This page exists to provide a place for Pierce County League Tag holders to play for and keep track of their tags. These bag tags exist to add a little competitive fun for both casual and sanctioned play for players in Pierce County. This is a symbol of your involvement and support for disc golf in Pierce County. Playing for tags can be a great way to add some friendly competition to your round and identify other members of our club.
Any time tags are exchanged, one person from the group should submit a Bag Tag update to keep the list updated.
Pierce County League Tag Rules:
1. Tags are always in play during scored singles rounds.
2. Players may agree to play for tags in other formats as agreed upon.
3. Format and rulings should be agreed upon before starting each round.
1. In order for League Tag challenge play to work, all reasonable challenges must be accepted.
2. Challenges are to be made by choosing times and courses that are reasonable.
3. The higher Bag Tag number challenges the lower Bag Tag number.
4. If the challenger wins the round, the tags are exchanged.
5. Ties between players are won by the player who held the lower numbered bag tag at the start of the round.
Example: Player 1 starts the round with bag tag #5. Player 2 starts the round with bag tag #8. In the event of a tie at the end of the round, Player 1 will retain their bag tag.
6. If a player does not complete a bag tag challenge round, the exiting player should trade tags with the player with the highest tag number.
1. In tournament, league, and large group rounds all tags are in play. If players are playing different layouts, tags shall be in play amongst the players in each group playing the same set of layouts.
2. Before Round 1, tags should be collected by the event organizer or the player with the lowest tag number.
3. Following the last round, tags shall be distributed based on total score for the event.
4. Any ties will result in the lower tag going to the player who started with a lower number.
*Any questions or notifications of lost tags should be addressed to [email redacted]
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