 100 players is harder to do. Not if you are a great player, or the local pro, whatever. It is just more likely that there will be better players and more competition for you. ...
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Aug 8, 2012
All forward progress is progress. Trying to create and reinvent something that would appeal and be useful to a wide and dynamic range of players is a ever daunting task that these fine peoples have t ...
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Aug 7, 2012
Success! Thanks Mike and I think about 60% of the players have your same perspective. We work hard to find ways to make it work for everyone else no matter if they are out for fun or heavy competiti ...
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Aug 7, 2012
I have always interrupted the "points system" on the scene much like the points system in Professional hockey. Points for a win, points for a tie, and no points if you lost. Which is pretty much how ...
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Aug 7, 2012
Maybe it is easier to say it this way:
For small leagues, less than 19 players - they get a small point equalizer to make them more like a leagues of size 20. So if you have only 6, 12, 18 player ...
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Aug 7, 2012
However, it's also important to prevent big leagues from having a monopoly on the local players, which is why we cap the points. Aug 7, 2012
There is it just is not as big a difference than it was when all leagues were treated the same. The only limit is when a league is bigger than 60 players, so there is not a difference between beating ...
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Aug 7, 2012
Aug 7, 2012
Also on "Border leagues" - currently there is no rule to define how to handle this. We brought this topic up at our last public DGLA meeting after it was brought to our attention. The result of that ...
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Aug 7, 2012
If it helps to understand the point system currently used please check out the posted information on the DGLA site:
General info on the Point Series
http://www.discgolfleagueassociation.org/Point_ ...
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Aug 7, 2012
The first round here you can see that the small leagues get a points boost. I was mistaken earlier, the winner of a small league can get 22 points - 2 extra for winning outright and 2 extra for partic ...
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Aug 7, 2012
Hmm. I was not aware of the point minimum or maximum based on number of players. At least, I have not seen it in the results for league up here. Is this something which is automatically calculated, or ...
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Aug 7, 2012