2018 Club Ninja Winter League

October '18 - April '19 • Hamburg, Michigan
Doubles league

Overall Leaderboard · Dane "Mounty" Racicot's stats

12 rounds recorded
$64 won
126 total points (13th overall)
· Dane "Mounty" Racicot

Round history

-1 53
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course
Yellow tees (short) to Champ Baskets, 18 holes
Partner Joseph "Spyke Hyzer" Contratto
$6 cash15 points4th place
+7 61
Merrill Park West, The Gulch
18 Short, 18 holes
Partner Mike "Hot Damn" Franklin
- no cash7 points7th place
-21 51
Addison Oaks County Park
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Jared "Professor" Utke
$20 cash13 points1st place
-1 53
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills
Long tees, 18 holes
Partner Jared "Professor" Utke
$20 cash15 points1st place
 Hole 15$32 cash0 pointsAce Hole 15
+5 59
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk X
Regular tees, 18 holes
Partner Joseph "Spyke Hyzer" Contratto
- no cash5 points7th place
+3 75
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course
Blue tees (long), 24 holes
Partner Paul "Groot" Feeny
$8 cash13 points3rd place
-4 68
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner John "Victim" Levitt
- no cash10.5 points3rd place
-4 50
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Kevin "Oprah" Schaller
- no cash10 points5th place
+4 59
Cass Benton Hills
Short tees, 18 holes
Partner Jeanette "Loose Coozy" Singer
- no cash7 points5th place
-3 51
Heritage Park
White tees (mid), 18 holes
Partner Kevin "Oprah" Schaller
- no cash10.5 points4th place
-2 79
Freedom Park
27 holes played 3 times, 27 holes
Partner Mike "Princess" Troczynski
- no cash4.5 points7th place
-1 53
Merrill Park West, The Gulch
18 Longs, 18 holes
Partner Bill "Quinn" Quinn
$10 cash15.5 points2nd place
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