Casual Relief

April - September 2021 • Dexter, Michigan
Doubles league

Overall Leaderboard · Mike Frame's stats

7 rounds recorded
$130 won
116 total points (5th overall)
· Mike Frame

Round history

-8 65
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original)
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Cole Bahakel
- no cash4 points3rd place
-13 59
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course
Red tees (short), 24 holes
played Cali
- no cash11 points2nd place
-14 41
Cass Benton Hills
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Brian Rowe
$30 cash16 points1st place
-11 61
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Mark Perrine
- no cash3 points4th place
-11 62
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course
Yellow tees (short), 24 holes
Partner Sean Manning
$10 cash13 points2nd place
-18 54
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Jay Binienda
$40 cash18 points1st place
 Hole 18$202 cash25 pointsAce Hole 18
-10 65
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk
Chuck D North 24 hole layout white tees, 24 holes
Partner Joe Willyard
$50 cash26 points1st place
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