2024 Wednesday's @ Indy Lake

April - August 2024 • Whitmore Lake, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool #2Club/Member Payout

as of August 22

Ace pool

as of August 22
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Aug 21, 2024 · Top scores
Independence Lake County Park
Red Hawk East
White tees (mid), 18 holes
-18 39
$$David Mayers(3)
Alex Dudek
-18 39
$$Don Cantwell(3)
$$Greg Harrell(3)
-16 41
$$Rob York(3)
$$Joseph LaPerna
Overall standings
1$$David Mayers(3)294
2$$Don Cantwell(3)258
3$$Joseph LaPerna245
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 8/22/24

About this League

Doubles league - 40 all-time players - 0 active players
$20.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
Club Indy Lake is back for another great year! We will keep everything the same as last year besides the day of the week. Random draw doubles. $5 buy in, $5 optional ace pool, and $2 optional 50/50. We will be doing the bag tags again for whoever buys into the club. I will be purchasing about 10-20 of these soon. This year we will be handing in tags at the beginning of every round and distribute them after. I did not keep up on this as much last year, but we will be using them more this year. Th ...
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League News

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   September 17 at 4:31pm


Thanks to everyone that came out for the skins match on Sunday at Bob's! I hope you all had a great time!

We changed up the format a bit, where skins would still be $30 per hole, but there would be a $10 CTP on every hole, and the player with the most skins would win an additional $50.

Skins won:
David Mayers: 12 skins for $360 + $50 for most skins
Joseph LaPerna: 6 skins for $180

Big thanks to Bob for having us out at his course. He had the course looking spectacular. Also thank ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   August 22 at 3:30am

(Week 17) 8/21/2024

Well, what a year it was! Thank you to everyone that came out tonight, and anyone that has helped support the league in general. You guys are the ones that made this such a great year. You guys rock! I also want to thank everyone that helped out tonight, either helping clean up, or helping pack up afterwards. I think it went pretty smooth! I really hope you guys had a great time tonight!

I also want to thank Discraft and Bob Julio for sponsoring us this year. They were a big part of our leagu ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   August 15 at 3:04am

(Week 16) 8/14/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out tonight. Winning with a 45 was David Mayers and Rob Smith splitting $50. Dustin Turner and Jay B took 2nd with a 47 and splitting $10. Nice shooting you guys!

We sold 20 tickets to the 50/50 putting the pot to $40. $12 was added to the payout pot, putting it to $895! Ace pool is at $615!

We are down to our last week!! Thanks to everyone that came out and helped make this a fun low-key league. We will be starting the raffle drawings next week at 5:30. Pizza, ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   August 8 at 1:20am

(Week 15) 8/7/2024

Thanks to all of you that came out this week. Shooting a 46 and splitting $50 was Kyle Greenhalgh and Rob York. Splitting $10 was Don Cantwell and Alex Skillman. Nice shooting guys. CTPs were won by Rob York and the 50/50 for $11 was won by David.

20 tickets were purchased, putting the Club payouts to $883. Ace pool is at $555.

Next week we will be playing the East course with holes 1, 11 and 14 from longs. CTPs will be on holes 2 and 17. 50/50 will be on hole 7. Next week we will start doing 50/50 raffle tickets, and the drawing will be on 8/21/24. Have a great week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   August 1 at 3:14am

(Week 14) 7/31/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out tonight. Winning with a 46 was David and Rob Y taking home $50. Don and Jay B split $10 for 2nd with a 47. Nice shooting guys! Winning the pre round CTP was Don, the other two were won by Rob Smith and David. Rob Y won the 50/50 for $10.

We had one person buy into the club, and sold 30 tickets tonight. That adds another $75, plus the $10 from the 50/50, putting the club payouts to $837! End of year payouts, as of right now, will go as follow:

1st: $100
2n ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   July 25 at 2:37pm

(Week 13) 7/24/2024

Thanks to all of you that came out last night. Winning with a 49 from longs was Don Cantwell and Alex Skillman splitting $50. Nice shooting guys. David and Don won the CTP's and Alex won the 50/50 for $9. We have a tight race for 5th place and entry into the skins match! Let's kick it into high gear for these last few weeks and make this as fun as we can.

