2020 Deer Lakes PDGA League

June - October 2020 • Tarentum, Pennsylvania
PDGA-sanctioned singles league

Ace pool #2Birdie Pot

as of October 24

Ace poolAce Pot

as of October 24
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
PDGA results August 31 - October 26
PDGA results June 15 - August 24


Oct 5, 2020 · Top scores
Deer Lakes Park
Red Tees - Weeks 14-16, 18 holes
-14 52
Chris Lachendro$22
-13 53
Dan Horwat$14
-11 55
Matt Rosier
-13 53
Anthony Prior$17
-12 54
Joshua Charlton$13
-10 56
Ben Zebrasky$10
-8 58
Michael McCormick$20
-7 59
James McBride$15
-5 61
Micah Beideman$12
Overall standings
1Matt Rosier153.5
2Jeremiah Libby119
3Eric Nichols107.5
1Adam Couture166.5
2Anson Reppermund147.5
3Anthony Prior121
Advanced Women
1Lea Vasey2
1Lauren Boyle2
1Micah Beideman219.5
2Tim Sladisky189
3Jeff Snyder126
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/6/20

About this League

Singles league - 102 all-time players - 0 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
PDGA Sanctioned League at Deer Lakes Park on Monday evenings. $7 entry fee with $6 going to payout and $1 going to league fees. Pay tables for Pro and Amateur divisions is posted in the pictures section. Divisions offered will be Open, Advanced, Intermediate, and Advanced Women. If 4 or more people are interested in a division, additional divisions may be offered. Everyone will be paid out in cash. Optional $1 CTP, $1 Ace/Albatross Pot, $1 Birdie Pot. Entry plus all optional buyins is a ...
continue reading ›

League News

Matt Rosier   October 24, 2020 at 11:28pm

Year End Summary

Firstly, I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who came out to this year’s Deer Lakes League under the crazy circumstances that we had. It was awesome to see everyone out there in these strange times and most importantly, keep everyone safe playing the sport we love. It was very weird, but everyone worked through it and I think that things went rather smoothly.

All of the new players this year was absolutely awesome to see. This year we had 103 different players playing a total ... more


Matt Rosier   October 7, 2020 at 12:18pm

Final Week Results

It was awesome to see a total of 27 people make it out for the final Deer Lakes League of the year! The hot score of the day in the Open field went to Chris "CTP" Lachendro with a -14, 52 who, for the third week in a row, also walked away with the CTP on hole 8 for another $26. Shooting his highest rating ever, Macky D snuck out a win in the Advanced division with a -13, 52 while Michael McCormick also saved his best for last with his highest rating ever taking down the Intermediate ... more


Matt Rosier   October 5, 2020 at 5:04pm

Don't forget to sign up for the final league night tonight!

We were pushing daylight last week, so please lets limit groups to 3 people only this evening. I'll be arriving by 4:30. Last card will go out no later than 5:00 to be sure we have enough light to finish.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   October 2, 2020 at 9:26pm

10/5 - Red Tees - Last Tee 5:00 - FINAL WEEK!!!

Due to it being hard to play disc golf in the dark, this will be our final week of league. Hope to see everyone one last time before we pack it up for the winter.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 8
Ace/Albatross Pot: $200 (pays 40%)
Birdie+ Pot: $65 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 4, 12, 15, 17
-Advanced: 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17
-Open: 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17


Matt Rosier   September 30, 2020 at 11:49pm

Week 15 Results

The red tees don't disappoint and continue to produce tons of scores under par this week with Adam Couture, Jeremiah Libby, Nate Langer, and myself all shooting -12, 54s. Adam took down the Advanced division handily with his score while the other three of us tied for the win in Open. Micah Beideman continued his domination of the Intermediate division shooting 1 shot off the hot round with a -11, 55 to snag his 5th win of the year. Chris "CTP" Lachendro once again walks away wi ... more


Matt Rosier   September 28, 2020 at 7:19pm

Missing payments

Looks like I am missing some payments from folks for this evening. Please true up before league. I'd also prefer that we go out in as many 3-somes as possible so that we can be sure we are done before dark.

