2022 IDGC Pumpkin Spice Melee
October - December 2022 •
Appling, Georgia
PDGA-sanctioned singles league
PDGA-sanctioned singles league
7 rounds recorded $75 won |
· | Christopher Yow |
+13 81 12/11/22 | International Disc Golf Center, WR Jackson Memorial W.R. Jackson - Super Short, 18 holes | $5 cash | 1st place | |
+6 73 12/4/22 | International Disc Golf Center, Steady Ed Headrick Memorial Mad Professor - Long Tees, 18 holes | $5 cash | 1st place | |
+6 68 11/27/22 | International Disc Golf Center, Jim Warner Memorial The Jim Warner - Long Tees, 18 holes | $10 cash | 1st place | |
+16 84 11/20/22 | International Disc Golf Center, WR Jackson Memorial W.R. Jackson - Short Tees, 18 holes | $5 cash | 2nd place | |
+1 63 11/6/22 | International Disc Golf Center, Jim Warner Memorial The Jim Warner - Short Tees, 18 holes | $15 cash | 1st place | |
+19 87 10/30/22 | International Disc Golf Center, WR Jackson Memorial W.R. Jackson - Long Tees, 18 holes | $15 cash | 1st place | |
+6 68 10/23/22 | International Disc Golf Center, Steady Ed Headrick Memorial Rockin' Out - Long Tees, 18 holes | $20 cash | 1st place |