Comments 46 following
Miah IT'S NOT THAT FAR Swain May 1, 2013 at 12:12am
To start we Gabe, and I would like to personally thank each and every individual who has helped to grow 24 Cha!ns from just two guys golfing to a whole fleet of pirate ships known far and wide. This has been one of the most interesting adventures we have ever been a part of hands down. Through hard work and dedication we have made the name 24 Cha!ns legendary, and continue to spread it far and wide. Without the players we would still just be two guys chucking plastic to pass the time. Thanks ... more
To start we Gabe, and I would like to personally thank each and every individual who has helped to grow 24 Cha!ns from just two guys golfing to a whole fleet of pirate ships known far and wide. This has been one of the most interesting adventures we have ever been a part of hands down. Through hard work and dedication we have made the name 24 Cha!ns legendary, and continue to spread it far and wide. Without the players we would still just be two guys chucking plastic to pass the time. Thanks to you we now have the logo flying high both on and off the course. With your help we have gained popularity with many different organizations, and even found ourselves a home at Water Works Park Ypsilanti, MI. We have been honored to share these ventures with such a great group of people.
That's where we came from now to where we are going. 24 Cha!ns will continue to strive to be a free league we started as. Welcome to one, and all of every play level from the first timer to the pros. We will continue to offer a judgment free place for all to come play, learn, grow, make new friends, connect with old friends, and most of all HAVE FUN. We continue to grow, and learn from our past in means to make a better future for the club, and its players. We stand on the grass roots that made us what we are. We will continue to have a player voted round each week decided by the players on the online boards, and game style at the time of the round. We will continue to welcome new, and encourage their play, as well as try to help push the more experienced player to play a better game.
With all this in mind we must take in to consideration where we are as a whole, and where we are going in the future both this year, and many to come. In so we must take care to not only keep it fair for all those involved, but also protect the name we have earned. So even though from time to time when, and only if need we may put request that people hold to certain guidelines please remember they are found to be in the best interest of the whole of 24 Cha!ns, and not just to just one person in particular. Starting with the 2013 Summer Happy Hourz season we as that all members read, and use the comment box below with a simple reply of “YES†to show you have read the updated guidelines we wish to have up held going forward to help this group grow as a whole with as little conflict as possible. Do understand that any time you have more than one person in any place at any time there is a chance for conflict, but with trust and understanding there is nothing we can't overcome as a group.
The Pirates Code 2013 AKA The Seven Deadly Sins
1. Have Fun – With in the respects of other golfers not part of 24 Cha!ns at any open course. We may be known for a group that has fun, but if we extend too much past the point of socially acceptable behavior we may damage that name, and find ourselves much less welcome to join other groups at their courses. We will also show a level of restraint when members of 24 Cha!ns have certain subject matter that exceed offensive upon request that those topics not be discussed.
2. YEAH ME **** YOU – Somewhat a battle cry, and some what the idea shenanigans will always be part of our play whenever possible. Though there are times this is not appropriate to be shouted from mountains on high. We play in many public places. We don't just compete with the other members of the disc golf community for space, but many other outdoor activities in the warmer season. Many of these have younger members of the community in them that may not have been exposed to such terms yet. It may not be our place to do so either. We must remember that at times we are the ambassadors of our sport, and to shed a negative light on it to the general population. We must help to grow the sport in a whole not just our club. So we will try to keep such loud chants to less public places
3. The Voice of 24 Cha1ns – Gabe Dotson started 24 Cha!ns with his wife Kelly Dotson some seven years ago. Shortly after Jeremiah Swain came on board on so the league took form. Over the years we have had other members join the group for play, and some join us to help us cultivate our ability to grow. Without each member from the first time player to those seated on the pirate council we could not have done what we have done. We continue to grow, and take on new challenges such as our adopted park, and events. These are all an everyday challenge and we are always looking for assistance from our members at each of them. However many of these endeavors are sensitive matters that require much debate, and delicate communications with members outside 24 Cha!ns. For this we ask that members not take it upon themselves to speak on the behalf of 24 Cha!ns. It's vital that we keep our representation to other organizations simple, and consistent. We understand that many members are eager to help us grow, and we could ask for nothing more. If member have concerns or ideas that involve any persons or company outside of 24 Cha!ns these must all be carried out through or at the very least in the presence of Gabe Dotson, and when not available Jeremiah Swain. This will help keep us consistent when dealing with other members of the community at large as well as inside the club itself.
4. Conflict Resolution – We have learned to accept each other over time, but there is no question that when a large group of people gather there will be a chance for conflict. Even as adults we may have hard time understanding each other’s opinion from time to time. Tempers will flare from time to time, and this is normal. There may be debates of what policy is correct under the pirate code of arms. When these arise they should not let friendships be torn a sunder. Let Jeremiah, and/or Gabe resolve these issue. No sides will be taken we will only present the facts as they are on the topic. This should help there be less friction between players
5. The Final Word – We strive to keep this a democracy, and will continue to do so. However Gabe Dotson and Jeremiah Swain have been charged with looking out for the best interest of the players, and the club as a whole. At this point in time we have rarely used the power, but do reserve the ability to veto rounds, or game style if we feel it is in direct conflict of the better interest of the group whether it be for safety, or even interest of time. We hope to never have to use such ability, but in the rare case that we must these words are final. We understand that there will be those who do not agree with such rulings, but we ask that these disagreements be done so in a private way to not create a hostile forum in the public arena. This also pertains to any rules posted for special events i.e. Reg time, Money rounds, raids, special event rules etc...etc...etc.
6. Private Arrangement - In 2012 we did away with the calling of birthday rounds as our numbers have grown to a level that there is near a birthday every single weekend of play. Members are no longer able to call the course, and game for their birthday, but are encouraged to announce said day that we might advise others to join in their celebrations, and plan to do special things for our members. Our club is full of brothers, and sisters and we wish to make every round special, but hope we can make certain stand out to those who wish to make it known. We also understand that there a growing number of private course out there, and are honored to be invited to play on those courses. If a member knows of a private course that the owners would welcome us to we ask that all those request be sent to Gabe, and when not available Jeremiah. We will do our best to arrange a time and date that works well for the most amount of players to attend without cutting in to the voted rounds. This also applies to raid rounds of other leagues. We have to understand that our numbers have grown to a point that can effect the regular clubs play when we join them, and wish to give them time to prepare for such days.
7. HAVE FUN !!!! - Remember the Pirate Code is more a set of guidelines. We ask only one thing of all our players. Put your worries aside, and join us for a fun round of disc golf. Just remember NO WHIMP NO WHINER and you should be OK. See you on the course.
For as long as the two months will allow, yes. CHAA!!!
I think we know where I stand,but in case you are wondering....YES!
That's a big YES from the West Coast of the Mitten! CHAAAA!!!!!
yes Chaa!!!
yEs (I'm a rebel)