Missing payment:
Libby (not enough credit)
Chad Anderson
Jarred Fechter
Pete Paredes

If I missed your payment, feel free to let me know!


Matt Rosier   September 27, 2020 at 11:00pm

9/28 - Red Tees - Last Tee 5:00

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 1 (2nd shot)
Ace/Albatross Pot: $174 (pays 40%)
Birdie+ Pot: $41 (pays 60%
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 1, 7, 13, 15
-Advanced: 1, 4, 7, 13, 15, 17
-Open: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17


Matt Rosier   September 27, 2020 at 10:54pm

Week 14 Results - Better late than never...

Sorry for my tardiness on the results from last week. Cody Winget shot the hot round on the week shooting a -15, 51 from the red tees to take down the win in Open. Anson Reppermund snagged the win in Advanced with a -14, 52 which would have taken 2nd in Open and Micah Beideman dominated the Intermediate field dropping a -12, 54 (963 rated!!!). I didn't hear about anyone beating Chris Lachendro's CTP on hole 12, so he'll walk away with an additional $27.

The big winner on the ... more


Matt Rosier   September 18, 2020 at 12:20pm

9/21 - RED Tees!!! - Last Tee 5:00

Due to decreasing daylight, this week will be our first RED tee round! Lets see lots of eagles and birdies this week!

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 12
Ace/Albatross Pot: $241 (pays 40%)
Birdie+ Pot: $30
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 5, 8, 14, 17
-Advanced: 3, 5, 8, 14, 17, 18
-Open: 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18


Matt Rosier   September 18, 2020 at 12:12pm

Week 13 Results!

For the last white tee round of the year, Ben Zebrasky and Eric Nichols shot the hot rounds of the day with -7, 59s taking down the Advanced and Open fields respectively. Shooting smoking hot rounds out of the Intermediate field was Mike Ruby with a -5, 61 (947 rated!) and Dustin Schrock with a -4, 62 (938 rated!). Zach Guiciardi snagged the 2nd shot CTP on hole 6 for an extra $20.


Matt Rosier   September 14, 2020 at 11:33am

Please sign up by 3:00 today!

I'll arrive by 4:15 to start sending folks out. 5pm will be last tee time to beat daylight. If you signed up, but can't make it, please let me know.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   September 9, 2020 at 11:51am

9/14 - White Tees - Last Tee 5:00

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 6 (2nd shot)
Ace/Albatross Pot: $241 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $30
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 4, 9, 18
-Advanced: 4, 5, 9, 18
-Open: 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 18


Matt Rosier   September 9, 2020 at 11:50am

Labor Day Results

32 people came out for a nice leisurely stroll through Deer Lakes Park on this past Labor Day in an attempt to tame the blue tees. Andrew Greenslade and J. Gary walked away with the hot rounds on the day, both shooting -7, 59s to take down the Open field while Anson Reppermund put down a -3, 63 to snag the win in Advanced. Mike McCormick ran away with the win in Intermediate with a +2, 68 and Lea Vasey dominated the women's division. Mike also walked home with an extra $25 for absolutely ... more


Matt Rosier   September 7, 2020 at 1:06am

Tee off 9-10am

If you haven't signed up yet, please do it by 7am tomorrow. Burgers, dogs, and brews are all bought for the cookout. I'm trying to arrive by 9am with the last card heading out by 10am.



Matt Rosier   September 6, 2020 at 1:02pm

Don't forget to sign up for tomorrow's Labor Day special

If you could sign up by 4pm today so that I know how much stuff to buy, it would be greatly appreciated. You can still sign up afterwards, it just makes it a little harder for me. Reminder that it is a 10am tee off.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   September 3, 2020 at 2:26pm

Labor Day Special - Blue Tees - Last Tee @ 10am!