For the next two weeks, we will be doing DOUBLE RAFFLE TICKETS. This will be the same as last time (2/$5, 10/$20, 20/$35) max of ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   July 18 at 2:02am

(Week 12) 7/17/2024

Thanks to Jacob for coming out with his merch and thanks to everyone else for coming out! Winning with a 46 was Rob Smith and Chris Smith splitting $50. Good shooting guys! Winning the pre-round CTP was Greg Harrell. David Mayers and Don Cantwell won the on course CTP's and the 50/50 was won by Jacob. Ace pool is at $410 and the player payouts is at $743.

Next week is DOUBLE POINTS!!! For those of you that are close to the top 5, this is your week to jump ahead of some people! To make it ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   July 11 at 1:55am

(Week 11) 7/10/2024

Thanks to the few of you that made it out this week. I was actually able to make it this week. Winning with a 49 and splitting $30 was myself and David Mayers. Don Cantwell won both CTP's and David won the 50/50 for $5. Ace pool is at $360 and the club payouts is at $733.

Next week is the East course with holes 4, 9 and 13 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 8 and 15. 50/50 will be hole 17. See you next week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   July 4 at 12:58am

(Week 10) 7/3/2024

Thanks to you guys that came out this week. Winning with a 44 was myself and David Mayers taking home $40. CTP's were won by DJ and David, and the 50/50 for $8 was won by Greg Harrell. Ace pool is now at $335 and there is $728 in the club payouts.

Next week I will not be at leagues (I forgot to mention this tonight) so I will have someone else run it next week. You guys will be playing the West course to the B position with holes 4, 9 and 16 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 2 and 14 and the 50/50 will be on hole 15. Good luck next week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 27 at 4:11am

(Week 9) 6/26/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out this week. Winning with a 44 was myself playing cali. Yay me! Gary and Don won the CTP's and Don also won the 50/50 for $7. The ace pool is at $295 and the payouts are at $715 ($7 from the 50/50 added).

Next week we will be playing the East course with holes 2, 8 and 16 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 5 and 15 and the 50/50 will be on hole 7. I will be up there early with the techdisc and net for you guys to mess with. Come on out! Have a great week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 20 at 2:09am

(Week 8) 6/19/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out this week for double points. Winning with a 47 and splitting $50 was David Mayers and Alex Skillman. Taking 2nd with a 48 and splitting $10 was Greg Harrell and Gary Chirhart. Good shooting guys! Ace pool is not at $260 and the club payouts are at $703 (1 ticket purchased for $5 + $10 from the 50/50).

Next week we will be playing the West course to 'A' with holes 5, 10 and 13 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 11 and 14 and the 50/50 will be hole 7. Hope to see you next week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 13 at 1:40am

(Week 7) 6/12/2024

Thanks to all of you that came out this week! We had a tie for 1st between Greg Harrell/Joseph LaPerna and David Mayers/Don Cantwell shooting a 46. We all split $40 and had Greg and I won the throw off for the extra $20. Ace pool is at $210. Club payouts are at $693 ($10 added from the 50/50. No raffle tickets were sold this week).

