
Club Kensington Resurrection Sunday Doubles

Doubles · Apr - Sep 2009 · Milford, MI

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Andrew Kaluk heck ya dude Nov 8, 2009
Terry Sink is leagues goin down today? Nov 8, 2009
Robert Shaffer congrats to all see u guys one of these sundays.... what about an earlier start time for the winter session since it is football season Oct 5, 2009
Jeff Kaluk
I want to thank everyone for making Club Kensington Resurrection a sucess this first session. We had a total of 276 different players come out in the 24 week summer session. We took in 43 paid club ... show more ›
Oct 2, 2009
Jeff Kaluk Hole 8 is to be know as, "What do you meen you havent ace this hole yet?!?" Sep 28, 2009
Jeff Kaluk
33 players today. Another ace taken today by Jon S. $161. 3 way tie for first. Nice job to all the winners. Not great scores today, guess no one could hit a putt. Dont forget Club Kensington Res ... show more ›
Sep 14, 2009
Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna stupid job, wish i could come sundays again...congrats to the points leaders! Oct 9, 2009
Nolan Earl
Hello fellow Kensington leaguers, Thanks for all the well wishes as i underwent my surgery. I have had quiet a few people message me so i figured this would be easier then answering each one individ ... show more ›
Aug 25, 2009
Jeff Kaluk Looking for six, 6 volt deep cycle batteries. Got an old cheep golf cart for JAB Acres. Aint buying new at $60+ each. Anyone know someone getting rid of some? Aug 18, 2009
Jeff Kaluk
48 players today. Way to go Mark E/Mark L, Scott R/Chris M (-12). We played 1-18 short/19 thru 27 long (I will ask Pete to add this layout). Way to do Scott!! First Ace with a nice payout. CTP wa ... show more ›
Aug 17, 2009
Jeff Kaluk If you dont see your scores from Leagues each week, send me your email or PDGA# so I can link to your profile. Aug 8, 2009
Robert Shaffer "check it out Glow Stalkers.. only 3 left.....
Aug 3, 2009
Jeff Kaluk
Simple turnout of only 32 players. Way to go Mark E and Patrick E, -8. The battle for first place is heating up. Andrew has been knocked off the top by Mike R. Thinking about playing 1 thru 27 sho ... show more ›
Aug 3, 2009
Jeff Kaluk Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.....we only played the shorts from the back nine. We will get to the longs in the rotation soon. 1 thru 18 longs this week. Jul 31, 2009
Jamie Mosier are we stupidly playing shorts on this Championship course that our league doesn't even take advantage of next week? Jul 30, 2009
Robert Shaffer Congrats on the Ace Jeff Jul 28, 2009
Nick Wells I lost a pink bottom stamp star destroyer on old hole 10 going to hole 11. Its got my name & number on it. Its my main driver, ill reward you with another disc. Please & thanks. :] Jul 27, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's God bless Pay to play Jul 25, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's HELL YEAH Jul 25, 2009
Joe Arnet amen Jul 25, 2009
Jeff Kaluk Let us have a moment of silence for the death of the typical Kensington casual...HELL YEA!!!!!!!! Jul 25, 2009
Nick Wells
Oh yeah, while I was playing today a group of like 7 kids walked onto the course at a weird spot saying they wernt gonna pay to play... ran into a metropark cop, told him about it, & got em kicked off ... show more ›
Jul 25, 2009
Nick Wells Darn, I'm a big fan of the first 18. 19-27 are tough... still gettin used to it. See ya guys on Sunday. Jul 25, 2009
Jeff Kaluk League format Sunday will be:
10 thru 18 longs, 19 thru 27 shorts.
Jul 24, 2009
Nick Ollila hey if anyone finds a teal elite Z XL with no print on it i lost it on hole 21 of the black locust ill reward them with a disk thanks Jul 22, 2009
Jeff Kaluk
Good turn out today. 54 players. Way to go Mark E, Jeff B, Nate P and Tim P (-9). Ace pool soaring up there again, $747. Holes 1 thru 17 are in on the "Black Locust". The rest should be in mid-we ... show more ›
Jul 20, 2009
Ryan Tibbetts
It's called laziness and for whatever reason they are as stubborn as napoleon in not letting us help. Their are how many people in our league, 100+ i think, split us up with a little direction a park ... show more ›
Jul 12, 2009
Jeff Kaluk All I got was another week and a half out of them. I do not understand the delays. Jul 12, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's some one has to know a date come on guys Jul 11, 2009
Nick Wells I heard that the new courses is never gonna open up. Ha-ha. Sure seems that way. It was supposed to open soooo long ago. Jul 10, 2009
Dave Milewski Just called the course and I was told still not for a couple of weeks. Jeff, any inside info? Jul 10, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's I heard another rumor that the course is in???????????? Jul 10, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's I heard a rumor that the new course will open up this coming week end any truth to that? Jul 9, 2009
Nick Wells Oh goodness, that's all we need is some broke & missing signs before the course opens up. On a happier note, I noticed they added nice dirt & gravel around some of the new pads. Hoping to see some woodchips so the pads don't get dusty. Jul 9, 2009
Jeff Kaluk I dont even know what to say. Its a joke. Jul 9, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's as long as they dont ruin them lte them paint them just leave the fuckers in the ground Jul 9, 2009
Nick Wells & now there's writing on pretty much all of them... even a few detailed weens. The park really should've waited till the last day to put em up. I almost want to bring some paint & cover the stuff up. Jul 9, 2009
g lane soon there will be writing on all the new signs. please keep us alerted. Jul 8, 2009
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