It's time for our Labor Day Special and you know what that means; Blue Tees!!! BJ has been kind enough to put a lot of the pins in the short positions, but you still gotta get off the tees.

After the round, join us at the pavilion by hole 9 for hot dogs and hamburgers and some adult pops. After the cookout we'll have our tradition red/white/blue doubles round with teams made based off of your blue round scores (best score paired with worst score, etc.). Doubles will be free entry ... more


Matt Rosier   September 1, 2020 at 12:58pm

Week 11 Results

Some people got scared of a little drizzle this week, but 30 folks still came out to battle against a little humidity. Chris Lachendro grabbed his first win of the year in open shooting a -8, 58 while Zach Guiciardi and Josh Gibbons tied for the win in Intermediate with -6, 60s. Jared Fechter also grabbed his first win of the year beating out the Intermediate field with a -1, 65.

For the 74th week in a row, the birdie pot was hit, this time by Zach Guiciardi as he birdied holes 4, 5, 14, an ... more


Matt Rosier   August 31, 2020 at 4:05pm

Please sign up before 3:00 today!

Just a reminder to please sign up if you haven't yet. I'll be arriving a little after 4:30 today to get folks off. If you are going out as a 4-some, please head out before 5:00. Don't want you to get stuck out in the dark. Last tee will be 5:15.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   August 29, 2020 at 11:42pm

8/31 - White Tees - Last Tee 5:15

I'm not ready to be done disc golfing yet, so I sanctioned another 9 weeks of league. We're going to need to beat daylight and probably play some red tees towards the end, but lets see how long we can continue to play. I'll try to arrive by 4:30 this week so that early birds can head out.

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https:/ ... more


Matt Rosier   August 29, 2020 at 5:29pm

Week 10 Results

This week we had a league record 45 people come out to play Deer Lakes League! Good thing that Allegheny County just raised their outdoor limit to 100 people so we can continue to grow!

Shooting the hot round this week and the hot round on the year, but not a league record was Philo taking down the open field with a -14, 52. Anson Reppermund and Adam Couture tied for the win in Advanced with a couple of hot -6, 60s!. Micah Beideman won Intermediate with an even, 66 and Lauren Boyle got the ... more


Matt Rosier   August 24, 2020 at 4:38pm

Don't forget to sign up and pay!

Reminder that the last cards need to go off by 5:15 today so that we beat daylight. Also got a couple of people who haven't paid yet, so please do that before this evening!

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

Matt Rosier   August 24, 2020 at 6:33pm

Devin Shumaker, Aiden Landis, Dan Horwat, and Jared Fechter need to pay.

Matt Rosier   August 21, 2020 at 12:41pm

8/24 - White Tees - Last Tee 5:15

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 15
Ace/Albatross Pot: $153 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $34 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 13, 14
-Advanced: 2, 13, 14, 15
-Open: 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17


Matt Rosier   August 18, 2020 at 12:18pm

Week 9 Results

On another picture perfect night, 36 folks came out to conquer Deer Lakes. Completely slaying the field out of the Advanced division was Josh Gibbons who shot his first ever 1000 rated round with a -12, 54, one stroke off of the league record for the year. Thankful of Josh playing in Advanced, I took down the Open win with a -9, 57. Scott Rogel snagged his first win in Intermediate shooting a 67.

For the 4th time this year, the birdie pot gets hit again. Dave Lachendro walks away with $53 ... more


Matt Rosier   August 17, 2020 at 5:48pm

Don't forget to sign up and pay for league tonight

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

Missing payments from the following people. If you have already paid and I missed it, feel free to yell at me:
Eric Driscoll
Casey Mann
Aiden Landis
Tyler Presloid
Patrick Graziani
William Holland
Liam Russell


Matt Rosier   August 16, 2020 at 10:41pm

8/17 - White Tees - NEW START TIME - Last Tee 5:15!!!