Next week we will be doing DOUBLE POINTS! We will be playing the East course with holes 1, 6, and 15 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 2, and 7 and the 50/50 ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 11 at 4:35pm


We will be playing the West course to the B position with holes 3, 12 and 18 from longs. CTP's will be on holes 4 and 9 and the 50/50 will be in hole 8. Ace pool is at $160. Cut off 5:30. I will be there around 4:30 to set the net and radar up. Hope to see you there!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 5 at 7:04pm


I am going to cancel tonight. Sorry everyone. We will play the same layout next week. Have a great week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   June 4 at 3:33am


Wednesday we will be playing the West course to the B position with holes 3, 12 and 18 from longs. The CTP will be on hole 4 and the 50/50 will be on hole 8. I will be at the course around 4:30 to set the net and radar up. Hope to see you Wednesday!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 30 at 2:16am

(Week 6) 5/29/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out tonight! Winning and splitting $50 with a 45 was Kyle Greenhalgh and Alex Skillman. Great shooting! Splitting $10 after a throw off was Rob Smith and Don Cantwell. $55 was added to the ace pool putting it to $160.

Raffle tickets sold tonight:

Greg Harrell- 20/$35
Rob York- 20/$35
Rob Smith- 10/$20
Don Cantwell- 10/$20
David Mayers- 10/$20

That adds $110 into the end of year payouts, as well as $11 from the 50/50, putting the total to $683. Thanks to ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 28 at 1:40am


Wednesday!! We will be playing the East course this week with holes 3, 7 and 17 from longs. CTP will be hole 2, 50/50 will be hole 8. $105 ace pool. 5:30 start time. Please contact me if you are running late.

This is the last week for double raffle tickets. We sold quite a few last week, and I appreciate all of you that bought tickets. More prizes will be added through the year. Hope to see you this week!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 23 at 2:06am

(Week 5) 5/22/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out this week! We had a nasty round from the winners tonight, David Mayers and Dan Lee, shooting a 45 and taking home $50. Great shooting guys!! David won the CTP and Chris Smith won the 50/50 for $11.

We sold a ton of tickets tonight. Breakdown is as follows:
Rob Y- 20 tickets ($38 for not wanting his change)
Greg Harrell- 20 tickets ($35)
Rob Smith- 10 tickets ($20)
Chris Smith- 10 tickets ($20)
Gary Chirhart- 10 tickets ($20)
Dan Lee- 2 tickets $10

Tha ... more

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 23 at 2:20am

**Dan Lee -2 Tickets ($5)

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 23 at 2:21am

**Another $138 to payouts, $537 total in the end of year payouts.

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 21 at 4:02pm

Tomorrow! 5:30 START

Tomorrow, we will be playing the West course from the white tees to the A position with holes 1, 8 and 17 from longs. The CTP will be on hole 4 and the 50/50 will be hole 11. Ace pool is at $50. $12 all in. 5:30 cut off.

Raffle tickets: If you buy raffle tickets between 5/22/2024 and 5/29/2024, you will receive double your tickets, up to 10 tickets! So, if you buy one ticket, you will get 2. If you buy 10, you will get 20, but no more than 10 tickets purchased will be given double tickets. Ti ... more

Joel Smith   May 22 at 9:19pm

I am planning on joining tonight. I might be a minute or two after 530.

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 16 at 3:52am

(Week 4) 5/15/2024

Thanks to everyone that came out! There were only 8 of us but we still had a bunch of CTP's to give out this week. Alex Skillman won the pre-round CTP. RobertJohn York won both CTP's on holes 5 and 16 and I won the 50/50 on hole 15. There will probably only be one CTP each week so we don't run out of discs too fast. If the league grows a bit more, I will throw in more.

Winning this week and splitting $40 was myself and Chris Smith, shooting a 47 (-10). I also finally decided to ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 14 at 2:36am

Wednesday! 5:30 START TIME!!

5:30PM START TIME!! We will be playing East from the white tees this week. CTP's on holes 5, and 16. and the 50/50 will be on hole 15. Ace pool is at $85. $360 in club payouts. I will be out there early with my new net and the radar. Please turn in your bag tags when you arrive. Please contact me if you are running late. 5:30PM START TIME!!

We will start to throw in some long holes in the next few weeks. I will post here and on DiscGolfScene what holes we will be playing.

We still hav ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 9 at 3:13am

(Week 3) 5/8/2024

Thanks to Greg for running things tonight! Winning with a 46 was Dave and Don taking home $40! Nice shooting. Not sure who won CTP and 50/50.

