Alaska PDGA Winter Series #14

January - March 2021 • Anchorage, Alaska
PDGA-sanctioned singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
PDGA results January 23 - March 27


Mar 27, 2021 · Top scores
Davis Park
Red tees, Blue tees, 18 holes
A Pool
-10 46
Jake Haskin$16.17
-6 50
Scott Groves$14.63
-9 47
James Beckner$13.09
B Pool
+11 67
Tyler Pohler$17.88
-1 55
Joseph Garoutte$15.73
-1 55
Britton Barnett$12.87
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 3/30/21

About this League

Singles league - 55 all-time players - 0 active players
$8.00 player fee each session
Sanctioned singles. Hybrid handicap league - A Pool top half of ratings, B Pool bottom half; 12 ratings points per stroke at Davis, 13 per stroke at Westchester, subject to change. Handicap spreadsheet here: $8 for ADGA members, $11 for non-members. 2020 ADGA members get ...
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League News

Joe Caissie   May 10, 2021 at 5:07pm

New League!

Just in case anyone is getting notifications from this, the summer sanctioned league is starting up tomorrow night at 6:30 at Davis Park. Same deal as this year - get your money in!


Joe Caissie   March 31, 2021 at 8:17pm

Week 10 Recap

What a league finale! Thanks to everyone who attended Saturday, and for the rest of the winter - we had 256 players across the 10 rounds - an average of over 25 per week!

The big names sent us out for the season with a bang - Jake Haskin set the rated round record at Davis Park with a 46, 1021 rated (but should be higher!). James Beckner was right on his heels with a 47, and also aced hole 8 for $171. Those two ALSO were the first to hit the Davis bounty, which is a 3 or better on holes 3, 5 ... more

Jeremy Boyd   March 31, 2021 at 10:56pm

Thanks again for running leagues this winter Joe, great job!

Joe Caissie   April 1, 2021 at 12:46am

Thanks for all the shoveling you did, Jeremy - especially before week 8. I know I and some other folks helped out, but you were definitely the teepad MVP.

Jeremy Boyd   April 1, 2021 at 3:29am

Love my Davis : )

Joe Caissie   March 29, 2021 at 7:16pm

Ace Pot update

Scores should go up tonight, and I'll try and do the payouts tonight as well. Just so people can make plans, there will be NO ace pot playoff this Saturday - congrats to James Beckner, who not only got the ace pot, but also hit the Davis bounty (with Seth Asing and Jake Haskin). Seth, Jake, and James will all split the $100 in the bounty pool three ways, and then James will pick up $171 for acing hole 8 Reds.


Joe Caissie   March 27, 2021 at 7:02am

Week 10 - Davis Park

Just a reminder, if you haven't gotten your money in or let me know you're coming, do that soon! I'm headed to bed now but I'll be finalizing the cards tomorrow morning.


Joe Caissie   March 26, 2021 at 12:30am

Week 10 - Davis Park

Well it's Thursday afternoon, and that means that there's a fresh coat of snow on the teepads that Jeremy is going to have to clean off (JK, not if I get to it first!), and I'm reminding everyone to get their cash in for leagues. Last one of the winter - let's try and clean out that ace pot and break attendance records!


Joe Caissie   March 23, 2021 at 7:21pm

Week 10 - Davis Park, Ace Pool

Payouts from Week 9 should be out - just a reminder of how I do this, if you got someone to buy in for you, and I don't have a way of paying you electronically, I pay the person who bought in for you, with a note.

Here are the updated handicaps for week 10 - I screwed up and updated them before hard-coding the week 9 handicaps, so if you look at the week 9 standings they might look a little different from what's posted here - the stuff posted here for week 9 is right and the stuff ... more


Joe Caissie   March 21, 2021 at 6:23pm

Week 9 Recap

Great turnout this week! 29 people braved the weirdly chilly weather to play on some snowy teepads on Saturday. Still no aces, and no bounty! Seth Asing got 5/6, but no cigar. Bounty will cap at $100, and additional money will go to the ace pot next week - if someone hits an ace and no one gets the bounty next week, they will get both pots; over $250! But if there's leftover $$ in the pot after next week, we'll do another special handicap league on April 3. If you've played a leag ... more


Joe Caissie   March 20, 2021 at 2:11am

Week 9 at the 'goon

Just the Friday night reminder to get your money in - we have a good number of people already playing, and if the forecast is right, it's going to be 15 whole degrees for most of the round. Get out those short sleeves!

