2016 Discin In The Dark

September - November 2016 • New Berlin, Wisconsin
Singles league

Ace pool

as of November 28
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Nov 28, 2016 · Top scores
Valley View Park
Short tees, 18 holes
-4 50
Nick Williams$8
-2 52
Mike Harrington$4
-1 53
Zach Otto
-7 47
Danny Schaff$11
E 54
Adam MacPherson$7
+1 55
Ryan Hinterberg$2
-4 50
Martin Petroviak$9
-4 50
Josh Narvett$9
-1 53
Joey Tooley$2
Overall standings
1Mike Harrington58
1Joe Besler58
3Kyle Sparrow54.5
1Ryan Hinterberg70.5
2Danny Schaff67.5
3Brian Williams60.5
1Martin Petroviak58
2Brett Buss57
3Josh Narvett47
1Brittany Palechek6
2Vincent Buckley1
1Danielle Cole19.5
2Carrie Daubner19
3Jamie Young6
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 11/28/16

About this League

Singles league - 67 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This is one of my most popular leagues. We light up the baskets with little LED lights and you can use glow discs or attach little LED lights (which I sell for $2 per light) to your discs so you can find them. We play 12 weeks to take us up through November and the best 9 weeks will count towards the season long points total. There are still divisions for all skill level and you might be surprised . . . I actually had a better scoring average during the glow league than I did in the summer league last year because you don't even see the trees and you just need to execute your shot.

League News

Mike Harrington   October 12, 2016 at 3:36pm

This weeks Bonus sidegame was . . .

Beat your average score where if you beat your average score (and I will go back to the other Monday leagues if necessary) you get $2 extra . . . if you tie (or very close to) your average score you get $1 . . . and if you failed to meet your average score you get no additional payout. Women will receive an extra $1 if they beat their average but nothing if they tie their average). I think I will do this again next week and I even have a way to take it a step further in a future week. I will add ... more

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