Woops. Sorry for the late post. Due to decreasing daylight, the last card will go off at 5:15 this week! I will arrive at 4:45 to start sending cards out. Masks continue to be required in the parking lot.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 13 (2nd shot)
Ace/Albatross Pot: $123 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $58 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 8, 18
-Advanced: 2, 8, 13, 18
-Open: 2, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18


Matt Rosier   August 12, 2020 at 2:30pm

Week 8 Results

The hot scores continue to roll in this week as another 41 players came out on a beautiful Monday evening. Topping everyone this week was Eric Nichols matching the low score on the year with a -13, 53 for unofficially his highest rating ever at 1008! Josh Gibbons would have tied for 2nd in the Open field shooting a -10, 56 for his 2nd highest rating ever at 980 to win Advanced. And Micah Beideman and Pete Paredes ran away from the Intermediate field, both shooting -3, 63s. Cody Winget snagge ... more


Matt Rosier   August 10, 2020 at 12:24pm

Please try to sign up by noon today

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

Just a reminder that it makes it a lot easier if you sign up by noon for me. If you haven't paid yet, please remember to do so or I'll call you out this afternoon.

Due to the decreasing daylight, I'll be arriving at 4:45 today to get some cards out earlier. I would prefer that any cards that go out after 5:15 would play as 3-somes so that we can be sure to get everyone though before dark.


Matt Rosier   August 6, 2020 at 1:13pm

8/10 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30 - Masks Required in Parking Lot

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 2
Ace/Albatross Pot: $90 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $25 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 5, 14
-Advanced: 2, 5, 13, 14
-Open: 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 17


Matt Rosier   August 4, 2020 at 2:46am

Roll out the money wheelbarrows!

There must have been something in the air tonight as the scores were smokin' hot! To start out, we had a normal week league record 41 people attend, just 1 shy of the all time record. Hot rounds for the year were shot in Open and Intermediate and was only one stroke off of the hot round in Advanced.

Kicking off the moneybag presentation is Kurt Poole who takes home $136 for his sweet ace on the elevated hole #8! Then, for the second week in a row, the birdie pot was cashed in... by tw ... more


Matt Rosier   August 3, 2020 at 6:23pm

Need payment from a couple of folks

Unless I missed your payment, I need payment from the following people:
- Dan Ruby
- Joe Bifulco
- Michael McCormick
- Chris Deitzel

Also, Brent Shultz. You tried to pay me through Venmo in the parking lot last week and in checking my records, it doesn't look like it went through. Can you double check, and if it didn't go through, send payment.



Matt Rosier   August 3, 2020 at 2:25pm

Yinz better not forget to sign up n@

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   August 2, 2020 at 1:59am

8/3 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30 - Masks Required in Parking Lot

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 4
Ace/Albatross Pot: $191 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $132 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 4, 13
-Advanced: 2, 4, 13, 18
-Open: 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 18


Matt Rosier   August 1, 2020 at 5:29pm

Week 6 Results - Birdie Pot Hit!

A light sprinkle of rain couldn't cool off the hot scores that were dropped out at Deer Lakes this past week. Jeremiah Libby followed up his win last week with another one this week dropping a -11, 55. Macky D and Adam Couture shared the win in Advanced shooting 61s while Jesse Holeczy snagged the win in Intermediate with a 63. Dave Wolfrey snagged the CTP on hole 7 for $29.

But the big winner of the day was Jarrett Johnston who, despite only birdieing 8 holes, won the birdie pot getting holes 2, 9, 10, 13, 17, and 18. For the birdie pot, Jarrett walks away with $156!


Matt Rosier   July 27, 2020 at 1:06pm

Sign up!

Looks like the rain isn't supposed to arrive until after league today, so be sure to sign up and get to Deer Lakes tonight!