Seriously though, another reminder that the teepads won't be shoveled - we're leaving the snow on them so they're just a regular snowpack, in case that makes a difference in your footwear choices. Probably less slippery that way.


Joe Caissie   March 19, 2021 at 4:45am

Week 8 Recap

Headline this week has to be: Boyd shovels inhuman amount of snow, leaves Davis teepads clean and dry. I did just six of the teepads and I was sore for two days (yes, THAT'S why I played like shit last week).

Second headline: Somehow Scott Groves and Seth Asing have the same exact rating, and keep finishing with the same scores. They tied for first in A Pool last week, both in raw score and in handicap - great shooting, guys. No one in A Pool shot particularly hot - winning handicap sco ... more


Joe Caissie   March 19, 2021 at 12:08am

Week 9 - Westchester Lagoon

I'll have payouts and results (and a recap) up for week 8 later tonight.

Get your $$ in for Week 9! Huge ace pot - if no one hits again, we'll do a playoff after week 10.


Joe Caissie   March 13, 2021 at 4:44am

Week 8 - Final Reminder

If you're playing this week, make sure to get your money in! It'll be a fun adventure - Boydo has cleared the teepads, and then we get to play in a foot and a half of fresh pow. Use spotters!


Joe Caissie   March 12, 2021 at 6:24pm

Handicaps updated

Check column X for your week 8 handicap:

Remember, this is the number that, when added to your score, will in theory get you towards par - in this case 56. The way the payouts work, if you have something like a 56 or lower after handicap, you'll probably be in the money. If you're thinking of playing this league for the first time, just let me know and we'll work out a handicap.


Joe Caissie   March 11, 2021 at 10:35pm

Davis Park Teepads update/request for volunteers

Went out at lunch today and cleared teepads Blue 1-3. Those pads still could use a sweep, but it looks like they're pretty dry. So if anyone can get out there with either a broom (for 1-3) or a shovel (for any of the other 15), that will be really helpful. If I'm feeling ok after my shot in a few hours, I'll head back out there to try and get a few more.

Just a note: if the pad can be swept off well enough so that it is clean and dry, please do NOT put ice melt on it. But i ... more

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Jeremy Boyd   March 12, 2021 at 6:55am

I meant the entire red 9 : )

Jeremy Boyd   March 13, 2021 at 2:04am

Tees are all done

Joe Caissie   March 13, 2021 at 4:30am

Thanks Boyd! Just doing six yesterday left me pretty sore (maybe it's partially the shot too).

Joe Caissie   March 11, 2021 at 5:52pm

Week 8 - Davis Park

Hi, folks - just a reminder to get your cash in for Saturday. I'll try to get out there either today or tomorrow to clear off the teepads. Let's remember to use spotters on Saturday so we don't lose any discs!

Not sure if this happened while I was gone, but it seems like we probably have enough daylight now for dubs after the round.

Joe Caissie   March 11, 2021 at 8:02pm

Update: I'm getting my first dose of Bill Gates microchips today, and I've been told that I shouldn't plan on doing any shoveling. I'm going to do as much as I can today, and Boyd is also going to hack away at it. But anyone who can get out there with a shovel and lighten our load will be a hero and get a shout-out in the week 8 wrapup.

Joe Caissie   March 10, 2021 at 4:44am

Payouts done

Hi, folks - I just did the week 6 and 7 payouts - check for your name on the leaderboards, and make sure you got the money if it says you were supposed to. If you had someone pay on behalf of you, I paid that person with a note who it was for.


