
24 Cha!ns Winter 2011 - 2012

Mixed · Oct '11 - Apr '12 · Ann Arbor, MI

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g lane use the following page for all communication until further notice.

Apr 27, 2012
Eat More Tacos or you can just direct everyone on here to just use one, and ignore the rest...it will take a little to happen, but will be worth it in the end.
Apr 27, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson K.C. I agree that it is confusing, unfortunately being that we are trying to follow the points setup we have to establish different "Leagues" which brings new league pages. FB stays constant as well as Discgolfersrus. but for scoring reasons the chat board on this will be a tad jumbled. Apr 27, 2012
Eat More Tacos Can i suggest that we come up with a more common all in one place to talk, as it stands there are like 5-6 places, DGRUS, winter, summer, bagtag and base 24chains talk. its annoying to go through all of them.
Apr 26, 2012
Mike Even Just want to say...Winter 24 Cha!ns was sick. Bring on the Summer! Apr 23, 2012
Matt "The Spider" Swider KC I'll be there. IF you get this message in time, make the trip jackass. I'll be there with the rest of the guys. Apr 22, 2012
Mike Even live dangerously KC, join us at the Baker park and ride Apr 22, 2012
Eat More Tacos unless we can get something more definite, I am not going to drive 20m out to the park and ride
Apr 22, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Meet at the park and ride at 94 and baker (?) 9:00 a.m. we will sort out all of the car pooling then. This is going to be one hell of a round for sure Apr 22, 2012
Daniel J Lee i want to carpool Apr 21, 2012
Robert Shaffer sheldon said he can drive if people give him some gas money Apr 21, 2012
Robert Shaffer im sure we can find another driver lets just all meet there.. if another car has to go then then can split up gas Apr 21, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Sprow blew out his knee playing soccer, Corey is diving out there with his dog and a guest so his car is loaded. as far the rest.. ? I might be able to squeeze another in the back of mine but it will be hella tight Apr 21, 2012
Robert Shaffer oh he is going to hide with number 1 tag....
is corey meeting at the park and ride or no???
also i might have another spot but who knows wont know till the am
Apr 21, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Sprow is out that is how my car filled so fast I took his passengers. Rob is full, I am full but we need 1 more car to step up. I plan to be at tge park and ride at 9 and leave at ten after. Anyone else wants to meet there.... Apr 21, 2012
Robert Shaffer i think a sprow is driving too
Apr 21, 2012
Eat More Tacos Bill also needs a ride out as well, Who IS DRIVING? so that another car pool might be coordinated.
Apr 21, 2012
Matt "The Spider" Swider I'm getting read to go to work now. I'm on a full double. Clocking out at 3am. But if KC needs a ride, then I guess I'll be at the park and ride at 9am. Then rush from the round back to work for another close. This'll be fun. Apr 21, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson I might be fully loaded but have yet to hear from all parrrtys. So far Mike "Dirty Mitten" Even, Ray and schooly are in the swagon wagon.. if i do not hear from any of them i will let you know asap and Mike is the only one that has spoken up... The others are in queue Apr 21, 2012
Eat More Tacos gabe, any spots left it your car? Apr 21, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson anyone thinking about car pooling let me know... I can be at the park and ride at baker rd 9:00 and fit 3 peoples Apr 20, 2012
Jason Sweeney HELLZ YEAH!!!! cannot wait for the Pirate Ship to sail into the R.O. In case you scurrvy dawgs didnt hear, Starr park is getting cement pads within a months time!!! woo woot. I for one will be setting sail with ye and I'm sure me 1st mate Bennis will be along side!!! Apr 20, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson If it ends up Albion we will undoubtedly car pool utilizing the park and ride near 94 and baker.. Apr 19, 2012
Ray-hole Karle if I change my vote to Albion, someone in A2 is going to have to put me in their car. I will not be able to afford the drive to and from. Please send me a text 989-284-2340 to confirm that i have a seat in someone's car for car pool. And let me know what time i need to be there!
Apr 19, 2012
Mike Even I'm dropping bombs son! Apr 19, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Lets not start name dropping Mr Even... Apr 19, 2012
Mike Even Would a be shame to start throwing Tradition out the window, especially since our Admiral works for U of M. An institution swimming in Tradition. Apr 19, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Bande / Brown would more than likely be the top 2 choices.. all depends and wither we go with votes or tradition. Apr 19, 2012
Matt "The Spider" Swider Per the usual, will our first Friday be back at Bandy? Apr 19, 2012
Scott White good choice Apr 19, 2012
Mike Even I tried Ray :/ But since it sounds like Cass isn't in the running.....Mike "Flip-Flop" Even will change to an Albion vote. Never been, let's do this Apr 19, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Tied currently 3 to 3 Albion and lakeshore... Please cast ye votes here or on FB. Apr 19, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson Voting ends today at noon, As this is the last Sunday please be mindful that we will need to end voting on Wednesdays at noon from now until we switch back to winter's Sunday service. We will begin our Friday Knight happy hourz after this week, tee time will be 5:30 as per normal programming. Apr 19, 2012
Danger Dave Friday the 27th is the first Friday round. I'll be there to run the show if the others are still incapacitated from the event that shall not be named. Apr 19, 2012
Scott White When do you move to Fridays? Apr 19, 2012
Hunter S. Dotson I will talley the votes from all sites tomorrow morning and make it official, as some do not hqve Facebook pages. I will say the albion does have the vote Apr 19, 2012
Danger Dave
Mike we are doing the official vote on FB since they have a voting tally system already built in. So far the voting is tied between Albion and Sweden. Unless Stevo comes through with that jet I doub ... show more ›
Apr 19, 2012
Scott White When do you move to Fridays? Apr 19, 2012
Mike Even So where to? Finally tally? Apr 19, 2012
Mike Even Isn't a default for us, Mob Cass right? Cass-holes be damned! Apr 18, 2012
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