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   July 24, 2020 at 2:51pm

7/27 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30 - Masks Required in Parking Lot

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 7
Ace/Albatross Pot: $163 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $259 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 9, 18
-Advanced: 2, 9, 13, 18
-Open: 2, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18


Matt Rosier   July 23, 2020 at 3:43pm


Since we have a lot of new players to the league this year, I just wanted to drop a reminder that this is a PDGA sanctioned league and therefore PDGA rules do apply and are required to be followed. If you are unfamiliar with the rules, I suggest that you take some time to at least quickly scan them over. https://www.pdga.com/book/export/html/236656

A couple of highlights:
- There are no gimmies. You must hole out each whole. Even if you are 2' from the basket, you are not allowed to jus ... more


Matt Rosier   July 21, 2020 at 1:15pm

Week 5 Results

Will anyone hit the birdie pot this year? Payout will easily be over $150 for the next person to hit it, so get those birdies!

Congratulations to this week's winners. Jeremiah Libby shot the hot round on the day in the Open field with a 56. Josh Gibbons broke Adam's winning streak taking down the Advanced field with a 59 and Jonathan Olshock knocked Tim off of the Intermediate throne shooting a 66. Andrew Greenslade snagged the 2nd shot CTP on hole 18 for an extra $27 (boo).


Matt Rosier   July 21, 2020 at 12:57am

Confirm your scores

Joe Bifulco, John Buss, Anson Reppermund, Jason Stoner. Whoever kept score on your scorecard needs to confirm the scores. Should be a red X next to everyone's name and you need to type in their last name.


Matt Rosier   July 20, 2020 at 12:46pm

Hey, you. Don't forget to sign up.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   July 19, 2020 at 1:00am

7/20 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30 - Masks Required in Parking Lot

Continuing with the Allegheny County requirements I will again ask that people wear masks when checking in and when they may come within 6' of another person.

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

CTP Hole: 18 (2nd shot)
Ace/Albatross Pot: $136 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $234 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 8, 9, 18
-Advanced: 5, 8, 9 18
-Open: 5, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18


Matt Rosier   July 15, 2020 at 8:07pm

Week 4-ish Results!

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for adhering to the Allegheny County Health Department regulations to wear masks while congregating. The last thing I want to do is to have league canceled because concerned citizens saw a lot of people gathering and I think this shows that we can continue to put on events during these hard times. Secondly, I am aware I messed something up with the PDGA site. I have an email out to them to get it fixed up.

Congratulations to this week's winners. Shoo ... more


Matt Rosier   July 12, 2020 at 11:23pm

Don't forget to sign up and pay before noon tomorrow

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   July 9, 2020 at 12:20pm

We're Back! Masks required in the parking lot to play league!

With the latest order from the Allegheny County Health Department allowing gatherings of up to 50 people outside, we are a go for league on Monday! With this order, there is one important change; you are required to wear a mask any time you may come within 6' of another individual. This means that masks will be REQUIRED upon check-in. Once you have checked it and disperse so that you are no longer 6' from anyone you may remove your mask. We have a great relationship with the county ... more


Matt Rosier   July 3, 2020 at 3:50am

League canceled 7/6

Due to the recent order of no gatherings of greater than 25 people for one week from the Allegheny County Health Department we will not be having league this coming week. Hopefully things clear up and we can play again on 7/13. Stay tuned!


Matt Rosier   June 30, 2020 at 1:49pm

Week 3 Results - 36 Players!!!

Wow! 36 players came out to league this week to enjoy the beautiful weather and well manicured fairways at Deer Lakes. This is by far our largest normal week turnout!

The hot round of the day was shot by Mark Fedorenko in Open with a 55 quashing the division with ease. Ryan Szoldatits and Adam Couture tied for the win in Advanced shooting 61s while Tim Sladisky took down the monster, 17 person Intermediate field with a 63. The big winner on the day was Dustin Schrock who absolutely parked the CTP on hole 11 and takes home an extra $33!


Matt Rosier   June 28, 2020 at 7:58pm

20 Hour Reminder!

Please don't forget to sign up for league tomorrow by noon. Weather looks to be awesome!

