2018 Club Ninja Winter League

October '18 - April '19 • Hamburg, Michigan
Doubles league

Overall Leaderboard · Mike "Hot Damn" Franklin's stats

14 rounds recorded
$10 won
95 total points (17th overall)
· Mike "Hot Damn" Franklin

Round history

+4 58
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course
Yellow tees (short) to Champ Baskets, 18 holes
Partner Brad "Old Man" Chartier
- no cash7 points8th place
+17 73
Big Portage Lake
Regular tees, 18 holes
played Cali
- no cash6.5 points5th place
+7 83
Holly Woods
24 Holes, 24 holes
Partner John "Victim" Levitt
- no cash5.5 points7th place
+7 61
Merrill Park West, The Gulch
18 Short, 18 holes
Partner Dane "Mounty" Racicot
- no cash7 points7th place
-7 49
Meyer Broadway Park, North course
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Cameron "Duke" Anthony
$10 cash12.5 points2nd place
+4 58
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk X
Regular tees, 18 holes
Partner Kevin "Oprah" Schaller
- no cash8 points5th place
+1 55
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Alysha "Lady Duchess" Shoner
- no cash5 points8th place
+7 65
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust South
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Jeanette "Loose Coozy" Singer
- no cash4.5 points8th place
+5 77
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk
Red tees (short), 24 holes
Partner Casey "Sensei" Maloney
- no cash4.5 points8th place
+19 73
Victory Park
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Casey "Sensei" Maloney
- no cash5 points7th place
-2 52
Oshtemo Township Park
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Ryan "Shooter" Shoner
- no cash11.5 points3rd place
E 81
Bandemer Park
All tees, 27 holes
Partner Jonathan "Breeze" Brzys
- no cash3 points9th place
+2 74
Cold Brook Park
Regular tees, 24 holes
Partner Shane "ANHNN" Bates
- no cash7.5 points6th place
+1 55
Merrill Park West, The Gulch
18 Longs, 18 holes
Partner Jared "Professor" Utke
- no cash7.5 points7th place
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