Bluegill Hook line and Sinker 2016

April - August 2016 • Wayland, Michigan
Singles league

Ace pool

as of August 19
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Aug 24, 2016 · Top scores
Blue Gill 24 holes, 24 holes
+4 79
Tyler Moore
+3 78
Sean Holcomb
+7 82
Jason Archer
+14 89
Eugene Livingston
+2 77
Mike Keller
Overall standings
1Sean Holcomb2157
2Dennis Deboer2026
3Mitchell Bauer2004
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 8/25/16

About this League

Singles league - 82 all-time players - 0 active players
$135.00 one-time player fee for this league
New this year. 100% pre paid league. You $135 includes league membership, players pack, two ace pools per week, and 50/50. League will run 18 weeks starting 4/27.
We will have rounds for averages starting the first three Wednesdays in April. 4/6, 4/13,& 4/20. These will be $5 rounds with ace pool and 50/50. All league members must be %100 paid in full prior to 4/27/16. There will be no casual golfer's allowed during league play. NO DOGS ALLOWED THIS YEAR!

League News

Joe BlueGill   September 7, 2016 at 12:38am

Leauge Party

Saturday Sept 10th. Sign in anytime after 8 am. We will tee around 10:00. This years event is a 36 hole ace race for all league members. You can use your whole bag and get two shots at each hole. 72 tries for an ace or metal. We will be playing for a $400 ace pot and a $400 dot pot.
Potluck lunch to follow.
Denise is making 50lbs of pulled pork so the meat is pretty well covered. I will have a grill available for anything else you want to burn.
It is a byob party.
League awards to follow.


Joe BlueGill   July 14, 2016 at 5:43pm

7-13 Winners

50-50 Doug Diekman. Had to get out the tape measure. got me by and inch.
Jimmy Laur
Seb Dobry
Eric Crandle
Tom Malkewitz
Brian Fitz
Mike Keller
Matt Alofs
Ryan Scarborough
Rian Smith


Joe BlueGill   July 7, 2016 at 4:23am

7-6-16 winners

Jon Blocksma
Mike Wolters 50/50
Branson Ellis
Tom Malkewitz Ace
Cassidy Brigham
Jeff Franklin
Ryan Scarborough Ace


Joe BlueGill   June 16, 2016 at 4:13pm

Weeks winners

Fallasburg Nick Vourlitis
GR Hobby and Disc Eric Crandle
Disc Baron D Tree
Frisci Disc D Tree
Disc Baron Mitch Bauer
HomeTeam Cassidy Brigham
Bgill Jordan Parks
50/50 Mark Laninga
Bgill Rian Smith
Shore Acres Mitch Hubbard

Over all Ace Pool at $308
Hole Nine Ace Pool at $732


Joe BlueGill   June 14, 2016 at 3:55pm

Guests at League

Just a reminder that any and all guest must be pre approved for play on league night.


Joe BlueGill   June 9, 2016 at 6:29pm

6-8 Winners

No Aces were carded this week. Hole nine worth $656 with the other at $232.
CTP and LP winners:
Disc Baron Jordan Laur
Battle Creek Steve Tepper
GR Hobby and Disc Jimmy Laur
Bgill LP Brandon Ellis
Disc Baron LP Michael Breakiron
Shore Acres Ryan Wheeler
Fallasburg Jgill
Bgill 50/50 Nate Best $78
Hometeam Bret Good
Frisci Disc Nate Beld
Bgill Rob Buit


Joe BlueGill   June 2, 2016 at 7:52pm

Guests at League

All please note that all guests must be pre approved by me before playing league rounds.
Donations for guests greatly appreciated.

Pat Burke   June 2, 2016 at 9:58pm

Joe Gill said I could play

Eric "Downtown" Brown   June 3, 2016 at 4:08pm

When Joe talks, people listen! 😁

Joe BlueGill   June 2, 2016 at 7:51pm

Hole Nine pool and Week Winners

Hole Nine Ace Pool for next week will be $578. The other ace pool will be at $154.
CTP and LP winners
Shore Acres Jgill
GR Hobby and Disc Mitch Bauer
Disc Baron D-Roc
Disc Baron LP D-Roc
Fallasburg Sean Holcomb
Frisci Disc Kenny Gill
Bgill LP Pete Reaume
Bgill 50/50 Nick Bosovich
Bgill CTP Sebatian Dobry
Hometeam Kevin Crampton
Battle Creek Tree


Joe BlueGill   May 26, 2016 at 7:21pm

Dan Treece 1st of of the year. $424

Dan scored the first ace of the year on hole 13 worth $424, Hole 9 remains intact with next weeks ace worth $500 on hole 9 and the rest of the course starting at $76. I did pick up three cig butts this week so payouts for 5-25 will be minus $3 each. Please watch those butts.
Winners for the week.
Battle Creek Al Haaksma
Fallasburg Nick Bosovich
Bgill CTP Jon Blocksma
Bgill LP Marc Nelesen
Hometeam CTP Joel Featherly
GR Hobby and Disc CTP Doug Diekman
Disc Baron LP Jon Blocksma
Disc Baron CTP Mark Lanninga
Bgill 50/50 Nate Best
Shore Acres CTP Roger Holtz
Bgill LP Roger Holtz

Amateur Hour   May 26, 2016 at 2:33pm

$1 per cig butt? Dude what a great rule.