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o


Matt Rosier   June 25, 2020 at 4:42pm

Week 3 - 6/29 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

Please be sure to sign up at this link above. If you cashed last week, your credit can be found at the credit link above as well. Deadline for signups is noon on Monday. Meet between 5:00 and 5:30 to tee off. Last card goes out at 5:30.

CTP Hole: 11
Ace/Albatross Pot: $76 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $175 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 4, 14, 15
-Advanced: 4, 14, 15, 18
-Open: 4, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18


Matt Rosier   June 24, 2020 at 6:19pm

Week 2 Results

A quick deluge of rain couldn't cool down all of the hot shooting that occurred this week at league. Hot scores of the day were shot by Nate Langer in Open and Adam Couture in Advanced who both shot 11 under 55s! Currently sitting at an unofficial 990, this is Nate's 3rd highest rated round and Adam's highest by 20 points! Jesse Holeczy snuck out a win in the Intermediate division with a 2 under 64. Unless someone beat him out, I believe that Wyatt Jagger took home the CTP on ... more

Matt Rosier   June 24, 2020 at 6:36pm

Current credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr

Matt Rosier   June 22, 2020 at 7:15pm

We are a go for tonight

It looks like the rain will be passing over by time league starts so we will be off and going at 5:00. Obviously if lightening is in the area, the round will be canceled, but the forecast looks good right now.


Matt Rosier   June 21, 2020 at 7:33pm

Reminder to sign up

Just a friendly reminder to please sign up and pay by noon tomorrow.

Sign up form: https://forms.gle/xk7ypYfyP6Sp1z3RA
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/ycrm8w3o

Matt Rosier   June 22, 2020 at 10:16am

I do see that there is a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. In the case of a cancellation, obviously everyone will receive credit for what they have paid to be used for future weeks or I can issue refunds.

Matt Rosier   June 17, 2020 at 11:40am

Week 2 - 6/22 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/nC9vRptpYtNgHmwe8
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ybggmzzr

Please be sure to sign up at this link above. If you cashed last week, your credit can be found at the credit link above as well. Deadline for signups is noon on Monday.

CTP Hole: 5
Ace/Albatross Pot: $168 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $154 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 9, 15
-Advanced: 2, 9, 15, 18
-Open: 2, 3, 9, 15, 16, 18


Matt Rosier   June 17, 2020 at 11:27am

Week 1 Results

It was so awesome to see 27 people come out to the first week of league this year which was the most people ever for a normal week. A huge thanks to everyone who signed up and paid online prior to league as I think it went pretty smoothly. If there is anything that you think can be done better or have any other suggestions, please let me know.

Making his Open debut and shooting his best round ever by 30 points, Matthew Horrell dominated the open field shooting a -10, 56. Also moving up for ... more


Matt Rosier   June 15, 2020 at 4:14pm

Week 1 ready to go. 5:30 last tee-off

Big thanks to the 24 people who have signed up and paid electronically for league tonight. I plan to arrive by 5:00 to start checking people in. The last card will go out at 5:30.

When you arrive, please check in with me. Once 3 or 4 people are ready to go out, you can form a group and hit the course. If you would like to change divisions, just let me know and I can move ya around.

For payouts, I will just keep track of your rolling balance throughout the year to avoid having to send ... more


Matt Rosier   June 14, 2020 at 9:34pm

Don't forget to sign up and pay before noon tomorrow

Hello All, please remember to sign up at the google form below and send payment to me either on paypal or venmo.


Currently missing payment from:
-Andrew Greenslade
-Eric Nichols
-Anson Reppermund

The OB is a little sketchy on hole 8. Please see the picture in the pictures section to see how it should be played. As always, if it is unclear, the player gets the benefit of the call.

Anson Reppermund   June 15, 2020 at 1:49pm

whats your venmo?

Matt Rosier   June 15, 2020 at 2:06pm


Matt Rosier   June 9, 2020 at 6:36pm

Week 1 - 6/15 - White Tees - Last tee @ 5:30

Lets go! In order to reduce exposure, please sign up through the online form located here (https://forms.gle/Uttttpesv2s6shdM7) prior to noon on Monday and send your entry fee through either paypal or venmo. I plan to arrive at the course around 5:00 to start sending groups off with the last group heading out at 5:30.