Joe Caissie   March 10, 2021 at 1:37am

Tournament news

Hi, folks - if you're planning to play tournaments this year, just an FYI that registration for the Meier Lake Classic and Battle Under The Midnight Sun opens tomorrow at 9am Alaska time. The MLC filled up last year, and I can tell you that at least two people I played with down in Vegas/Arizona said they were hoping to make it up for it - so you might want to get signed up early.


Joe Caissie   March 9, 2021 at 6:06am

Leaderboards updated

Leaderboards are updated - I'll be doing Week 6 and Week 7 payouts in the next couple of days. I'll also be updating handicaps - tonight is the PDGA ratings update, so any official ratings changes will change your handicap, and I'll also be taking weeks 5-7 of the league into account for folks with fewer rated rounds.

We have a few newer players in the league this week, so again if you have any questions about how the handicap system works, don't hesitate to ask in the ... more


Joe Caissie   March 6, 2021 at 1:20am

Week 7 reminder - last warning

Hi, folks - let me know if you're coming tomorrow! I think I don't tee off until about noon Alaska time, so I should be able to get you in until about 10am if you let me know you're coming.

Chad Solberg   March 6, 2021 at 6:33pm


Joe Caissie   March 5, 2021 at 4:29am

Week 7 - Westchester Lagoon

Let's get our money in - I've got only 7 people so far. Remember, cutoff is Friday night - I'll probably be able to get you in after that, but no guarantees.

As a bonus, this week because Andrew Rodgers doesn't have Venmo or Paypal and is such a baller that he doesn't care about money, his failure to collect any of his winnings is bumping the ace pot by $50. The Davis/Westchester bounty will continue increasing until someone hits the main ace pot, but now the ace pot ... more


Joe Caissie   March 2, 2021 at 12:41am

League Update

Hi, folks - I learned that my work laptop doesn't let me use Google Sheets, so I won't be updating the handicaps for this week - that'll happen for Week 8 - for now, everyone just keeps their existing handicap.

I just did the payouts for week 5 - I'll need access to sheets to calculate the week 6 payouts, and then I'll be back in time for week 7. Let me know if you're coming for week 7 and I'll get you signed up.

Please nobody hit an ace this week because I bet the ace pot on the Nets before I knew they were resting Kyrie.


Joe Caissie   February 27, 2021 at 2:51pm

Week 6 - Davis Park

Hi, folks - up to 18 people in this week, and I'll be around for the next couple of hours probably. Just a reminder that now that we're at $100 in the ace pot, there's a secondary "ace pot" for the Davis Park bounty - get a 3 (or better) on all four of Davis 3, 5, 6, and 9 Blue, and you win. There will be at least $18 in it this week - Robinson Culver took down the spillover pot last week for $8 (which, along with everyone else's last week payments, I haven't g ... more

Kelley Williamson   February 27, 2021 at 6:28pm

Too late to play today?

Joe Caissie   February 27, 2021 at 5:09am

Week 6 - Davis Park (final reminder)

Hi, not sure if my other message went out - we have 14 currently registered for tomorrow. Please let me know tonight if you're playing. I'll probably be able to get you in first thing tomorrow morning, but I'm going to be out on the course starting at 8:30am Alaska time tomorrow, so no guarantees after that.


Joe Caissie   February 26, 2021 at 5:59am

Week 6 - Davis Park

Hi, folks - if you've paid me (that's only one person so far), I haven't posted hole assignments yet. Let me know if you're coming soon - tomorrow night is the cutoff. I've just posted the handicap results - payouts coming soon, probably tomorrow afternoon. If you let me know you're in and I haven't paid you yet (just text me at 907 360 2923), I can just deduct the payout from your entry fee.

Again, not sure how last week went, but obviously I won' ... more


Joe Caissie   February 23, 2021 at 4:32pm

Week 5 Results/Payout Delayed

Hi, folks - I just learned the work laptop down here in Vegas doesn't allow me to access Google Sheets, so I'm going to have to find another way to update scores and do payout. That will be this week, but get your $ in for Week 6 in the meantime.

