That's right! An organized weekly league at Addison Oaks! Disc Golf For a Cause proudly presents DGFC Saturday Singles. DGFC is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to helping people in need, hosting and particapating in a variety of charitable efforts both on and off the course.
*All proceeds from this league will go to the DGFC Non-Profit to support our ongoing efforts to help people in need and give back to the game we all love.
$10 one time optional league member fee:
Once paid you will be eligable for our end of season playoff cash prize, bonus CTP prizes and givaways, 100% ace pool payout, and a chance to win a ****STATE BERTH**** awarded to three players with the most points in non Open divisions. (YOU WILL NOT BEGIN ACCUMULATING POINTS FOR THE SEASON UNTIL $10 MEMBER FEE IS PAID)
Payments can be sent via GPAY/PAYPAL to [email redacted] FF
or Venmo @brian-evans-275
Open ($15 all in)
$12 weekly entry fee:
$10 will go to payouts for that week
$1 goes to the end of season Week 13 Playoff Pool (each division will have it's own year end cash prize pool)
$1 each week will go to Disc Golf For a Cause
Optional CTP-2 Dollars- 50/50 hole and prize hole.
Optional Ace pool-1 Dollar
Advanced/Rec/Women (($10 all in))
$7 weekly entry fee:
$5 will go to payouts for that week
$1 goes to the end of season Week 13 Playoff Pool (each division will have it's own year end cash prize pool)
$1 each week will go to Disc Golf For a Cause
Optional CTP-2 Dollars- 50/50 hole and prize hole.
Optional Ace pool-1 Dollar
Open - For seasoned golfers. MPO/FP0 or MA1/FA1 who are interested in higher level competition.
Advanced: For seasoned golfers. Ma1, or Ma2 level players who are interested in a competitive experience.
Suggested rating (900+)
Recreational: For more casual golfers. Ma2 or Ma3 level players. The more highly skilled women may consider this division as well.
Suggested rating (under 900)
Womens: Women only. (Women are also welcome to compete in either of the above divisions if they want)
*Please pick and stay with a division all season to avoid admin headaches...some exceptions can be made
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