Busch League Sunday Night Doubles
Ace pool
as of October 4This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 64 all-time players - 0 active players
$4.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Random Doubles. $4.00 weekly includes 2 CTP holes. $1 optional Ace Fund. Random layout and Par weekly. In the event of odd/Cali number of players optional $2 for individual without partner for extra shot every throw. Points League. Number of players ÷2 for each 1st place player. 2nd -1 3rd -2....etc. Points leader after final week will receive something cool ie....Busch League custom dyed disc last year. Ace fund carries on from week to week until final week and All players in f ...
continue reading ›Random Doubles. $4.00 weekly includes 2 CTP holes. $1 optional Ace Fund. Random layout and Par weekly. In the event of odd/Cali number of players optional $2 for individual without partner for extra shot every throw. Points League. Number of players ÷2 for each 1st place player. 2nd -1 3rd -2....etc. Points leader after final week will receive something cool ie....Busch League custom dyed disc last year. Ace fund carries on from week to week until final week and All players in final week that opted in on Ace fund eligible for CTP throw off, top 5 Spots pay. Please be there 15 minutes prior to tee off. Times may vary towards end of season due to sunlight.
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