But for now, congratulations to Robinson Culver for being the first person to hit a bounty! And you'll get paid! (Not much: $8) Until someone hits an ace, the ace pot is capped (temporarily) at $100 - if the bounty pool gets to $10 ... more


Joe Caissie   February 20, 2021 at 5:46am

Week 5 - Westchester Lagoon

Last reminder - I'll probably check my phone at 5am tomorrow, and that'll be it. Let me know if you're playing tomorrow!


Joe Caissie   February 19, 2021 at 9:52pm

Week 5 - Westchester Lagoon

Another reminder - I only have 10 folks in so far. If you know you're coming, PLEASE let me know by tonight so I can get the cards made up. I'll be on a plane starting at 8:35am tomorrow, so I won't be able to get you in after that.


Joe Caissie   February 18, 2021 at 5:49pm

Week 5 - Westchester Lagoon

Just a reminder for folks to sign up early this week - Friday evening is going to be the latest time you can guarantee yourself to get in. Check the event here to see if you got a hole assignment:

Also, I won't be out there to clear teepads these next few weeks, so anyone who can put some work in will be appreciated by the rest of your peers.


Joe Caissie   February 16, 2021 at 5:13pm

Week 4 Recap

Top of this post, and I'll reiterate all week: cutoff for registration for weeks 5-7 is going to be Friday night - I'll be running the league remotely, so get your stuff in early. I *may* be able to get you in after the deadline but no guarantees. If you need to pay with cash, find someone at the league who has my Venmo and give them the cash so they can pay me. If you know someone in this league who doesn't read these updates, please spread this around!

Smaller turnout this w ... more

Joe Caissie   February 16, 2021 at 8:32pm

To be clear, I mean the deadline is Friday before the round; I don't mean that the deadline is Friday Feb 19 for all three of weeks 5-7.

Joe Caissie   February 12, 2021 at 8:39pm

Week 4 - Davis Park

Hi, folks - remember to get your $$ in or at least let me know if you're coming tomorrow. If you let me know what you want ahead of time, I'll do my best to get you in your preferred groups...but no guarantees. Next week is going to be fully random groups.

A note on teepad maintenance - I swept the red tees the other day - the snow was light and fluffy, and came off pretty easily, leaving a nice dry teepad. When the snow isn't absolutely smashed on, please don't put any s ... more


Joe Caissie   February 11, 2021 at 4:30am

Week 3 Recap

I think we had an all-time record for attendance this week - definitely for this league. 32 folks filled 8 of the 9 holes at Westchester, braving temps somewhere between 5 and 15 degrees, depending on whose car thermometer you believe. We overcame some moose issues on hole 9 to get a full round in for all involved - eat your heart out, NFL.

Remember, if we get above $100 in the ace pool, it spills over into the "Davis Bounty" which is getting at least 3 on all four of 3, 5, 6, a ... more


Joe Caissie   February 6, 2021 at 4:37pm

Westchester - "Rain" tee, Hole 6

Hopefully people see this; spread the word so we're all playing the same course: Hole 6 should have a stick in the ground, marking the left-most extent of the teepad. You can still use the original teepad if you like; it just extends out further than normal. This is to prevent injury.


Joe Caissie   February 4, 2021 at 5:51pm

Handicaps updated

Updated the handicaps; you can see what yours will/would be for Week 3 here:

Two notes: I'm using 13 points per stroke for Westchester, and for new people, I averaged your opening handicap based on what you told me you usually shoot with how you shot in your first league round. I'll probably go with pure league performance for the handicap once you have two league rounds played.

Joe Caissie   February 4, 2021 at 5:52pm

If you have questions, reply here, or send me a direct message

Joe Caissie   February 3, 2021 at 10:27pm

Week 3 - Westchester

Hi folks - just a quick update - I'm going to do payouts in the next couple hours; I accidentally put someone in the wrong pool last week, so the B Pool payouts have gone up a bit and A Pool has gone down a bit. I've decided I'm going to change the A Pool/B Pool cutoff, starting this week, so that an equal number of players are in both, since we've had more B Pool players so far. It'll go high rating to low rating.

