2024 Top Gun Tuesday (C)

August - October 2024 • North Augusta, South Carolina
PDGA-sanctioned singles league

Next league day

Tuesday, September 3 @ 4:30pm
PDGA results August 6 - October 8


Aug 27, 2024 · Top scores
International Disc Golf Center
Steady Ed Headrick Memorial
Steady to the Max - Short Tees, 18 holes
Mixed Pro Open
-11 58
Tommac Garrett$5
Mixed Advanced
-17 52
Taylor Snyder$20
-14 55
Matthew Olson$10
-12 57
Jarrett Berry
-12 57
Tom Tabor
Mixed Intermediate
-9 60
Adam Ethridge$15
-7 62
William David Rathburn$5
-6 63
James Meek III
Mixed Recreation
-11 58
Caleb Collins$22
-11 58
David Wright$22
-9 60
David Holliman$6
Mixed Novice
-7 62
Steven Nunn$15
-5 64
Viet Huynh$10
-2 67
Ryan Ebetino
Overall standings
Mixed Pro Open
1Tommac Garrett76
2Calvin Teague62
3Braeden Sides10
Mixed Advanced
1Jarrett Berry85
2Taylor Snyder80
3Matthew Olson62
Mixed Intermediate
1William David Rathburn63
2James Meek III48
3Donal Pilcher40
Mixed Recreation
1David Holliman55
2Caleb Collins34
3David Jolly31
3Lester Steele31
Mixed Novice
1Steven Nunn23
2Viet Huynh18
3Noah Theobald16
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 8/29/24

About this League

Singles league - 50 all-time players - 50 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
Top Gun Tuesday is a fun, sanctioned, flex-start league that takes place on Tuesdays. Join us on Tuesdays evenings between 4:30 - 6:00 pm beginning March 19th. (This will change as the days get longer. Buy-in is $7 to play, $2 CTP, and $1 for ace pot. Rolling Ace Pot is for ADGA members as this is an ADGA league. Paypal or Cash only. This will be a points-based league broken up into 3, 6-10 week sections. At the end of 3 league sections, we will declare a Top Gun for each division. I ...
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