This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
Leaderboards are not available.
About this League
Singles league - 0 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Welcome to the 2023 ATX Summer League!! This league will be on a rotating schedule week to week at a different course. I have chosen 8 different courses around the greater ATX area that will be used for this event. The league day, will be on Thursdays each week we have the event throughout the summer. League schedule will be posted a minimum of a week in advance. This will be unsanctioned, and players will get paid out after each event (AMs included). We will be using UDisc as the official score ...
continue reading ›Welcome to the 2023 ATX Summer League!! This league will be on a rotating schedule week to week at a different course. I have chosen 8 different courses around the greater ATX area that will be used for this event. The league day, will be on Thursdays each week we have the event throughout the summer. League schedule will be posted a minimum of a week in advance. This will be unsanctioned, and players will get paid out after each event (AMs included). We will be using UDisc as the official scorekeeping application and league will be established on UDisc as well.
***Divisions***(MPO/MA1 play long boxes if available)
$10/player/round ($1 optional Ace pot/round-if no ace hit, ace pot will continue to carryover until hit) Pay in person. Cash preferred and please keep in mind I am not a bank, so change might be difficult to get.
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Schedule for May 2023
May 11- Wilco
May 18-Roy G
May 25- Stoney Creek (Northtown)