Next week we will be starting at 5:30PM to allow people more time to arrive. We have the daylight for it. We will be playing the East course from whites. Hope to see you there!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 7 at 3:24pm

Tomorrow! **NEXT WEEK 530PM START TIME**

I will not be at leagues tomorrow, but Greg Harrell will be running things on Wednesday. You guys will be playing the West course to the B position. CTP's will be on holes 9 and 11 and the 50/50 will be on hole 14. $12 all in. Ace pool is at $50. 5PM cut off. If you are running late, please contact me, and I will let Greg know. NEXT WEEK (5/15) we will be switching to 5:30PM to allow people more time to arrive. We have had plenty of daylight for it. Hope some of you can make it out!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 2 at 2:19am


I want to congratulate Rob Y for acing hole 8 and taking home $815 of our hard earned money! Nice shot! I will be adding $50 to the ace pool to get it back going.

Two teams tied for first place this week! Rob S/Josh B and Dan L/John J split 40 dollars and threw off for 10 (I messed up payouts again and payed an extra $10 out of my pocket because I am dumb). Good shooting guys! 3rd place and winning $10 was Greg H and Jay B. Brian O and Don C won CTP's and Rob S won the 50/50 for $16.

... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   May 1 at 3:39pm

TODAY (5/1/24)

We will be playing the East course from the white tees. CTPs will be on holes 2, and 17 and the 50/50 will be hole 8. $12 all in. Cut off is 5PM. $725 ace pool. $12 all in. Please contact me if you are running late. Hope to see you tonight!


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   April 25 at 2:03am


Well, I messed up payouts and overpaid first place, but Alyse and myself agreed to pay first place our payout, so no big deal there. I will have my payouts sheet next week so everyone can see how I have payouts set up and so my dumbass can remember. With that said, winning and splitting $80 was David M and Rob Y. CTP's were won by myself, David, and Gary. 50/50 for $15 went to Dustin.

I will walk out on the course and place the CTP and 50/50s next week so there are no issues. If you come ... more

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   April 25 at 6:01pm

Justin Leibold also bought into the club. That puts $195 in the payout pool.

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   April 24 at 3:25pm


Today is the day! We start league today on the West course to the A position. Cut off is 5PM but if you are running late, hit me up. $12 all in. Ace pool starts at $650. Members will get 100% ace payout, non members will get 75%. We will be doing a free pre round CTP for a disc. I also will have my net and radar up pre round as well. CTP's will be on holes 2, 8, 17 and the 50/50 will be on hole 11. Raffle tickets will be available at league starting today as well with a chance to win a Chai ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   April 17 at 3:36pm


We are one week away from the start of our third year of leagues! We will be starting off playing the West course to the A position. We will have THREE FREE CTP's the first week! CTP's will be on holes 2, 8 and 17. 50/50 will be on hole 11. $12 all in ($5 buy in, $5 ace pool, $2 50/50). 5PM cut off.

$650 ace pool to start the year!

The club fee is $20(optional). With your club membership, you will get a bag tag, 100% ace pool payout (non members will get 75%), and will be in the ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   April 5 at 12:10am

Sponsored by DISCRAFT!

We are now sponsored by Discraft! Big thanks to Bob Julio and Discraft for such a great opportunity! That being said, Discraft sent us some goodies for this year, one being a Chainstar Lite! We will be doing a raffle for the Chainstar Lite, as well as 4 or 5 other raffle items to help build funds for the end of year payout pool. The raffle will be $5 a ticket or 5 for $20. Also, there will be ways to make free tickets as well. For every 4 league rounds you play, you will get an extra ticket. The ... more


Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   February 27 at 4:15pm

We are on for WEDNESDAYS!

I decided to change the day to Wednesday's so some of our regulars can continue to make it this year. Hope you all are cool with the changes. Can't wait to get this party started!

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