Another reminder - renew your ADGA memberships or ... more

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Chad Rutledge   February 4, 2021 at 3:47am

I'd like to see #6 filled in, instead of dug out, lol. Or designate a new teebox to the left where it is level. I think most of us are throwing from that spot anyway :)

Jeremy Boyd   February 5, 2021 at 3:03pm


Joe Caissie   February 5, 2021 at 5:23pm

OK - I'll try and put something official down to mark the new temporary teebox or something...or see about filling in the divot.

Joe Caissie   February 2, 2021 at 1:11am

Week 2 Recap

Thanks to the 27 folks who came out last week despite some extremely chilly temps to start the round! We had a lot of new folks, so it's exciting to get some new blood in the competitive disc golf community! Ratings were reversed from last week - the higher rated players had a slight edge with the 12 ratings point per stroke handicap. Overall between this week and last league, though, 12 is the correct number.

Jeremy Boyd took down A Pool with a 56, managing to shoot 28 on both the fron ... more

Jeremy Boyd   February 2, 2021 at 6:09am

I'm a Vonnegut fan, but I'm not fond of shooting 28 on the reds. Guess it was enough : )

Joe Caissie   January 29, 2021 at 4:05pm

Week 2 - Davis Park

Hi, folks, don't forget to get me your money and let me know you're coming this week!

The health mandate for Anchorage has been loosened, so I'm going to have a long-overdue (but brief) player's meeting around 10:45 - we should still stay distant from each other in the parking lot and give each other room in our groups once we're out playing.

Also, this week I'm going to truly randomize the groups - I know people want to play with their friends, I know, but ... more


Joe Caissie   January 25, 2021 at 5:35am

Week 1 Recap

Well that was a crazy week! Mixed precipitation falling and mixed scores - a whole bunch of people shot amazing rounds, and then a bunch of people also shot way worse than they normally do. Joe Caissie (me) managed to get an ace two weeks late, and got paid a whopping $28. I hit hole 2 on a force-over shot with my Shryke that faded in from the right side and flared up into the basket.

A Pool saw James Beckner just absolutely light the course on fire with a 13-under 41...but relative to hi ... more


Joe Caissie   January 23, 2021 at 11:55pm

Week 1 Scores

I'll do a full-fledged recap and post scores when I'm bored at work next week but for now, you can see the order of finish in this spreadsheet:

The first tab shows the order, split by the two divisions. Congrats to Cody and Tyler! The second tab shows my analysis of this week - turns out that to make things totally fair this week, the handicap should have been 13.05 points per ... more


Joe Caissie   January 21, 2021 at 7:01pm

Week 1 Westchester Lagoon

Don't forget to get me your $$ and let me know you're coming! Check out the event page here: to see if I have you down for week 1 - if you don't have a hole assignment, you aren't in yet. $8 for 2020 or 2021 ADGA members (if you 2020 members haven't renewed yet, the first two weeks are a grace period), $11 for non-members. Remember, ADGA membership gets you $3 off not only this league, but also the summer doubles league and any possi ... more

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Joe Caissie   January 23, 2021 at 7:58am


Joe Caissie   January 23, 2021 at 5:37pm

Now that almost everyone is in, I've made this spreadsheet to display people's handicaps. A Pool and B Pool highlighted different colors:

Mike Briseno   January 23, 2021 at 6:33pm

Joe? Did I miss the cutoff? Cash in my 10am?

Joe Caissie   January 19, 2021 at 5:21am

Westchester Handicap update

Hi - I went through our last league, and turns out that a 12-ratings point per stroke handicap is the fairest for Westchester. I'll continue to work with the new data as it comes in, but we're doing a 12-stroke for this week.


Joe Caissie   January 17, 2021 at 3:42am

Week 1 Westchester Lagoon - rules

Hi, folks - after a test round using handicaps for the Series #13 ace pot, I've decided we're going to use a hybrid handicap system for this league. The way it works is, Westchester and Davis will have a different ratings point per stroke. But it seems like given the randomness of winter play, that advantages lower-rated players. So we're going to have two pools - A Pool and B Pool. A Pool is 880 and up, and B Pool is below 880. I picked this cutoff so that there would be approxim ... more

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