Creekside Random Draw Cash Doubles

April - August 2024 • New Bern, North Carolina
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of July 19

This league has ended.

No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.

About this League

Doubles league - 44 all-time players - 18 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This will be a 16 week Random Draw Doubles league with a different format each week. Week 1 Captains Choice-Each player throws from every lie with the captain of the team deciding which shot to take. Week 2 Diabolical Doubles- Both partners throw, walk to their disc, and then pace to the spot between the two, which becomes the new lie An ace (or any throw on which you hole out) still completes the hole Week 3 Scotch- Both partners throw from the tee, choosing the better of the two throw ...
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League News

Clif Smith   April 12 at 5:45pm

New Schedule

Just put together a wonderful schedule of different formats! Hope you like it! Also Ace Pool is at $25.

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