Matt Oller   May 26, 2016 at 7:39pm

$3 per cig butt rule, even better.

Joe BlueGill   May 28, 2016 at 6:46am

Only picked up 10 last year.

Joe BlueGill   May 20, 2016 at 4:38pm

CTP and LP winners

Bgill LP Nate Best
Disc Baron LP Ian Fletcher
Gr Hobby Dan Treece
Disc Baron CTP Dan Treece
Shore Acres CTP DRoc
Frisci Disc LP Roger Holtz
Hometeam CTP Grad Gee
Fallasburg CTP Rob Brower
Bgill CTP Nick Vourlitis
Battle Creek LP Justin Phillips
Bgill 50/50 Joel Featherly


Joe BlueGill   May 13, 2016 at 3:03pm

CTPs and LPs

Battle Creek Nate Beld
Disc Baron Dan Treece
Frisci Disc Dan Treece
Fallasburg Nat Labine
Disc Baron Seth Rockey
Bgill 50/50 Rob Brower
Bgill Fitz
Bgill Juan Aguirre
Shore Acres Alex DeLongpre
Hometeam Bret Good
GR Hobby and Disc Nate Best
GR Hobby and Disc Eric Crandle


Joe BlueGill   May 5, 2016 at 9:08pm

Winner Winner chicken dinner

Bgill CTP Damon Noteboom
Hometeam CTP Sean Holcomb
Bgill LP Rob Buit
Shore Acres CTP Sebastian Dobry
Disc Baron LP Sean Holcomb
Bgill 50/50 Rian Smith
Disc Baron CTP Mike Wolters
GR Hobby LP Rob Buit
GR Hobby LP Kyle Hinkle
Fallasburg CTP Justin Phillips
Frisci Disc CTP Second shot Rian Smith
Battle Creek LP Justin Smith


Joe BlueGill   May 4, 2016 at 6:45pm


Weather is rain, wind, and cold. CTP and LP prizes along with found lost discs will be in the barn due to the weather this week. Score card still located in the mailbox on hole 2 tee. Looks like all day rain but no storms so bring rain gear and umbrellas. Course will be ready at noon for play but may want to check the weather for best window of play. PLEASE reseal all ctps and lp baggies after signing to keep as dry as possible.


Joe BlueGill   April 25, 2016 at 9:05pm

4/20 50/50 winner

Pete Reaume $65
Ace pools starting at $120 each.
Hole nine has a separate ace pool.


Joe BlueGill   April 25, 2016 at 9:03pm

1st Night of League 4/27/16

League rounds will start this Wednsday. You must be a paid member prior to teeing off for this league.
Special thanks to our Sponsors: Fallasburg league, Shore Acres league, Disc Baron (Jacob Stahl) Frisci Disc (Pam and Rick) Hometeam, GR Hobby and Disc (Shea Abbgy) and of course Bluegill Disc golf.


Joe BlueGill   April 24, 2016 at 5:19pm

Tee times

Normal tee times between 3 and 6 o'clock. I do have a few groups of second shifters teeing around noon.

show all 4 comments
Joe BlueGill   May 24, 2016 at 7:45am

You need to contact me for a schedule if you are going to be in Michigan. I run leagues on Wed so am here all day. Other than that by oppointment only. 616 318 9793 best contact

Brad Gee   June 22, 2016 at 10:24am

Joe, I have started close to noon the past few weeks thinking tee times were anytime between noon and 6pm, but then I read this. Is it ok to Tee off at noon without special permission that day?

Joe BlueGill   June 23, 2016 at 8:05am


Joe BlueGill   April 23, 2016 at 3:21pm

Course OBs and rules

Hole 1 OB inside or on the berm around oil tanks.
Hole 2 left side of fairway OB rope.
Hole 3 left side of fairway OB rope.
Hole 4 Rock garden and White property line fence.
Hole 6 on or inside of oil rig.
Hole 8 Garden of Evil and driveway and over.
Hole 9 anywhere on the hill or in the water. Must use drop zone.
Hole 10 Water
Hole 11 Water Must use drop zone No matter where you entered.
Hole 12 Water
Hole 23 Long OB rope.


Joe BlueGill   April 23, 2016 at 3:14pm

2016 league rules

Respect the course. Bring it in pack it out. $1.00 deducted from ace pools and 50/50 for any cig butts I pick up. Less than 10 last year. All play will start on hole 1. Pick up score card from hole 2 tee mailbox. Print first and last names on score cards. LEGIBLE No fivesomes unless approved and none allowed after 4 pm. Guests will be allowed with prior approval. No dogs allowed. ... more


Joe BlueGill   April 6, 2016 at 4:28pm

League sign up

I will be hanging out in the barn from 3 to 6 today taking league sign up. Course will be open for play at that time. Scores can be turned in for averages. Weather today is 100 percent chance of rain. I will be taking Wednesday sign up the next 2 weds. League starts 4/27. You must be a 100 % paid member to play in this league.
Next week weather looking awesome

Frank "Chip" Youmans   April 6, 2016 at 11:58am

Anyone from the Ionia, Saranac area going that I could get a ride from? Really in need of some Bluegill therapy! ! hit me up please!!

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