CTP Hole: 2
Ace/Albatross Pot: $144 (pays 60%)
Birdie+ Pot: $130 (pays 60%)
Birdie Holes:
-Intermediate: 2, 8, 18
-Advanced: 2, 5, 8, 18
-Open: 2, 5, 7, 8, 16, 18

If ... more


Matt Rosier   June 9, 2020 at 6:29pm

Warm Up Results

Man. It was awesome to see everyone back out at Deer Lakes for the warm up week. We had a total of 23 people come out! Congratulations to each of the division winners who won a $10 credit to be used for future weeks;
Open - Chris Lachendro - 58
Advanced - Brad Sauder - 62
Intermediate - Wyatt Jagger - 63

Next week we do it for real!


Matt Rosier   June 8, 2020 at 10:32am

Warm up week - 6/8/2020

This week will be a warm-up week from the white tees with no entry fees. Tee off by 5:30, so please arrive before then. Winners in each division will win a $10 credit to be used as entry for future weeks.

I plan to arrive by 5:00 to send groups out as we have enough people to try to reduce the amount of congregating in the parking lot. This week will be a little messy as we won't have PDGA live scoring, but I am looking for folks to keep score on their scoring app of choice and to write down their scores on my sign-in sheet at my car after the round. Hope to see y'all out there!


Matt Rosier   June 5, 2020 at 12:17am

League returns this Monday!!1!1!!!one!!!

We have the go-ahead from the park to start league play this Monday, so lets play some disc golf! This first week will be an informal week from the white tees before we jump into the rated rounds on 6/15. There will be NO entry fee this week and I'll bring some discs to give away to the winners of each division.

Unfortunately, due to the world that we live in now, there are going to be some changes to how league is run. Firstly, please take a look at the Requirements and Best Practice ... more

Matt Rosier   June 5, 2020 at 12:17am

Again, no entry fees this week, and you don't have to sign in, but if you could take a look at the sign-in sheet and try to break it, it would be appreciated. If there is anything that you see missing, please let me know. https://forms.gle/vYE2X4iYAhFvgny36

B. J. Reiher   June 5, 2020 at 12:30pm

I tried to break it.

Matt Rosier   May 31, 2020 at 8:46pm

Time to play some disc golf?

With Allegheny County going green next week, I expect that we will be able to start up league finally. I am going to double check with the park just to confirm that we aren't doing anything against their guidance, but I hope to have league starting up June 8th!


Matt Rosier   May 5, 2020 at 9:21pm

Still Postponed...

Hopefully no one showed up last night as the PDGA has suspended sanctioned play through May; therefore, official league rounds will start no sooner than June 1st.


Matt Rosier   March 21, 2020 at 11:46pm

Start of League Postponed

Unfortunately with the Covid-19 kicking around, the PDGA has suspended all events including league until the end of April; therefore, league will not be starting April 6th as originally planned. At this time, the plan is to get this thing up and kicking May 4th. Stay tuned for any changes.


Matt Rosier   February 17, 2020 at 4:36pm

Changes to the birdie pot for 2020

So, I was bored at work at some point last year and with the ability to look at all of the live scores, I dug into the possibility for each of the divisions to hit the birdie pot and found that there were some holes that just did not get birdied by some divisions. Therefore, I am changing the birdie pot to have seeded holes. This should even out the chances of the birdie pot getting hit across divisions instead of it just seeming to get hit by the open players.

I broke the holes into three ... more

Robin WW   February 17, 2020 at 6:22pm

.56% is about 1 out of every 179 rounds. Is it really hit that infrequent? And 1.03% is about one every 97 rounds... I guess that's right. Thanks for the math!

Matt Rosier   February 17, 2020 at 4:14pm

The 2020 season starts Monday, April 6th!!!


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